Funny, Strange, Random Pics


basically, you cannot do anything better on a gaming pc.
console gaming is pure logic. i don?t really understand why somebody would defend pc gaming - to be specific, refer to himself as masterrace (and in real, these fuckers are 11-13 yrs. old spoiled brats and basement dwellers, or the fat buddy from your picture). you can have nearly the same graphic (except 4k - but only 4-5% of all pc gamers have the hardware to run 4K properly) on the next gen consoles, you have better and more exclusive games on consoles. Steam maybe have 6000 games, but 95% is just shovelware. You don?t have the typical windows related issues and problems on a console, no shitting around with drivers (oh, how we console owners point and chuckle at pc websites where the incumbent expert attempts to explain to some poor sap that his three-month old (and thus obsolete) quad-ams 3000 and nvidia orgasmo-card won't actually run generic 10fps because it's got driver 1.1 instead of 1.1a.). we have 2016, there is no need for a gaming pc. for the price of a halfway good gaming pc you can purchase all 3 next gen consoles, some extra controllers, all handhelds and approx. 30 games in the goty edition. and you cannot play all the glorious console exclusive games on a pc. console gaming has a way better price/performance ratio than pc gaming, upgrading is also easy: sell the old gen, buy the new gen.

Hrmm, not sure if troll...Fuck it. I'd say you're massively out of touch with PC gaming of the 10+ years, but I'm pretty sure you said it yourself with that verbal diarhea.


I'm Amod too!
basically, you cannot do anything better on a gaming pc.
console gaming is pure logic. i don?t really understand why somebody would defend pc gaming - to be specific, refer to himself as masterrace (and in real, these fuckers are 11-13 yrs. old spoiled brats and basement dwellers, or the fat buddy from your picture). you can have nearly the same graphic (except 4k - but only 4-5% of all pc gamers have the hardware to run 4K properly) on the next gen consoles, you have better and more exclusive games on consoles. Steam maybe have 6000 games, but 95% is just shovelware. You don?t have the typical windows related issues and problems on a console, no shitting around with drivers (oh, how we console owners point and chuckle at pc websites where the incumbent expert attempts to explain to some poor sap that his three-month old (and thus obsolete) quad-ams 3000 and nvidia orgasmo-card won't actually run generic 10fps because it's got driver 1.1 instead of 1.1a.). we have 2016, there is no need for a gaming pc. for the price of a halfway good gaming pc you can purchase all 3 next gen consoles, some extra controllers, all handhelds and approx. 30 games in the goty edition. and you cannot play all the glorious console exclusive games on a pc. console gaming has a way better price/performance ratio than pc gaming, upgrading is also easy: sell the old gen, buy the new gen.


Molten Core Raider


Can't wait until you fuckers have to deal with the next gen of tablet gamers who spout "You've never played Final Fantasy VII until you've played it on a IPadfuckall 4000". Even if we all know Shakespeare is better in Klingon. Amiright Chris Plummer?


basically, you cannot do anything better on a gaming pc.
console gaming is pure logic. i don?t really understand why somebody would defend pc gaming - to be specific, refer to himself as masterrace (and in real, these fuckers are 11-13 yrs. old spoiled brats and basement dwellers, or the fat buddy from your picture). you can have nearly the same graphic (except 4k - but only 4-5% of all pc gamers have the hardware to run 4K properly) on the next gen consoles, you have better and more exclusive games on consoles. Steam maybe have 6000 games, but 95% is just shovelware. You don?t have the typical windows related issues and problems on a console, no shitting around with drivers (oh, how we console owners point and chuckle at pc websites where the incumbent expert attempts to explain to some poor sap that his three-month old (and thus obsolete) quad-ams 3000 and nvidia orgasmo-card won't actually run generic 10fps because it's got driver 1.1 instead of 1.1a.). we have 2016, there is no need for a gaming pc. for the price of a halfway good gaming pc you can purchase all 3 next gen consoles, some extra controllers, all handhelds and approx. 30 games in the goty edition. and you cannot play all the glorious console exclusive games on a pc. console gaming has a way better price/performance ratio than pc gaming, upgrading is also easy: sell the old gen, buy the new gen.
You sound exactly like this Mac commercial parody:


Uncle Tanya

There's times I like to lay in bed with the singular goal in mind of NOT. DOING. SHIT. ...and this plan is perfectly executed with a console controller in hand. Having a keyboard on the belly in a bed seems like it's stepping into a realm of geekdom that I'm not comfortable with. The keyboard can stay on the desk, tyvm.

During normal business hours, however, PC is the go-to mechanism.

So... point is, I like both. (not abortions, however)


basically, you cannot do anything better on a gaming pc.
console gaming is pure logic. i don?t really understand why somebody would defend pc gaming - to be specific, refer to himself as masterrace (and in real, these fuckers are 11-13 yrs. old spoiled brats and basement dwellers, or the fat buddy from your picture). you can have nearly the same graphic (except 4k - but only 4-5% of all pc gamers have the hardware to run 4K properly) on the next gen consoles, you have better and more exclusive games on consoles. Steam maybe have 6000 games, but 95% is just shovelware. You don?t have the typical windows related issues and problems on a console, no shitting around with drivers (oh, how we console owners point and chuckle at pc websites where the incumbent expert attempts to explain to some poor sap that his three-month old (and thus obsolete) quad-ams 3000 and nvidia orgasmo-card won't actually run generic 10fps because it's got driver 1.1 instead of 1.1a.). we have 2016, there is no need for a gaming pc. for the price of a halfway good gaming pc you can purchase all 3 next gen consoles, some extra controllers, all handhelds and approx. 30 games in the goty edition. and you cannot play all the glorious console exclusive games on a pc. console gaming has a way better price/performance ratio than pc gaming, upgrading is also easy: sell the old gen, buy the new gen.
I've said this before. Any PC user that has real knowledge can play ANY console game on PC. That's just fact.

As others have stated, you are completely out of touch with PC technology it seems.

You mention crap about for the price of a pc can get all 3 nextgen consoles, etc. Why? When I can get a PC and just download some emultators and roms and go to town.

Upgrading... I'll still have my PC when it's time for you to get the next console. Just sayin.

Your logic has been debunked multiple times over. Get rekt.

Edit: Nothing better I can do better on a PC. How about play WoW, SWToR, Guild Wars, etc. Not entirely sure (yes I am) but I don't think you can play those on console...


Blackwing Lair Raider
as a proud owner of a PC and a PS4, I just have two words for you non-believers : loading times.


Silver Knight of the Realm

There's times I like to lay in bed with the singular goal in mind of NOT. DOING. SHIT. ...and this plan is perfectly executed with a console controller in hand. Having a keyboard on the belly in a bed seems like it's stepping into a realm of geekdom that I'm not comfortable with. The keyboard can stay on the desk, tyvm.

During normal business hours, however, PC is the go-to mechanism.

So... point is, I like both. (not abortions, however)
Controllers for PC do not exist at all =\



Useless lazy bastard.
basically, you cannot do anything better on a gaming pc.
console gaming is pure logic. i don?t really understand why somebody would defend pc gaming - to be specific, refer to himself as masterrace (and in real, these fuckers are 11-13 yrs. old spoiled brats and basement dwellers, or the fat buddy from your picture). you can have nearly the same graphic (except 4k - but only 4-5% of all pc gamers have the hardware to run 4K properly) on the next gen consoles, you have better and more exclusive games on consoles. Steam maybe have 6000 games, but 95% is just shovelware. You don?t have the typical windows related issues and problems on a console, no shitting around with drivers (oh, how we console owners point and chuckle at pc websites where the incumbent expert attempts to explain to some poor sap that his three-month old (and thus obsolete) quad-ams 3000 and nvidia orgasmo-card won't actually run generic 10fps because it's got driver 1.1 instead of 1.1a.). we have 2016, there is no need for a gaming pc. for the price of a halfway good gaming pc you can purchase all 3 next gen consoles, some extra controllers, all handhelds and approx. 30 games in the goty edition. and you cannot play all the glorious console exclusive games on a pc. console gaming has a way better price/performance ratio than pc gaming, upgrading is also easy: sell the old gen, buy the new gen.
Thank you for making me smile during this misserable workday, it was a good troll post.


Mr. Poopybutthole
One of the key factors that led to me going exclusively pc was how cheep the games are. Yeah I might spend more on the machine but I make up for it in games saving, they are usually cheeper on launch and if not I wait 1 month and they are half price or less, console games take forever to go on sale.


Golden Squire
I was a longterm PC player, basically since I started playing 20 years ago. Alot of the games I played were PC games, Everquest being one.

First Console I bought a year ago or so was the PS4 because I was hyped for Destiny - that didnt go exactly as planned but then I had a PS4 anyways.
Now I find myself playing PS4 nearly exclusivly. My reason is basically the ease with which I can get a game running for half an hour after work on the couch. Yes I could get a PC with controller hooked to the TV in the living room but why. For the amount I play the PS4 is easily enlough, games are plenty because I take so long playing one through.
Not that I dont see the possible benefits of a PC vs Console, but atm these dont really matter to me.

Would I play more, as much as I did before and make use of the diversity the PC offers, Iwould instantly refresh my Gaming PC and not play PS4 probably.

Here are pictures: