Funny, Strange, Random Pics

Asshat Caepan

Asshat of the Year 2020


Molten Core Raider
Erin Andrews Tears Up At Nude Peephole Video Trial | The Daily Caller

I saw this chick crying her eyes out because some weirdo creeper fuckwheat filmed her naked through a peephole somehow.

All she did was curl her hair. No masturbation, no impromptu lesbian sex with a nubile hotel maid, no lines of coke off the vanity... nothing. Just curled her hair.

Who cares? What about the old saying that 'any publicity is good publicity'? If I had not seen her melting down on the news last night, I never would have taken time to Google the story or seen her (admittedly shapely) naked body in the first place.

Why the fuck was she so hysterical about it? It makes the dude who took great pains to stalk her look bad, not her.

I understand the embarrassment from being exposed in such a way, but she is a professional, she's been around, she should have a little thicker skin and be glad the camera didn't catch her 5 minutes earlier when she was tipping the Jamaican bellboy.



Erin Andrews Naked |
Look. Sue the two fucktards who are actually involved. You're not going to prove there was a massive conspiracy. 75m???

If I was the defense I'd show this picture she took 6 months earlier and ask if she took money for these pictures and to describe exactly what's going on. Obviously not the same as being filmed naked in a grainy video in your hotel, but for fucks sake. By the by, question for you SJW sexists fuckers out there: Could a guy possibly sue for 75m and not be around the clock ridiculed?

Oh and sauce mother fuckers.



Remember all those shoots Jim Grey did like this one? I especially enjoyed the Maxim shoot of Harry Caray.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures

Get with the program Rhode Island. MILFs are so 00's. Muff-on-muff or faux incest, pick a flavor and order two scoops.