Funny, Strange, Random Pics




Asshat Caepan

Asshat of the Year 2020
Don't listen to anyone bitching in screenshots...ever.

FSR has been and will always be a combination of pictures that are mainly important to the person posting them. I'd say maybe 50-60% of the pics posted here actually MEET the "rules" of the title of the thread.
I am just now at my 6 month anniversary on the RR Funny, Strange, Random pics board.

99.7% of the pictures I post are pics I have already saved to my hard drive. Many of those pictures were saved from the old FoH board, it took me over 6 months to go through all 4,000+ pages and then one day it was gone. Between that and many other searches for Funny, Strange, and Random pics from a vast array of obscure resources, I now have a pretty decent collection (1.5 GB and around 7,500 files) of F,S, and R material. I also have an excellent collection (2 MB and almost 20,000 files) of pictures of things with wheels like cars, trucks, bicycles, motorcycles, and a few of boats and planes.

I put pictures I save from our RR board in a special file so as to try at least to avoid ramapnt reposting.

Why do I take the time and effort to share images here? I guess I enjoy looking at a post and saying "A-ha! I have something to top that." Sort of a "I'll see your naked midget cat-juggler and raise you these photos from the Memorial Day Fish Fry at the Kentucky Blind Lesbians Home" type of thing. That's why I quote images so much. And, indeed as the quoted message states, much of what I postreally isnear and dear to my heart; otherwise it would never have been saved to my hard-drive to begin with. Another HUGE reason is Facebook. People say 'why do you post messages on your wife's Facebook page? Why not get your own account?' My reply is simple and honest: it is the only way for me to be able to communicate or have any presence whatsoever on Facebook-- through the filter of my sensible other half. She edits my Facebook blah-blah-blah so as not to offend those dear folks who may wish to include us in their wills. If I had my own Facebook page, I would quicky alienate/creep out/freak out and/or piss off about just about every person who loves or cares about me (close friends not included). I personally would never be able to hold back on how I really feel about things. My true personality would be bound to reveal itself. It would be no-holds-barred, good, bad, and ugly, and truthful. In other words, something that Facebook would never allow, and something that, if attached to your real name and pic like Facebook does, would probably preclude somebody from certain kinds of future employment. The people who I want to see theme-- I direct them to the RR Caepan profile page. The others (like almost all of my family) I tell to contact me on wifey's FB page for the usual white-bread bullshit.

That is why I frequent and love these Hallowed Halls of ReRolled Screenshots.


