Funny, Strange, Random Pics


Chinese inventions:

The giant motorcycle and "alternative" slide are awesome. There's a lot of sea cucumber related inventions that I guess the west has not really needed to think about too.



Ko Dokomo_sl

Chinese inventions:

The giant motorcycle and "alternative" slide are awesome.
That slide is stupid. Every half flight you have to run the risk of toppling out of it and then use your feet to worm yourself around the curve like he's doing in the picture.
edit: Hahaha, the slide is supposed to be used for a fire escape, and when you hop on it should trigger the sprinkler system. I hope no one takes this guy seriously.

Germany did it right.



privileged excrementlord
Do people just make this nonsense up constantly? What the fuck is this stupid shit? I hate my friends sometimes.



Do people just make this nonsense up constantly? What the fuck is this stupid shit? I hate my friends sometimes.

well, im a cop in Brisbane and I just finished a shift... I have NEVER heard so many jobs called on the radio that were needing Police to come attend an attempted suicide matter.
I get home, and I see this post... freaky.


Do people just make this nonsense up constantly? What the fuck is this stupid shit? I hate my friends sometimes.
How can you argue with typography like that?

GIS for "bad typography"



Although this is pretty cool:



Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yep, everything that sucks about being a man is a man's fault, and everything that sucks about being a woman is also a mans fault. Women are blameless because they lack any agency and everything they do is just a passive reaction to the actions of those evil nasty men who sit around plotting new ways to keep women down, la di da di da yay feminism!
For 99% of the history of western civilization, this was 100% true. See: Every western religion ever. Just because things have been relatively okay for women during your short, irrelevant life (unless you happen to be poor, an immigrant, or a member of any other at-risk population outside of white suburbia,) doesn't mean that:

a) things will continue along that trend if people don't continue to demand change
b) that trends won't reverse if people don't continue to promote awareness

You're committing a serious case of historical fallacy, where you fail to realize that the only reason things are moderately okay for women today is because of the success of movements based in the feminist tradition. That's not to say that most young women today who call themselves feminists aren't retarded, because everyone in that generation is entitled and stupid, and none of them have probably even bothered to educate themselves about the historical context of the feminist struggle, read any of the major feminist literary works, and so on. Generation Y lives in a fucking bubble where they believe that history is irrelevant because their lives have been completely devoid of any real struggle.


The Ancient_sl

Mist I'm with you on the whole let's not diminish women's tribulations things, but a full 80% of those "feminist" pics in this thread are obnoxious and make me want to punch the sign holders in the face.



Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Mist I'm with you on the whole let's not diminish women's tribulations things, but a full 80% of those "feminist" pics in this thread are obnoxious and make me want to punch the sign holders in the face.

I'm sure if you took a random sampling of pictures of the #YOLO generation, regardless of gender or political views, it would be just as obnoxious.



Tranny Chaser
For 99% of the history of western civilization, this was 100% true.
Well, in the United States we saw the Women's Christian Temperance Union wield some pretty amazing power and push through prohibition, there were changes to property rights/debt/child custody made during the Industrial Revolution that greatly advantaged them, women successfully petition for the right to vote. All while powerless.

Here's a cool story and I heard you liked cool stories. Back in 1674 a group of women petitioned the King of England over coffee houses. These had "frenchified" their men and now they couldn't keep it up in bed and they wanted these outlawed. For being little more than property they sure thought they could have their grievances addressed by the Crown. Yeah, our men are turning in to pussies and we aren't getting railed to our liking. Please fix.

It's a fun read. What are the chances that history is littered with these little obstacles to the ridiculous neo-feminist historical worldview?



Irenicus did nothing wrong
For 99% of the history of western civilization, this was 100% true. See: Every western religion ever. Just because things have been relatively okay for women during your short, irrelevant life (unless you happen to be poor, an immigrant, or a member of any other at-risk population outside of white suburbia,) doesn't mean that:

a) things will continue along that trend if people don't continue to demand change
b) that trends won't reverse if people don't continue to promote awareness

You're committing a serious case of historical fallacy, where you fail to realize that the only reason things are moderately okay for women today is because of the success of movements based in the feminist tradition. That's not to say that most young women today who call themselves feminists aren't retarded, because everyone in that generation is entitled and stupid, and none of them have probably even bothered to educate themselves about the historical context of the feminist struggle, read any of the major feminist literary works, and so on. Generation Y lives in a fucking bubble where they believe that history is irrelevant because their lives have been completely devoid of any real struggle.
What's your point? Yes, being a woman sucked in a lot of ways up until the last century or so (although being almostanyonesucked up until the last century or so), nobody is denying that, but it's no longer the case and as such not particularly relevant, on relative terms, to the contradictory and destructive mess that is 21st century modern feminism, except in that it's arguably used to justify absurd demands as some kind of of historical payback against men for having once had all those advantages in different fields.

And there are a whole shitload of ways that life sucked (and still sucks) for men that don't apply to women. I'm sure women weren't complaining too hard about how oppressed they were when they were back in their village while their husband was being conscripted and marched off to get slaughtered in battle, and strangely enough I don't see a whole lot of modern feminists fighting to be included in the draft today. Do you think those women who were sitting on the lifeboats in the Atlantic while the men froze to death in the water when the Titanic sunk passed the time complaining about how sexist it was that they were given first place? Nor, when they fight so hard for "equal representation" in various careers, do they include those dangerous jobs which lead to men accounting for 98% of work place fatalities.



a) things will continue along that trend if people don't continue to demand change
b) that trends won't reverse if people don't continue to promote awareness
Cool, demand change in areas that genuinely still suck, I'm all for that, but a lot of the causes and theories promoted by modern feminism are, at best, pure intellectual garbage and, at worst, quite harmful. My personal favorite is Patriarchy Theory, which is pretty much tinfoil conspiracy territory with 'men' in place of 'jews' or 'secret societies.'

That's not to say that most young women today who call themselves feminists aren't retarded, because everyone in that generation is entitled and stupid, and none of them have probably even bothered to educate themselves about the historical context of the feminist struggle, read any of the major feminist literary works, and so on.
So we.... pretty much agree?



Oh and just for the record, the pay gap is a load of shit. Women are getting equal pay as long as you compare them to men who live similar lifestyles and work in similar positions, the gap comes from the larger number of men willing to sacrifice family/social life for climbing the career ladder. You can't just graph literally every member of each gender in any one career and compare them without taking into account any other factors.

The Nozz_sl

Oh and just for the record, the pay gap is a load of shit. Women are getting equal pay as long as you compare them to men who live similar lifestyles and work in similar positions, the gap comes from the larger number of men willing to sacrifice family/social life for climbing the career ladder. You can't just graph literally every member of each gender in any one career and compare them without taking into account any other factors.
I remember, about 8 years ago, I knew this woman that got her degree and got an entry level job at $50K a year. And then she wanted to date a man that made at least 6 figures.

Hell, my ex was pulling down nearly six figures around 6 years ago, while i was barely making $30K while working two different jobs. And, after i quit one of them because she wanted me to spend more time with her, she starts going on about how I'm such a drag financially.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is it seems like women, even after all the empowerment they've been given, still want to be able to look on the man as the provider.

Gotta love feminism.

Oblig pic
