Funny, Strange, Random Pics


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Glad I don't live someplace where cops let their dogs scratch cars. I'd hate to accidentally drive over a dog and to a lesser extent about the fat guy herding it into such stupidity. I get startled easily and have bad car control
Heck I'd probably reverse halfway.

And no, I don't have a problem with local law enforcement. Maybe thats because they are decent folks in general. The redneck mentality combined with the "womgz respect i never deserved" seems to breed a special kind of cops. A bit like shitty mods or terrible guild leadership.



Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
So what do you drive broski?

I understand there are vegetable-like humans that like to have everything decided by the sun shining out of the ass of their perceived superiors, but I can't quite understand tolerating your vehicle being damaged in the process of receiving said sunshine.


A wild guess, though I guess you have the older model, not quite as well-maintained?

Maybe 'bama will get you a new one, best of luck with that.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>

Some cops sure can be D-bags but most of these guys who are exercising their rights are just Trolls.
That cop seems like a role-model one.

I'm sure cops meet a lot of douchebags, because they deal with "people".

I have the fortunate chance to interview some people for a job next week, and the first guy that tells me "I like to deal with people", is going to find out what it means exactly.

Noone likes to deal with people. Not if they have experience.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Thank you fine sir. Somehow the standard function won't let me post these things. I started wondering if the lack of cock / shit was an issue.

+webz for you.



Golden Baronet of the Realm
Working in some kind of Sales at some point in your life will ruin your opinion of certain types of people. It may be a totally even playing field for bad credit among white people and black people, but you have an idea who is going to have shitty credit by stereotyping who comes in your business. Who is going to give you a hard time about price. Who is going to not have a clue about what is going on and the list just keeps going and going based on age, sex, and race. I would imagine that Cops run into the same shit, every day.

These kids making these videos are probably educated college level kids which are at minimum, living comfortably. Chances that these kids have an illegal amount of narcotics on them? Likely. Follow the path of the kid that just got caught with a couple prescription narcotics that dont belong to him, and youll find a snitch. Why? Cause hes reducing his jail sentence because the minimum term is based on him snitching or not. Probation or years in jail?

Am I saying the system is right? Or that all Officers are good? No ~ But there is a purpose for the format (or checklist) that they run through at each opportunity. How the system is set up is what should change. Cops shouldnt be looking for an Opportunity, they should be looking for how they can help to protect and serve. At least thats my opinion.



Trakanon Raider
youtube videos in my fsr?

If you want to be a lawyer in these checkpoints just refuse to go to secondary, it completely cocks up their line and traffic and generally they can't force you to do anything.
What this idiot doesn't understand is that he's actually aggravating the problem. By being a massive pain in the ass for no reason, what does he think is gonna happen, that the system is going to lighten up? If anything, the next guy who rolls through there is gonna be treated harsher and with more force because of people like this. If you have nothing to hide, just fucking cooperate and get on your way. I guess everyone wants to be a revolutionary and by their sole actions reinvent the system and do away with horrible things like cops being dicks. Yes, we know you have your constitutional rights, it does not mean you HAVE to exercise them to keep them. Cops are gonna be dicks forever, if we're on our way to a fascist nazi government, your pathetic video of you basically being a douchebag isn't gonna make or break it. And I love how our rights are actually more important to us than safety. If 100 people roll through this checkpoint and every single one of them refuses to be searched, and 1 out of 100 is actually trafficking drugs/weapons, are you saying you hope they use THEIR rights to avoid the law and increase criminal influence where you live? Likewise with the fucking body scanners at airports. I'm pretty sure that every cunt that cried their eyes out because of it would change their minds pretty fucking fast the second they're on a plane where some bad shit is going down. "Damn, if only the security was tighter...... oh."
Listen, I get that authorities in this country fuck with our rights all the time and in a perfect world it absolutely shouldn't happen, but come on, it's always happened, it always will happen, and I'm pretty sure we're not gonna become Nazi germany if we don't make every encounter with law enforcement a fucking youtube clusterfuck. I'm happy to cooperate when it makes sense, keep life simple, and I still get to enjoy the privledges of life that a lot of folks around the world don't, so i think I'm ok.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
If 100 people roll through this checkpoint and every single one of them refuses to be searched, and 1 out of 100 is actually trafficking drugs/weapons, are you saying you hope they use THEIR rights to avoid the law and increase criminal influence where you live?
You're right, we should just get rid of criminal defense attorneys and public defenders - they use the law to try and shield guilty people ALL the time!



Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
What this idiot doesn't understand is that he's actually aggravating the problem. By being a massive pain in the ass for no reason, what does he think is gonna happen, that the system is going to lighten up? If anything, the next guy who rolls through there is gonna be treated harsher and with more force because of people like this.
Are you suggesting the cops can't maintain a semblance of professionalism when faced with adversity?

Because noone ever has a bad encounter at work?



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
"The one-off two-seater, built from scratch by Jack Holt of Red Deer, Alberta, is 8.5 metres (28 feet) long; it's black, with a massive eagle mural on the side; and its Detroit 8V92T Diesel tugboat engine makes a screaming noise-hence the name.
The only way the 9,000-kilogram (19,980-lb) behemoth could draw more eyeballs was if it burst through a brick wall. Which, incidentally, it can.
Car is street legal! Worth Around 110,000 Canadian Dollars"
