Funny, Strange, Random Pics


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

I don't like socialism and I don't like the republicans.

US politics are even shittier then European ones it seems.
I'm from Europe and we have awful politics right here, basically governments' licking "European Commission's" sweaty balls aka "technocrats without elect mandates making ultra-liberal decisions about anything for the sake of it". Fuck that, I'm an European and I envy US politics, because it's being corrupt on a decent level, unlike EU where high ranked public servants decide everyone's fate. Maybe I have biased knowledge about US politics, but to me US politics are like "best wins" while in Europe it's "whoever has most connections decides for everyone".



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm from Europe and we have awful politics right here, basically governments' licking "European Commission's" sweaty balls aka "technocrats without elect mandates making ultra-liberal decisions about anything for the sake of it". Fuck that, I'm an European and I envy US politics, because it's being corrupt on a decent level, unlike EU where high ranked public servants decide everyone's fate. Maybe I have biased knowledge about US politics, but to me US politics are like "best wins" while in Europe it's "whoever has most connections decides for everyone".
Heh, the mandate is *nice*, sure. But I'd much rather have someone who knows what the fuck they're doing and the science behind why they're doing it, than some politician whose sole skills are guzzling the funds from their donors, a strong jaw, and winning haircut. One of the problems with the technocrats, at least in some of the cases, is that they don't have the power to make their, scientifically analysed, way, stick. I.e. the corrupt and entrenched hierarchy in Greece who striked and otherwise froze the economist techno's out.

The problems are huge, with a bajillion variables, and things changing every day; so even if the scientists managed to work their mojo, shit may still happen. Still, better than lawyers throwing words and egos at it.



Molten Core Raider

i get that too but it's not for me bro.

not for me at all but i can't wait to tap yaroslava's ass.