Galactic Arms Race - free Steam Codes for FOH/RR bros

Giving away Steam Product Codes for a game I worked on that you guys helped Greenlight. If you'll recall fromthe thread from a while back, the game is basically "Diablo In Space" with 32-player COOP and PVP. Pics and video here:

Galactic Arms Race on Steam

To get the codes: email me ([email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */) and just mention ReRolled keys and I'll send up to 5 keys for yourself, friends, or family. I highly suggest playing it coop because it was built mainly for that. Most of the NPCs in the game are named for FOH/RR forum members. Check spoiler to find out which star system you are immortalized in:

==== Human NPC ====

Cygnus Alpha- Furor, Zhen, Tuco, James, Ravvenn
Cygnus Beta- Quineloe, Wolfen, Brekk, Draegan, Chuk, Requiem
Cygnus Gamma- Tyen, Aladain, Ham, Sean, Arbitrary, Cad
Cygnus Epsilon- Keg, Tenks, Phoenix, Duppin, Zarcath, Genjiro
Cygnus Zeta- Araysar, Sharmai, Moontayle, Zhaun, Erronius, Etoille
Hydrus Epsilon- Wodin, Arrakis, Rinthea, Foler

==== Vulpan NPC ====

Volantis Alpha- Edko, Soriak, Sutekh, Szlia, Araxen, Soygen, Cybsled, Grimlokk
Volantis Beta- Alcestis, Adebisi, Zeste, Ronne, Homsar, Mkopec
Volantis Gamma- Tarrant, Chanur, Vinen, Dak, Kuriin, Tolanin, Fammaden, Kolle
Volantis Epsilon- Azrayne, Fedor, Frax, Disp, Zaphid, a_skeleton_03, Khorum, Akileese
Volantis Zeta- Jozu, Zerai, Spronk, Findar, Sithro, Jait, Rythonn, Lyenae
Hydrus Epsilon- Usha, Brikker, Neric, Galiem

==== Gruba NPC ====

Corvus Alpha- Agraza, Caliane, Fadaar, Occido, Zinke, Camerous, Faille, Vatoreus, Elurin
Corvus Beta- Jerle, Cathan, Lowk, Elerion, Bralkan, Vehn
Corvus Gamma- Zuuljin, Burkex, Algol, Frott, Jooka, Lefazz, Asmadai, Vagoo, Lenas
Corvus Epsilon- Lendarios, Mist, Lejina, Kaige, Surlok, Warrik, Darus, Kodylan, Soldaris
Corvus Zeta- Hachima, Zanoan, Qhue, Palum, Hathe, Kaosu, Xequecal, Blide, Havelock, Simas, Kaxmax, Korioni
Hydrus Beta- Vorph, Kilivek, Aamina, Yermum, Murr, Cadrid

==== Mercenary NPC ====

Hydrus Alpha- Mippo, Searyx, Kreugen, Makata
Hydrus Gamma- Aychamo, Tad, Amadeus, Millie
Hydrus Zeta- Darph, Goliath, Dumar, Possible


$4? I'll just buy it. Congratulations!

Should look into getting into a Humble Bundle a few months from now, though I have no clue how one goes about doing that.


A nice asshole.
So who did you bribe?