Ghostbusters (2016)


Silver Knight of the Realm
My girlfriend laughed a few times at both trailers and said the movie looks like it's going to be cute. Am I racist, sexist or misogynist for flat out telling her she's wrong and that I forbid her from spending money on ever seeing this? I'm thinking racist, somehow, because everything is racist these days. Or probably trans-fucking-phobic since that's a thing now.
No just be a man and dump her.


FPS noob
No just be a man and dump her.
A man is dating three women and wants to decide which to marry. He decides to give them a test. He gives each woman a present of $5000 and watches to see what she does with the money.

The first does a total make-over. She goes to a fancy beauty salon, gets her hair done, new make up and buys several new outfits and dresses up very nicely for the man. She tells him that she has done this to be more attractive for him because she loves him so much. The man was impressed.

The second goes shopping to buy the man gifts. She gets him a new set of golf clubs, some new gizmos for his computer, and some expensive clothes. As she presents these gifts, she tells him that she has spent all the money on him because she loves him so much. Again, the man is impressed.

The third invests the money in the stock market. She earns several times the $5000. She gives him back his $5000 and reinvests the remainder in a joint account. She tells him that she wants to save for their future because she loves him so much. Obviously, the man was impressed.

The man thought for a long time about what each woman had done with the money, and then he married the one with the biggest tits.


It seems the busy body tryhards like tanoomba can't fathom that anyone intelligent to smell the Shittiness in the water on this and wants to bail early is somehow "wrong".
What the fuck are you even talking about?

JFC, here I amwholeheartedly agreeingwith someone's decision NOT to watch the new Ghostbusters because it's shitty.

You're an idiot.


<Prior Amod>
Angry Video Game Nerd is getting much SJW flack for not wanting to review this movie, won't even watch it.

He never mentioned he didn't want to see it cuz women, he just thinks its a shitty reboot, SJW's are going SJW Crazy.


Silver Knight of the Realm
His next video went into GREAT DEPTH of the history of this failed movie and Emphasized even more why he does not want to see it. Dude has been following the hype for a new ghostbusters for a decade. The dude more than most other people knows the ins and outs of why this movie will be bad. Its been in development hell forever! It's had at least three full script rewrites, Bill Murray didnt want to do it for twenty years! BAD MOVIE ALERT!



The craziest shit is we have BvS trailer debacle that just happened recently to compare it to. Loads of people hated those trailers, but the difference was there were far less people saying to give it a chance/defending it, and far more people willing to write negative articles for BvS.

Now everyone's fucking afraid that if they say anything, they'll be labelled a misogynist, (which they will be) and then harassed for it. (Which they have been.)

And I like how this thread has the people who make sure to give us a reality a thread about the movie...on a video game forum. Herp derp.


I'd guess moonbat, but I have him on ignore so I don't actually know what he's cucking about anymore.


Log Wizard
Is the butthurt bigger now or when this makes millions and millions of dollars and the 10,000 super vocal neckbeards then realize their protests mean nothing?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
He's got a point though, Michael Bay's TMNT remake made money despite narrowly better scores than TMNT3. Would it have made more if it wasn't completely awful? Of course, but that would take effort. So we expect the new ghostbusters won't even rise to Megan Fox levels of effort.


Millie's Staff Member
does TMNT have the same demo as Ghostbusters though? TMNT has been consisitently on TV doing basically the same things for close to 30 years. Ghostbusters had 2 movies and a few cartoons during the late 80s and early 90sd, i watched both. do they have anything recent and was it all chicks?

TMNT will have lots of kids interested in it, Ghostbusters will be mainly the nostalgia crowd (older audience) with some progressive cucks thrown in?


It's still likely to make money; nostalgia tends to cause that. Not to mention there's likely to be a whole new audience that will go see it just to rage against the patriarchy.

I don't think anyone is trying to say it won't make money.


Silver Knight of the Realm
does TMNT have the same demo as Ghostbusters though? TMNT has been consisitently on TV doing basically the same things for close to 30 years. Ghostbusters had 2 movies and a few cartoons during the late 80s and early 90sd, i watched both. do they have anything recent and was it all chicks?

TMNT will have lots of kids interested in it, Ghostbusters will be mainly the nostalgia crowd (older audience) with some progressive cucks thrown in?
TMNT has also been a marketing and cashgrab IP since the start of the cartoon show. Nobody thinks that TMNT is a "pure" IP. It does not have any actor we would call "iconic"(maybe corey feldman?). It's been a consumer cash grab since its inception. The name itself is a pastiche of four things 80s culture loved and mixed together like a german gangbang.

Ghostbusters, while having a slightly older demo, had 5 of the biggest and best Movie stars we have ever seen in Murray, Ackroyd, Ramis, Moranes, and Weaver.

Ghosbusters comics lately have been the Movie verse ghostbusters teaming up with the cartoon ghostbusters...comics everybody!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Who in this thread is defending this shitty movie?
Just Xevy I think. That's his thing to parachute in and drop some edgy comment about nerds and comments and shit. He's basically Carl the cuck of the movie threads. Did the same thing in the Female Oceans 11 thread.


Log Wizard
Parachute in? Should I make a response to EVERY post I think is stupid, like a Column?

This movie doesn't look to be better than a 6/10 but most of you were already shitting on it when the cast was released. Then they launched a weak trailer and this emboldened our RR Neckbeard Taliban with the thousand of YouTube dislikes. I'm not a SJW, but these bored have become, ironically and hysterically, full of people acting victimized by what they think is the SJW agenda.

Feig makes movies with women. Feig got the greenlight; Female Ghostbusters created.

Bill Murray is not coming back to helm a GB movie, Ramis is dead, Aykroyd is funny due to Ramis. Your EQNextra Ghostbusters was never going to happen. Sorry? Your original movies are still fine and with this being a reboot are completely unharmed character/story wise. No retcons.

I read these forums for information I don't have and unfortunately it's become about 75% butthurt and whining. Really wears me down sometimes and I only participate in threads I feel I contribute to, but sometimes when a chihuahua barks long enough you have to try to do something to shut it up.


Except you don't. You want to come in here, and act more "enlightened" than those of us who are actually discussing the movie, on a fucking video game forum, I mean, more power to you. I guess when you are marginalized in the real world you have to do something to make yourself feel relevant.

Your chihuahua comparison is apt; you're a yappy dog that walked into a room no one invited him into, and much like said dog, you'll continue whining even after you've been reminded we don't have your fucking milkbone.

I'm sorry we don't like your Feig movie.