Godot Engine (Free open source game engine from MIT)


I've used it and I'm still exploring it. The source was just released recently, and there's a Github community, forums, and subreddit for it. I like its scripting language. Dynamically typed, procedural or object oriented depending on how you use it, and there's support to edit class attributes created in script from within the Godot editor without touching the script (good for community projects, distributed classes, etc).

There's not a whole lot I can say about it yet since I haven't gone past 2D. I'm taking my time with it, letting them complete features and working my way up to the good stuff so that I have a decent script library. The fanciest thing I've done so far is point in polygon detection since their polygon interface is a little obtuse and it was just easier at that time to write my own than to reverse engineer theirs.

It's not from MIT. The developers are OKAM Studios, and I think they're in Spain. They're working on something for Square Enix lately, so while Godot has daily builds, some things (like documentation) are coming along very slowly. Since it's open source, in time it should become a viable alternative to Unity for those who don't want to buy a license, and the license is completely open. Make whatever. Sell it. Don't. They don't care about that; they just want to share their work (pretty awesome of them).


A Mod Real Quick
Sorry I was reading the story on my phone, mis-read the part about MIT. I might try it out this week. Thinking about fucking around and making a 2D RPG with it.


I should be working on my Godot project right now. I'm just a little butthurt that I can't get it to build with GCC/MinGW using Cygwin unless I practically rewrite their makefile scripts. I don't realish dragging and dropping individual files in VS2013 Express because MS decided allowing commercial use of applications written with Express versions is good but allowing us to import whatever massive codebase we're working with is not. I shouldn't complain. Something is better than nothing, but I can almost see the trollface in the background every time I load up VS.

Meh. I guess I could just use Git to load it all, but it's almost pointless for now. One of the top Godot developers doesn't like initialization lists or C++11. The latter I can understand, but the former is weird and (to me) indicative of the mess I'll find when I suck it up and start picking apart the code. I can understand avoiding overhead in C++11, but OKAM wrote their own version of the standard library (at least for certain things). I'm almost afraid to break it down to document it because the urge to change it in ways they wouldn't want me to contribute to the repository is going to be overwhelming and painful to ignore.

I don't have anything impressive under my belt yet, and don't know OpenGL, but you can learn a whole lot by working on numerous hobbyist projects and scouring the C++ standard and StackOverflow for years on end. One develops acquired tastes, I guess...

The butthurt will go away sooner or later.
Haven't tried it yet, but if this is actually what they advertise, then it is basically a free and better Unity. Better IMHO, as in you aren't stuck going through the Unity level editor, they just give you a Main(), Update(), and Draw() and then you just use whatever functionality you need.