Gods Unchained


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Given the publicity this game got with the whole Hearthstone debacle. I was wondering if anybody had tried the game itself.

It appears to pretty much be a Hearthstone clone with the ability to trade. I watched a few videos on the game play and it looks fairly well made. As always, balance is a concern but this game has value attached to the cards. This does have an appeal to me as a player but it also could be abused through duping and hacking potential.

I thinking about giving it a try but was wondering if anyone else had.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So that would be a no then. I am surprised a little bit that nobody has even tried this game. It looks well enough made. I have no doubt that it has a strong Pay-2-Win component, but with a trade system, a lot of that gets knocked down.

I guess maybe I can be the guinea pig and see how it is.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I gave it a try.

The game itself is HearthStone with a few worthy changes. I enjoyed what they are attempting to do with the system. Initially like Hearthstone, you can get 1gem/mana per turn that builds up as you go along. The difference is that once you get too turn 5 the incremental increase takes more turns. Instead of 6 turns to cast a 6 cost spell, it takes 7 turns. It takes even a little longer to get to a 7 cost spell. It adds a lot of playbility to midrange, since a person might be dead by the time you reach a turn that allows you to cast a 9 cost bomb. Because it takes so long to get to a 9 cost spell, the 9 cost spell tends to indeed be a great card to use. One example is destroy all creatures, put down a 9/9 creature.

You initially get a one time use ramp card for 1 gem. If you go second, this card will reappear 2 more times for the player and the player gets one extra card. The caveat to this card is that you can only hold 6 cards in your hand and the card will not ramp beyond the 5 gem mark. The inability for it to ramp beyond 5 is what helps to control its power.

You can play the core set for free as a player can just earn packs of the core set as they go. Obviously while there are potentially powerful cards in the core set, the Genesis Set has a greater chance of power cards. You can also play a sealed and a draft match that uses the core cards. The sealed is pretty straight forward. The draft is a one person self/draft that goes against other one person self drafts. I imagine if the game does get popular that they could add in more drafts.

The game runs smoothly for the most part but does have the occasional disconnect before a match starts. The UI is good enough but could use a little work in how dragged cards can hide other cards as you attempt to target them.

These are the good points of the game. There is a lot of potential that appears to be getting worked on.

The odd thing, and the thing that really holds this game back from having more players is the inability to use a credit card to actually purchase anything. It has been a long time since I have seen something online not being credit card friendly. It does use a cryto currrency but the first priority for this game should have been a simple to use system that allowed for the use of a credit card to purchase the currency straight from the games website. I honestly think that not having this is really what is holding this game back. Most people do not want to go through the hassle involved with linking a bank account with multiple levels of verification just to play a game. There is always a bit of hesitance just thinking about linking a bank account, much less the amount of trouble involved in doing it. It is never a good idea to make a process of purchasing something complicated.......ever. That could be the thing that kills this game from the start.

In short, I liked the game and would have taken it farther if the purchasing process involved a credit card. It really is a shame.