Going to Shows Alone


Has anyone ever done this without it being weird/awkward? I go to a lot of shows to check out newer bands and since a lot of my friends do not have similar tastes in music, sometimes I am forced to go alone. I usually just grab a beer or something between sets but it can be somewhat awkward at times. Thoughts?


Lord Nagafen Raider
yeah only a idiot would go to a show alone! ngr got no friends or what? who are you agonizing?


Still a Music Elitist
I've gone to a couple shows by myself. There's no problem with it. It's similar to going to a movie by yourself. You shouldn't be talking throughout the show anyway.


Molten Core Raider
I've gone to a few shows alone, usually newer bands that my friends have never heard of and don't want to spend the money to go to. It's always easy to talk a bunch of my friends into going to see someone like Metallica or Foo Fighters, but not so easy to talk them into someone they have never heard of playing the local dive bar on a Monday night.

Most of the shows I have gone to alone tend to be at little clubs/bars, so it's easy to just get there early, snag a seat at the bar and drink all night while listening to good music. I've never really gone to an arena show alone, or anything like that.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
It's only awkward because you think it is. No one else is paying any attention to you or gives a fuck. Just enjoy the show and don't worry about it. If you're enjoying the show that's all that matters, the other people are there to see the band, not pass judgement on a stranger, and even if they are judging you, who cares? You'll never see them again, it doesn't matter what they think of you.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's only semi weird between bands, during the show if you're talking to your friends you're an asshole anyway. I had only gone alone in the sense that I only knew people who were going to be there, but this year at FFFF my friends were always dragging ass to get to the festival so I went by myself for the first part of the day many times and then just went to whatever stage I wanted to instead of following people around. zero fucks given, should've started doing it a lot earlier


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's easy going solo, get some drinks in you and start partying, you'll meet people in no time, unless you can't socialize with randoms. The way I look at it is either sit home, do something you don't wanna do, or get off your lazy ass and stop relying on other people to have fun.

It's super easy to take chicks home when you're solo as well. Just make up a snazzy excuse like "My friends wanted to go to this lame party, and I said fuck that, I am going to (insert event here) regardless if you guys come or not." It shows confidence and that you don't need to hold your friends hands like a bitch, they fucking love that shit.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Smartphones make it possible to enjoy the alone time between sets.


Eh, I'm the opposite, really. Unless some of my friends are also really into whatever it is, I'm probably gonna have just as much if not more fun going solo. Getting drunk and bouncing around the crowd meeting people is good fun. More freedom to do whatever you want and hang with whatever groups you want.
I always went to local punk shows alone, none of my friends were into it. I went just to hear fun music, drink andmosh, back when pits were 'real' and not the stupid cluster fuck they are today. Wish people still knew how to mosh, it's a lost art, I fucking miss that human blender / tornado / merry-go-round carnival ride. Fuckin kids today don't know what they missed out on.


Still a Music Elitist
I always went to local punk shows alone, none of my friends were into it. I went just to hear fun music, drink andmosh, back when pits were 'real' and not the stupid cluster fuck they are today. Wish people still knew how to mosh, it's a lost art, I fucking miss that human blender / tornado / merry-go-round carnival ride. Fuckin kids today don't know what they missed out on.
I've been to a couple local thrash shows that have done it right. Believe it or not, one of the best mosh pits I've experienced was at a Reel Big Fish show.


i always attract all the wierdos and psychos at such events so iam never alone, random people just walk up to me and start a conversation
I've been to a couple local thrash shows that have done it right. Believe it or not, one of the best mosh pits I've experienced was at a Reel Big Fish show.
Saw RBF open for the Toasters way back when, I left the gig early because the headliner was phoning it in. RBF were hanging in the parking lot near my truck, I talked story with em for a little bit. Out of nowhere 2 of the guys started making out and heavy petting in front of me. this was not the Bravo TV pro-homo world it is now, that was my first exposure to man-on-man love. I excused myself and got the fuck out of their fast. Still like their music, but they did creep me out pretty bad at the time.

Best Pit I was ever in was a Red Hot Chilli Peppers show in the late 80s. A small warehouse held about 300, you had to step outside the doors of the show or you would get sucked in to the vortex, The pit was wall to wall 80 feet across 200+ people. The RHCP didnt play one slow song or take a break, they worked hard to keep that pit going non stop for an hour plus. Good Times.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Shouldn't be a concern going to shows alone isn't a huge deal you're there for the music other people are just a distraction at times. It is especially good for festivals because I don't have to compromise what stages I wanna check out and risk not being able to find friends after cell reception goes to shit i.e. friend was on acid at Lolla and went to go use the bathroom and some how ended up at the other end of the park not knowing where the fuck they are and they're apparently scared :p. 2 years of attending Ultra down in Miami alone were amazing.


I go to a lot shows alone. but they are basement shows/small non bar/club venues that I can walk to. I haven't been to a club/ bar venue or arena by myself yet. and I agreed with adebisi 100%


I have been to a few shows alone. I think it does indeed feel awkward at first but you quickly realize that you're not the only one doing it (Especially if you listen to metal and almost none of your friends do
), and besides as mentioned above, nobody is paying attention so just relax, drink something, and wait for the show to begin ^_^

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
I go to shows alone all the time, it's MUCH more preferable than going with people I know. I usually run into people I know and hang out with them for a little while and then go do my own thing when appropriate. You're there to listen to the music and doing it with other people actually makes it harder.

Plus, meeting new people and chicks because you're out there and not standing around with your friends doing nothing makes it so much more fun.