Going to St. Martin/Maarten in May.

Grabbit Allworth

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just curious what kind of experience you had, for those who have been. My wife and I are spending 10 days in a condo in Orient Bay. The best part is, the guy we're renting the condo from is the guy who created Yoda.

Aychamo BanBan

Plan an overnight trip to Anguilla. It's a 20 minute boat ride away. Fucking amazing. St Maarten is amazing too, obviously. But keep your wits about, it's a third world country. Locals target tourists. Don't leave valuables unattended. Plenty of good food. Explore. The big road circles the whole island, so you can see it all in a few hours. You'll be driving and just come across the most amazing views. There's a great zoo and a ropes course. But seriously. Plan an overnight to Anguilla, and stay the night at Ku. If you're really adventurous plan an overnight to Saba too. Saba is the "undisturbed queen", full of goats, lol. They only got off the bartering system like 20 yes ago. On St Maarten, also the big beach on the French side has full nudity. All beaches are at least topless on island. If you can dump the wife, Seaman club is right by Philipsburg, fuck and suck for $40 your choice of Latina. It's a 4 minute taxi ride from Philipsburg. Obviously goto the beach by airport to see the low plane landing that is world famous. And by Maho beach club (white condos, after the golf course), there is a cliff bar, fucking great. Be careful at night clubs, you won't be protected. And don't buy drugs.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Go to St. Barts instead. Trust me. Better food, better chicks, and feels like a small town in southern France rather than some 3rd world country. Every beach is topless too. Barring that, as Aychamo stated Anguilla is better than St. Martin and a decent compromise.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Use to have a time share in the Maho beach area. I'll echo everything that has been said here so far. The French side of the Island has some very good restaurants though, better than the Dutch side I found, and the better shopping is on the French side. Hit front street for the shopping the wife will love. Gold/Silver was much, much cheaper there than here, and it's legit stuff stick with the little Switzerland stores. Cologne and perfume from France is also much cheaper there. Also stick to Heineken there,or Red Stripe American beer is expensive there.

Over by Maho beach there is a small casino, and a nice cafe with live music, dancing etc, called Cheri's cafe right down the street from the casino. Did a lot of scuba/snorkeling in St Maarten, and Anguilla. Unless things improved in the St Maarten area, the reef was trashed there, Anguilla's reef was far nicer if your into that sort of thing.

Save room to bring liquor back! It's crazy cheap there for Absolut, and a bunch of other liquor.

Also if you have never been that near to the equator it is hot as fuck there, but you can easily be fooled by the trade winds there. You can burn there in like 10 minutes, and not feel it if the winds are going.

Grabbit Allworth

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wish I had asked sooner. We've already booked the condo. Oh, well. Sounds like the nicer places are at least in reach while we're there.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wish I had asked sooner. We've already booked the condo. Oh, well. Sounds like the nicer places are at least in reach while we're there.
You're fine man. Yes if you leave the tourist areas you will see some 3rd world stuff, but personally I never had any issues. In fact while I liked Anguilla more, I saw more 3rd world stuff there than St Maarten. St Bart's is the spot though, but be prepared to back up the brink's truck.

Edit: You are in Orient Bay, which is not to far from Maho beach. That whole are is a tourist area. You will have no issues. On St Maarten the only time I saw 3rd world stuff was driving to scenic overlooks, and to the drive to the grocery store..

Aychamo BanBan

^ Agree. Please don't let us make you think you won't see some great shit. St. Maarten is fucking amazing. Be sure to rent a car so you can explore. And you better explore. There are all sorts of "remote" beaches where there are few if any people there. We found one beach where it may have been a gay nude beach (lol) but they had some guy cooking fresh food, and you ate on crappy little tables, it was a blast. And we found one beach on the north side of the island, very remote, but beautiful. Along the French side there's all sorts of great little places to stop and get out and go in the water. There was one where there was a tiny little island (like 75 sq ft) about 100 feet out in knee deep water. We just walked over to it. Your own (rocky) island. They have plenty of activities. One thing you can do is rent these wave-runner things and take them out and then go snorkeling. If you SCUBA dive, you can do that, but I never saw any good reefs there. Supposedly Saba is the best for reefs (I think it was Jacques Cousteau's favorite island?). There are plenty of good places to eat in Simpson Bay. Again, if you park somewhere at night, just keep your wits about you while walking into establishments. I'd stay out of most of the night clubs unless you're just dying for it. There's plenty of restaurants and other crap you can go to without going to the clubs. Again, I'd recc the Cliff Bar if it's still open, which is a little bar that is literally hanging off a cliff (you look down, and there's a beach below you, but you're on a cliff.) It's in Maho, right by the Maho Beach Club or whatever the big white buildings are that are between the casino and the beach. There's just so many cool little places. There is one bar that's pretty fun which is a big trade ship that is permanently docked. Pretty cool to sit on it, drink beer, and just look out at the ocean.

But yeah, if you're there 10 days, you need to explore.

Anguilla: is easy to get to. There are boats right by the airport that run there, and you can just ask around. Usually the people who operate the boats have hookups with hotels on Anguilla, but I'd just stay at Ku. It's the most relaxing mother fucking place on the planet. If you're fucking rich stay at Cap Jalupa, I think it started at $575 a night (I didn't stay there, I think it's for celebrities, etc..) There's also a cheap shitty place called Arawak hotel, which is old school, but still awesome. You can rent a car, and you have to "buy" a British driver's license ($15 or so), and drive on the opposite side of the street, which is weird. Anguilla is so bizarre, because you can be driving and you'll be the only person on the entire road. Besides the most beautiful beaches (and every time you come over a hill, you'll pull over because it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen), there are a handful of things to do on the island. One is the dolphin swimming. You can swim with them, they'll put their noses against your feet and push you up out of the water, etc. Food can be hard to come by at night time, with most places not being really well advertised, but you'll find something. And of course your hotel has food. There's no casinos or real night life there, but I guess there may be some clubs, I don't know. I didn't see any. That's not what you go to Anguilla for. You go to eat dinner on a quiet beach and play with the coconut retrievers (island dogs.) You'll remember Anguilla for the rest of your life.

Saba: The "unspoiled queen." It's an 8 minute plane flight from St. Maarten, or an hour long boat ride. The boat ride can make you feel a little shitty. Saba is an interesting, yet brutal place. As I previously said, they only came off the bartering system in the 1980s or so. It's very, very safe. There's some decent history there, but the island is basically a huge rock. Roads are steep with big dropoffs. I did not drive there. There's taxis, and basically they'll just charge you a flat rate at the end of your trip (meaning, wherever you stay on the island, not a chance walking to the water taxi without dying.) Saba has one seasonal beach that is like 30 feet long, unless they've built something in recent years. Saba has a neat eco lodge. Honestly Saba's cool and all, but it'd be last on my list of things to ever go see again.


Silver Squire
You are staying in a nice area. Orient beach is nice but everyone and their brother goes there from the cruise ships. I'd recommend Cupecoy which is really nice and has some sandstone coves / caves for privacy. Nice place to spend the afternoon if you want to beach it.

10 day is a long time. Do some scuba / water sports / beach stuff and when that gets old consider taking a day trip to one of the other islands. They all have their little charm even if mostly similar.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The private Island thing Aychamo talks about is really cool, if it's the same place I'm thinking of. You walk to it through the water, and there is literally a billion conch shells in the water and lining the island. Served a great chicken dinner, and what they called lobster, but looked like over sized crayfish. Delicious though they were literally catching the "lobsters" 50 feet from where you eat. If your girl isn't very outdoorsy though prepare her for the little lizards, they are everywhere, but harmless.

The cliff club if it's still there is awesome too. It's next to the Royal Islander Club (Where my time share was at). I've not been there in about 10 years, it gets hammered regularly with hurricanes, and one in particular did extensive damage to the RIC and everything around it. My maintenance fees after the storm went from 200 a week, to 500 a week, which I had a two week timeshare. I got out of it, but I know the whole area was rebuilt. When we hit that bar it had a clear dance floor hanging over the ocean, really cool spot.

Aychamo BanBan

Did you go down there after that big hurricane that destroyed all those buildings between Maho and Cupecoy (along the golf course)? It amazed me that all those buildings sat there destroyed and nothing was ever done to them. The rumor was there was a huge insurance payout and whomever got the money said "fuck it!"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I went down for the last time in 2004 with friends who invited us down to stay with them. Hurricane Luis hit in 1995, just days before we were going down, so we canceled last minute. That hurricane wiped out the majority of the island I heard, but didn't see. Sold the time share like 5 years later after visiting a few other spots.

In 2004 the place looked fine to me, I don't recall the golf course area to be honest, not a golfer. I hear the place got hit again hard in 2009.

I know from speaking to the owner of the RIC, who also owned the casino, and a few other buildings in the area that when the island was booming a lot of the hotels/condos being built were backed by drug money, and to be honest this guy seemed like he would fit in perfectly in a cartel.

Edit: Are you talking about the abandon building that was on the other side of the airport? Along the Maho beach area. I remember them shooting some short lived tv show there when I was, and was supposed to be torn down.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've been to St Martin and it was beautiful and I didn't feel like I was in a 3rd world country. Don't late the haters get you down.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Im going for 2 weeks next Tuesday and looking for a place to take my brother out to eat, any suggestions for a nice high end dinner there? The local stuff you guys all mentioned I am absolutely 100% going to do, that little island sounds amazing you walk to.

Generally speaking as long as you arent an asshole and do stupid things (IE: wear a ton of jewelry, goto the projects, ie: La Perla in PR or Guachila in DR etc) you wont have any problems in the Carribean. I was born and raised in PR, then lived in DR, and then Haiti and never had any kind of issue as a 100% white looking DREAMER.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
La Villa Restaurant is outstanding. It's located in Grand Case. (French side) Just bring your patience. The service is very good, but it can be slow. Your on vacation anyway so just enjoy. It is casual, but the food isn't. Grand case is the place though to go for the best food on the island. So look there if your looking for high end.

I had the seared tuna. and it was the best fish I've ever eaten. Also highly recommend their French onion soup.

Enjoy the trip!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Thanks a ton, we're patient on accident so that sounds phenomenal.

Going to dive a couple of spots, looking at a nice wreck in Tortola that's called Rhone. Really getting excited the more I read about the fishing, spearing, and diving there.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just got back after a long 2 weeks over there and had a blast. La Villa was awesome and so was L'Auberge Gourmande in Grand Case (probably the best lobster bisque ive ever had). We ended up taking our boat all over all the way down to St Lucia Island hopping which was really great, im going to go back again on May 10th and hopefully dive some more and this time not bring my chick with me. The wreck dive in BVI was pretty cool, RMS Rhone which is on a slope so it drops slowly from 20 down to 80ish feet.

I ended up going to A LOT more islands / countries than we planned which was nice. Dominica was by far one of the prettiest countries I have ever visited in my life. They really set an example by actually protecting their marine and natural life down there. Monserrat, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St Kitts, St Vincent, & St Lucia were also pretty cool. St Lucia where we anchored by the Pitons was another just crazy scenic place.

The amount of hustling the locals do was also pretty wild, everyone on every island was trying to sell us shit 24/7. Eating even if you cook yourself can get pretty pricey unless you hit the local supermarkets.