Gone in the Night (2022)


Tranny Chaser
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Title: Gone in the Night (2022)

Tagline: Some secrets are better left buried.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Horror

Director: Eli Horowitz

Cast: Winona Ryder, Dermot Mulroney, John Gallagher Jr., Brianne Tju, Owen Teague, Alain Uy, Dustin Ingram, Yvonne Senat Jones, Nina E. Jordan

Release: 2022-07-15

Runtime: 90

Plot: Upon arriving at a remote cabin in the redwoods, Kath and her boyfriend find a mysterious younger couple already there — the rental has apparently been double-booked. They decide to share the cabin with these strangers until the next morning, but her boyfriend disappears with the young woman, which sends Kath in a spiral to find an explanation for their sudden breakup — but the truth is far stranger than she could have imagined.

Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database