GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Buzzfeed Editor
Jon was already born before Ned got up there with Dayne's sword.
It's more about the man protecting Jon (Or Jon being "under" his protection). Remember, the men who wield the sword are literally called "sword of Morning" (Morning Star is an allusion to a celestial body). The person wielding a comet (Dawn) bled for Jon as he was born.

All knights must bleed, Jaime. Blood is the seal of our devotion(Arthur Dayne)


What's this about "both Frey heirs" being dead? Didn't Walder have 20-some-odd true born male children?

Edit: In the books, anyway. I thought it was talked about in the show as well, him being on wife 7 or 8. Also he lined up all his daughters at one point for Roose to choose one, so I figure it's a fair assumption that there's just as many males.
Walder has hundreds of heirs. Guy is on like his 10th wife. Arya killing 2 of them and Walder is believable, butchering them and cooking them into a pie less so, but Arya wiping out the entire Frey house is crazy talk.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's more about the man protecting Jon (Or Jon being "under" his protection). Remember, the men who wield the sword are literally called "sword of Morning" (Morning Star is an allusion to a celestial body). The person wielding a comet (Dawn) bled for Jon as he was born.

All knights must bleed, Jaime. Blood is the seal of our devotion(Arthur Dayne)
I was being facetious, guess that's another thing that doesn't translate well in text.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Vvoid, you and Lyrical are on decent terms, are you sure you want to start a new round with the gimp?
Na. I'm done, but I do want to take back everything regarding Euron killing God's. They don't exist. Everything about this story is written by GRRM, and to predict where it will go you'll have to think like him. The God's aren't real, there are just powerful forces at work which are misrepresented, or exploited (by particular individuals /hint)...

This is the best meta-analysis on the series that I have ever read, and I think he's pretty close to being on the money, if you have a lot of fucking time to read all of it. GRRM is trying to send a message, and he's made his political and religious views fairly well known. ASOIAF does not end anywhere near the way we think it will, or why it will.

Before I said I was about 80% certain this is GRRMs intentional ending/final twist, but now I'm close to 95%+ after reading a few other posts, and contributions by other people.Seriously do not read any of my spoilered posts if you don't want the entire fucking series spoiled.

Read at your own risk.

The war that Tolkien wrote about was a war for the fate of civilization and the future of humanity, and that's become the template. I'm not sure that it's a good template, though. The Tolkien model led generations of fantasy writers to produce these endless series of dark lords and their evil minions who are all very ugly and wear black clothes. But the vast majority of wars throughout history are not like that.
Really? Yeah. He said that. I do not see him ending this series with a "morally justified war", when very few wars throughout history can be classified in such a manner. I know a lot of history, and very few wars are black & white. We assign a the 'good guys vs the Others'/black and white mentality through our own personal traits. Traits that are by extension how we view these societies (including our own) from a political, religious, and ethnic standpoint. Tolkein's use of orcs and goblins, which we see universally as irredeemably evil just by association, enable us to find justification for their indiscriminate slaughter/genocide. GRRM is trying to break that mold, hence assigning the ultimate villains the name 'the Others'.

That guy has put more work into those essays than I care to imagine, and they're quite good.


<Bronze Donator>
you're going to be mighty disappointed if winds ever comes out when you learn that season 6 covered it in it's entirety.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
you're going to be mighty disappointed if winds ever comes out when you learn that season 6 covered it in it's entirety.
Well to be fair, the link in my last post would possibly spoil S8... That's only if D&D are going to finish the story as Martin probably intends to, which might not happen because of the implications and the shows runaway success. I put that shit in spoilers for a reason, because that guy has probably spend well over a couple hundred hours researching that, looking at Martin himself, and writing those essays.

If you doubt his theory there's only one question you have to ask.

Also if Bloodraven (Brynden Rivers) knew the Others were coming (which he would), why wouldn't he wouldn't inform Maester Aemon, King Aegon V, or anyone else in the Seven Kingdoms? The Others have been gathering strength for more than twenty years before Waymar Royce is ambushed and the books begin. He certainly had the capability to warn (and directly influence almost everything that's happened in the past & present) the Seven Kingdoms, assuming that was his goal... unless it never was.

We even see him directly lie to Bran about the extent of his powers, saying "The past is already written, the ink is dry." One episode later, we find out that that's total fucking bullshit. If you look at Brynden River's backstory, it explains why he'd want to orchestrate another humans vs 'the Others' war.

"All crows are liars" - Old Nan

It doesn't make sense any other way, and absolutely jibes with what GRRM would do to "break the mold".


Buzzfeed Editor
Walder has hundreds of heirs. Guy is on like his 10th wife. Arya killing 2 of them and Walder is believable, butchering them and cooking them into a pie less so, but Arya wiping out the entire Frey house is crazy talk.
She killed 2 that we know of. The BwoB has killed quite a few, who knows how many he actually has at this point. I choose to believe the most hilarious version of events, which is that Arya killed every single Frey in existence then killed ol Walder. In that scene you only see two people. Unusual for a castle of like 800 assorted Freys, one would think.


NeoGaf Donator
The Freys have never been considered a great house. Even when Walder was upstarted by Tywin to Lord of the Trident. Every other house looks down on them not only for the Red Wedding but because all the descendants of Walder tend to be a bit dim and cowardly. They're only real wealth comes from taxation of people crossing the rivers of the fork. With Walder dead, it doesn't matter whatever heir takes his seat. No other house including the Lannisters are going to come to the rescue when the north comes to swallow them whole. Their line is on the fast track to extinction.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The Freys have never been considered a great house. Even when Walder was upstarted by Tywin to Lord of the Trident. Every other house looks down on them not only for the Red Wedding but because all the descendants of Walder tend to be a bit dim and cowardly. They're only real wealth comes from taxation of people crossing the rivers of the fork. With Walder dead, it doesn't matter whatever heir takes his seat. No other house including the Lannisters are going to come to the rescue when the north comes to swallow them whole. Their line is on the fast track to extinction.
Very last post for those anyone who actually wants to know what the fuck is really going on...

If you read GRRM's other work, the answer becomes pretty clear pretty quickly. Prophesies, premonitions, and dreams are tools of manipulation and nothing more. For example in And Seven Times Never Kill Man, a hive-minded nature race of beings that worship pyramids that grow in the woods as their "gods", send visions to a group of invading men that are attacking their villages and destroying these pyramids, for them to burn their food and kill their children if they want to be victorious. The group--who are a bunch of religious fanatics from Earth, believing that their own god (the Pale Child) has spoken to them--do so, and subsequently starve to death in winter.
History of Thrones: Brynden Rivers, The Three-Eyed Raven of Kings Landing | Nerdist

Yeah. The one man who was rumored to have a "thousand and one eyes" and was a ruthless authoritarian ruler who would do anything to prevent rebellion, war, and bloodshed becomes Bloodraven. Now humanity thinks it has an exisential threat to rally behind, thereby stopping future wars. He's the puppetmaster behind the entire invasion of the 'Others' who we'll find out are only acting because they think that humanity is going to destroy them, similar to the line of thinking of the humans. Both species have been manipulated.


privileged excrementlord
Dude that guy thinks that Jon's corpse is being warged by Bran. He's got some decent ideas, but he's not exactly some Gurrm-whisperer.


Trakanon Raider
Couple of my buddies are convinced Tyrion is a Targaryen. One has read the books, the other has not. Le sigh.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I am hoping that they troll the audience(more) next season with the teleporter/time disparity bitching...

Have some tension building in kingslanding, add in music and cut scenes that make it look like Dany is about to land and wreck shit and save KL from cerssy.. then when Dany lands she(and the viewers) realizes that everyone in KL has been dead for like 5years.
They should really just show Dany and her army slowly sailing across the sea for the first six episodes. It will be super realistic.


<Bronze Donator>
lolol that was definitely worth the 12 minutes. groaned when i first saw it, did not realize they were going with the humor angle.

rastafarian targaryen lol


Pathetic Reaction Bot
I just loved how giddy the actor who plays Ramsay is. Going to miss him.


Ssraeszha Raider
Dude that guy thinks that Jon's corpse is being warged by Bran. He's got some decent ideas, but he's not exactly some Gurrm-whisperer.
Woolygimp always believes retarded theories are 100% confirmed true and everyone else is an idiot for not believing them.