GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


That probably wouldn't work like that. We know Beric raises her, so they'd have to show it, mostly because that means keeping Beric around for a few season or so and we have already been paying attention to him, not to mention UnCat is a large part of why Lannister men start dying. Some of it is not important, and some could be shown in a flashback or something, but I feel like it would be very hard to do that.

I have never felt such a kinship than with that chick in the first video Lithose posted. Even before it targeted her as a book reader I saw her giggle and I was like, "That bitch knows."

Edit - It's sort of this weird symbiotic relationship with the show + books. Just like the actors find out when their character dies based on contract length, we find out which "large" events or things end up being relatively unimportant in the long term.

UnCat seems pretty nutty and important to things now, but if they don't even put her in the show then we know she does nothing vitally important, or at least nothing that someone else cannot do. I thought Jeyne would rear her head later for something, but if they just up and kill Talisa then we can ascertain that she probably doesn't do shit.

My BF just went, "Yea! Team Daenerys!" Which is hilarious. Can't wait for the next few seasons to be her sitting in her city doing shit all~!


There is a war going on over control of your mind
I think Dany's story is awesome. No one in Westeros knows how powerful she's become. Girl was born to rule.
its just so predictable, also it seems like everyone in that "Desert" region or whatever are fucking retarded considering the shit shes been allowed to get away with
They have been very important but so have the Lannisters and Dany, AND AGAIN, IN CASE YOU MISSED IT, PLENTY OF STARKS ARE STILL ALIVE. We have Bran, who we just saw can Warg into a person. We have Rickon, who is getting transported to a loyal northern bannerman. Arya is still alive and wanting even more to get revenge. Jon is still alive.

edit: Oh yeah, forgot about Sansa Lannister!
all shitty off-brand lower-tier Starks. Arya is the only legit one left, fuck the rest. Jon Snow finally got his balls to drop so maybe he might stop being emo and man the fuck up.


Millie's Staff Member
i cant wait for Jon Snow to become Lord Commander, then have stannis mention that he will decree him, to be a stark, then is presumably killed. non book readers probably wont blink an eye at that scene. theyll be like, " oh shit, thats what you get for being a stark"


Karazhan Raider
fucking. brutal.


its just so predictable, also it seems like everyone in that "Desert" region or whatever are fucking retarded considering the shit shes been allowed to get away with
Are you watching the same Game of Thrones I'm watching? What the fuck has been predictable in the Daenerys story arc other than her burning down that town and taking the unsullied?


Silver Knight of the Realm
So we have Robb Stark dead amongst the people the hot fiery whore Melisandre cursed...Balon or Joffrey is next right? I mean cmoooon we gotta get one of the dick heads out. Cheers to hoping for Joffreys head! Cheers! I say Cheers!


She said that she knew when her Character would be killed because she knew how many seasons she was signed for.
Actually, she has said elsewhere that she has read the book, or at least Catelyn's parts so she knew that much.

Really though, I guess neither confirms or denies much.

But, why bother with Beric and Thoros this season if they weren't going to do Lady Stoneheart? They could have skipped all that really.
Your timeline is all fucked up if you think they're going to have Joffrey and Tywin's deaths next week. Hell I even remember people on the old board asking if the Red Wedding was going to happen during season 2.
You're right. I thought I remembered the red wedding being closer to the end of book 3 but I just looked and it is right after the middle.


Beric and Thoros might just be a precursor to Melisandre raising Jon (If that's what actually happens) or something similar. I feel like *that* was one of the big, BIG indicators to non book readers that the followers of the Lord of Light have power. We saw Melisandre's shadow shit, but I think passing the flame of life from one person to another is another thing entirely. ESPECIALLY when you can do it six times.

I also don't see how they can't do UnCat, but we'll see. We're seeing the Theon stuff now, so much in the same vein there's going to have to at least be someone to take the reins from Beric over his band once he raises her. But like I said, like Talisa Stoneheart might end up meaning fuck all as a thing. They could keep Beric alive and have him avenge all the wrongs. I think that's bollocks but meh.

That GOT twitter is fucking hilarious btw.

Edit: I thought someone showed that Joffrey's wedding was the last episode of this season. Is that wrong then?


Buzzfeed Editor
the Starks are prominent because of their ancient lineage. it doesnt mean the story revolves only around them.
Not ONLY them, but they are the focal point that the story revolves around. They are the first ones we identify with and the ones we have been with the longest. And I'm betting they will be the closers on the story, as well. But there's no way to know, fucking Martin probably ends this shit with Hodor on the Iron Throne.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Fomes Peccati ?@Fomes_Peccati 59m

I want to find George R. R. Martin and beat that fat fuck's ass after tonight's episode of Game of Thrones.


Karazhan Raider
Not ONLY them, but they are the focal point that the story revolves around. They are the first ones we identify with and the ones we have been with the longest. And I'm betting they will be the closers on the story, as well. But there's no way to know, fucking Martin probably ends this shit with Hodor on the Iron Throne.
martin has said that like LOTR he wants the story to end with a "thoroughly satisfying ending" or something to that effect, so we're ?safe? in judging that some stark(s) will last. TO STRIKE THE HAMMER OF WRATH when it's all over.

after all, winteriscoming.


Millie's Staff Member
Not ONLY them, but they are the focal point that the story revolves around. They are the first ones we identify with and the ones we have been with the longest. And I'm betting they will be the closers on the story, as well. But there's no way to know, fucking Martin probably ends this shit with Hodor on the Iron Throne.
GRRM sure devotes a lot of time to Jaime, Cersei and especially Tyrion, almost so much so you could make a fair argument that the Lannisters are the focal point as well. just because the Lannisters are pricks and the Starks are honorable doesnt mean the show is about them. im not even saying the show is about the Lannisters at all. the story seems to be based on the events following the return of magic (White/wight walkers, Dragons) and Jon ayron's death which is why it took a long ass time to finally find out who and why he was killed. so now that his death is figured out the dragons and the WW will encase the rest of the series with the starks and lannisters fussing around throughout. they are just a small part of a much larger picture.

the biggest question i have is why did magic come back and how?