GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<Bronze Donator>
Now one else is upset about the changes to Stannis/Davos storyline? Stannis is already a borderline douche in the books, too damn rigid, but he's at least logical and noble. he doesn't need any help making him more douchy especially by melding him and basically his Wife's character into one person in the TV show. Yeah they showed her in one episode but kinda pointless as you've already given him all of her lines/thought processes anyway.

He heeds Davos wisdom far more often than he does Mel's. He only confides in Davos when they are alone that what she's saying may be true, publicly he jest's and doubts her to her face and sides with Davos. It's only after all 3 named leeches are dead that he reluctantly agrees to give the bastard to the red woman, and Davos sends him off before he can do it. Then he reveals the letter and convinces stannis to save the realm to win the throne. Then they disappear for a while and surprise reveal save the Night's watch at the battle of the wall.

I don't understand why they've made a hard to like character intentionally more unlikeable and blown the big reveal that should have been the surprise of Episode 9 next season.


Millie's Staff Member
i dont see that big a problem with resolving Jaime being back at KL before joffs wedding. he could have a fight with his dad before the wedding and so he leaves and isnt in attendance for the festivities. it could also bring some Poirot style suspicion on him as a possible murderer. problem solved. brienne could be sent off as well, maybe she finds out cat is dead and either leaves for Tarth or for vengeance on the Freys and jaime hands her his new sword to get a cutting.


Unelected Mod
Could add some interesting conflict between Brienne and Jaime, as well as some Brienne/Sansa scenes that could make her search for Sansa more poignant. Also might get Brienne helping Jaime learn to fight lefthanded.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Could add some interesting conflict between Brienne and Jaime, as well as some Brienne/Sansa scenes that could make her search for Sansa more poignant. Also might get Brienne helping Jaime learn to fight lefthanded.
If there's conflict with Jaime and Brienne I'm not sure why he then would ship her out to find Sansa as well as give her Oathbreaker. Jaime being at Joff's wedding would give him a first hand view of what goes down, especially as it concerns Tyrion. That might has some implications later on when he lets Tyrion out of the black cells.

They could resolve it like this - Brienne requests the trade for Sansa, since she fulfilled her end of the bargin and brought Jaime to KL. Tywin refuses and throws her in the dungeon. Shortly after is Joff's wedding and all that goes down, Sansa leaves, etc. Jaime has guilt over not standing up to his father when Sansa was still in KL so summons Brienne from the dungeon and sends her on her quest to find Sansa.

If it goes down somewhat like that, Joffery's wedding is happening very early in S4 (no later than E3).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Now one else is upset about the changes to Stannis/Davos storyline? Stannis is already a borderline douche in the books, too damn rigid, but he's at least logical and noble. he doesn't need any help making him more douchy especially by melding him and basically his Wife's character into one person in the TV show. Yeah they showed her in one episode but kinda pointless as you've already given him all of her lines/thought processes anyway.

He heeds Davos wisdom far more often than he does Mel's. He only confides in Davos when they are alone that what she's saying may be true, publicly he jest's and doubts her to her face and sides with Davos. It's only after all 3 named leeches are dead that he reluctantly agrees to give the bastard to the red woman, and Davos sends him off before he can do it. Then he reveals the letter and convinces stannis to save the realm to win the throne. Then they disappear for a while and surprise reveal save the Night's watch at the battle of the wall.

I don't understand why they've made a hard to like character intentionally more unlikeable and blown the big reveal that should have been the surprise of Episode 9 next season.
Only thing I didn't like is they basically blew the surprise of Stannis coming to the rescue of the Night's Watch. There are a lot of people though (book fans obviously) that do not like the TV version of Stannis since it's pretty much a different character than what's in the book.

Anyone else thing Shae is already in bed with Tywin? That's the only way that scene with Varys makes sense to me


If Sansa was portrayed by a 12-14 year old girl, her actions would seem appropriate. However, she looks 20s in the show. A 20 year old acting that way comes off as odd, unnatural, or retarded.
For what it's worth, the actress is 17 at the moment (born in '96), so she was probably 16ish or so when the scenes were shot. How much of her portrayal is based on her own lack of experience or intentional acting is a good question.


Molten Core Raider
The way Varys called Shae & Tyrion true love seemed campy and out of character as all fuck for some reason


Millie's Staff Member
its not an issue if he is there or not. though it does throw off brienne's story a little when shes supposed to be searching for sansa and now she found her. i guess when she meets up with her it might make for a nice teary scene.
so fire and obysdian can kill the white walkers.

... think kings landing might be all set if they have any left overs from burning Stannis' ships.


I didn't like how they ended Stannis and Davos off, they should have waited for all three leeches to die before Stannis goes full hog for R'hllor and Davos ships off Gendry I thought.

As for the Valyrian steel, I thought that there was literally 1 guy in all of Westeros, who lived in King's Landing would knew the secret to working Valyrian Steel or some such and even then he still couldn't make it. Or some such.

I am having a hard time understanding how the scene with Varys and Shae is not going to make Shae's betrayal make less sense rather than more, personally. But guess we'll wait and see.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I guess if you judge his actions in a certain way you could say he's a villain. He did that to Austria to further his position in the Reich and protect German lebensraum. Hitler has ambitions!
HAHAHAHA, when Littlefinger starts rounding up every Crannogman and throwing them in pits of wildfire I'll feel comfortable calling him a villain.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
How does it mess up Brienne's story? Whether she finds her pre-wedding or not doesn't change the fact that she's gone post-wedding and Brienne can run around looking for her.

Either way the arc of Brienne fucking around looking for Sansa blows since I never had hopes that she'd find her much less take her anywhere. I've got high hopes for her in the next book though. She could either turn and be Catelyn's death-valkyrie. Or she could actually find Sansa and be her protector and help Sansa accomplish whatever dumb shit Sansa is going to end up doing.

Only way the next two seasons of Brienne are worth the screen time is if Podrick nails Brienne in one of the episodes.


Musty Nester
Theon is the rightful heir to the Iron Islands, keeping him alive seems like it could be used as some sort of a bargaining chip later on (or now, as you suggest). Even if he is a failure in his father's eyes, others will see him as the rightful heir.
But, and I'm really asking here, does that matter?

Theon isn't respected in his own home or in his own hometown. His sister is pretty obviously the heir to the lordship of the iron islands when she can tell her father the king, "Well fuck you then. I'm taking your best boat and 50 of your best killers and I'm gonna GO GET SHIT DONE you greasy old fuck."

Maybe that doesn't play in the other 6 kingdoms, but so what. They are the undying iron born. The other 6 kingdoms can go fuck off. You either talk to the Queen or you talk to the Sword*!

(*talking to the queen and talking to the sword both result in your costal villages being pillaged)