GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


You don't think 5-6 men together with swords as shown in the clip could kill a lion?
The 6 people would kill the direwolf/lion but there's still a good chance someone would get fucked up in the process. It's still threatening, nobody wants to be the dude that takes the hit and gets pounced on and has his throat ripped out while all his buddy's are stabbing the wolf in the back.


Trump's Staff
You don't think 5-6 men together with swords as shown in the clip could kill a lion?
If you were already fighting 5-6 dudes with swords, you wouldn't be concerned with the 7 foot bloodthirsty wolf that's on their side? It's not Ghost solo vs a group.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If you were already fighting 5-6 dudes with swords, you wouldn't be concerned with the 7 foot bloodthirsty wolf that's on their side? It's not Ghost solo vs a group.
I'm not saying Ghost isn't a menace, just that he'd probably get gang-stabbed when he made a move. In the books they had Robb's wolf being a terrifying force on the battlefield but I dunno. They'd be awesome vs. 1-2 guys or in an ambush but not in an open field or vs. a lot of guys with armor/swords.

Zignor 3_sl

How exactly is he about to be gang-stabbed in that clip? It's a group of dudes versus a group of dudes with a dire wolf. Which group would you rather be staring at when that door comes down?


Buzzfeed Editor
That clip is interesting. The folks in that room + Ghost are all dead set on protecting Jon's body from the traitors. Why else would they protect it...unless they know he can be resurrected ;p
Wasn't Davos with her when she met whatisname?


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not saying Ghost isn't a menace, just that he'd probably get gang-stabbed when he made a move. In the books they had Robb's wolf being a terrifying force on the battlefield but I dunno. They'd be awesome vs. 1-2 guys or in an ambush but not in an open field or vs. a lot of guys with armor/swords.
A wolf of that size would be ridiculously fast and strong, not to mention freaking terrifying. A Timberwolf can snap a moose femur, so id wager a Direwolf can grab a guy by the head, crush his skull and continue without slowing down. Hell, the damn thing can bodyslam a horse if it feels like it.

Yeah, swords are dangerous as hell, but so is that kind of animal in an open field. Wouldnt be super effective against an infantry line, but when the ranks open up and people are scattered and fighting all over the place, I can see a wolf that bit ranking some serious kill count.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I doubt it. First of all, they all know burning the corpse is needed to prevent possible reanimation as a white walker.

However, the situation we see is obviously a tense one. This suggests there is something at stake. If he was dead and that was that, there wouldn't be much of a reason to protect the body and everyone would be on board to burn it.

However, my guess is it becomes clear that Mel can resurrect Jon or Jon can otherwise come back to life. But what sells that? Mel can do magic, but my guess is that Jon wargs into Ghost and is able to communicate just enough to sell that he isn't dead dead, which gives some weight to what Mel can do. When Jon's killers learn of this, then it becomes imperative to destroy Jon's body (and probably also kill Mel, although the fact they are all there means that they can't find her or get to her). Davos protecting Jon means that he probably buys into the idea that Jon can carry the banner of Stannis or at the very least, avenge Stannis by destroying the Boltons (or even being the best hope vs. the Others).


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Guys let's have a serious discussion about who would win in a fight between some guys with swords and a giant wolf because we are all so knowledgeable about this topic and it will reach a meaningful conclusion.


Guys let's have a serious discussion about who would win in a fight between some guys with swords and a giant wolf because we are all so knowledgeable about this topic and it will reach a meaningful conclusion.
A mastiff or wolfhound wouldn't need much more than a spiked gorget and some plate on its sides to become a real pain in the ass to stab. Ghost gets plot armor, though.

Aren't the dire wolves supposed to be much more massive then they are usually depicted on the show?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Swords? fucking lol. Go get six guys to try and kill a bear with swords and let me know how it goes. There's more than one reason people used SPEARS for hunting animals like that.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I can't even imagine ever getting into a real fight to the death with my dog(or any other), let alone a dire wolf. I have an English Mastiff/Cane Corso mix and we routinely get into 'play fights' every day to help her burn energy. I'm still sometimes surprised at how strong and fast she can be.

(not mine above, but close)

I had planned on posting the bite strength of wolves, but as I was looking it up, I learned that it's not even as high as some of the larger dog breeds(around 400 where Mastiffs are around 550). Typically wolves just wear the prey down with their endurance and hunt in packs.

Something the size of a Dire Wolf would be rediculously strong and fast.


Sparkletot Monger
A wolf of that size would be ridiculously fast and strong, not to mention freaking terrifying. A Timberwolf can snap a moose femur, so id wager a Direwolf can grab a guy by the head, crush his skull and continue without slowing down. Hell, the damn thing can bodyslam a horse if it feels like it.

Bigger than this dude



<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Nobody else was triggered by Ghost growling? Guess I'm officially the biggest nerd.