GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


What I'm wondering is if marking Bran enabled the Night's King to enter the raven's cave, does that mean they can now pass the Wall if Bran goes south of it?
Either that or Bran can't pass the Wall without being let through by a Night's Watchman (like the Raven). And if that happens, then the White Walkers could probably pass through afterwards.

Plot wise though, it isn't very safe for Bran to stay north of the Wall. Seems like he'd want to find his way back south. And maybe that's the Night King's plan to get south so he lets Bran and Meera escape.


privileged excrementlord
Children of the Forest creating the Others? It's fitting, it makes sense, regardless of how played out the trope is. They couldn't control their weapon.

Everything with Hodor was retarded. Fairly certain that won't play out anything like that in the books. It means Bran is the reason Hodor is retarded, it means Hodor's grand purpose was to hold a fucking door. It's a bit of a vocal stretch, too. Also, A DOOR? They're in a fucking cave. Why is there a door? What fucking reason do they have to create a door with a hinge at the back of their cave? And so what, he held a fucking door for a bit. He died. There's countless wights right behind his torn apart ass, ready to chase down Bran and Meera with supernatural purpose. Great job, Hodor. Meera's not exactly big, how fast can she drag Bran's cripple-sled? Plus, now you're introducing the whole time-travel paradox bullshit where "this was how it was meant to be all along, it was never any other way." Grrreeeeaaaaat. And lol, "HE TOUCHED YOU IN YOUR DREAM THAT MEANS HE CAN PASS THROUGH OUR WALLS" ... Ok. You forcefully kicked him out of a dream before, do it again.


Everything with Hodor was retarded. Fairly certain that won't play out anything like that in the books. It means Bran is the reason Hodor is retarded, it means Hodor's grand purpose was to hold a fucking door. It's a bit of a vocal stretch, too. Also, A DOOR? They're in a fucking cave. Why is there a door? What fucking reason do they have to create a door with a hinge at the back of their cave? And so what, he held a fucking door for a bit. He died. There's countless wights right behind his torn apart ass, ready to chase down Bran and Meera with supernatural purpose. Great job, Hodor. Meera's not exactly big, how fast can she drag Bran's cripple-sled? Plus, now you're introducing the whole time-travel paradox bullshit where "this was how it was meant to be all along, it was never any other way." Grrreeeeaaaaat. And lol, "HE TOUCHED YOU IN YOUR DREAM THAT MEANS HE CAN PASS THROUGH OUR WALLS" ... Ok. You forcefully kicked him out of a dream before, do it again.
Haha that shit is so damn funny and great with Tormund and Brienne. Really curious on Aryas plot and where its headed, she still cant seem to not be "no one" and he knows this and why does he still give her chances? Also i completely blanked and cannot remember on why Brienne said to Sansa that she lied to Jon? But good shit , 5 more to go =(.


Buzzfeed Editor
Probably Jorah? I kind of figured with the whole earning Dany's respect and admiration back and her decree he is a lock to find the cure and be there once she gets to Westeros.
Yeah idk, I took that as our goodbye to the character. I mean sure, I guess he could find a cure, but that seems pretty unlikely. Shireen got cured but I can't remember the circumstances. And homeboy's entire arm is fucked up already.


Murder Apologist
Loved Varys' scene as well, he has always come across as the guy who knows more than everyone else and he was legit shook by the priestess. She is super hot too, I hope we see more of her. I don't remember Sansa tits in the leaked episode, gonna rewatch the official again now but there was 3 minutes of missing content in the leak, hope its all tits!!
They were talking about the actress who played Sansa in the troupe Arya was infiltrating, whose tits are destined to be several tiers over actual Sansa's.

As far as Varys' scene went, I kinda wish they'd played that as the last scene and the Red Priestess had actually revealed the name of the voice from the sorcerer's fire during Varys' childhood: it was Brandon Stark, the Three-Eyed Raven speaking from the darkest Winter.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Everything with Hodor was retarded. Fairly certain that won't play out anything like that in the books. It means Bran is the reason Hodor is retarded, it means Hodor's grand purpose was to hold a fucking door. It's a bit of a vocal stretch, too. Also, A DOOR? They're in a fucking cave. Why is there a door? What fucking reason do they have to create a door with a hinge at the back of their cave? And so what, he held a fucking door for a bit. He died. There's countless wights right behind his torn apart ass, ready to chase down Bran and Meera with supernatural purpose. Great job, Hodor. Meera's not exactly big, how fast can she drag Bran's cripple-sled? Plus, now you're introducing the whole time-travel paradox bullshit where "this was how it was meant to be all along, it was never any other way." Grrreeeeaaaaat. And lol, "HE TOUCHED YOU IN YOUR DREAM THAT MEANS HE CAN PASS THROUGH OUR WALLS" ... Ok. You forcefully kicked him out of a dream before, do it again.
According to producers, its a spoiler directly from Martin himself.


Buzzfeed Editor
What I don't really get is what was the point of the Children of the FOrest (or whatever they're called) making the white walkers? Was it punishment against men? Did they expect them to become their soldiers and it had unintended consequences? Because clearly now they're against the white walkers. Theories?
Just my theory. There were a bunch of Child of the Forests who were hooked up to Weirwood trees just like the guy teaching Bran. These were the 'old gods' that people worship (Maybe masters of ice magic? Their duty was to witness and preserve things). They create the white walkers as their personal army to help the rest of the Children during the war. War goes on, the white walkers help but all they do is slow the men during the winter in the far north--during the summers and spring men fuck up the children every year, to the point where the war, despite the walkers, is a stale mate (Essentially the walkers only stop the final blow, they don't really let the Children win). This lasts a thousand years, until finally the men and children relent and make peace. (Remember, the men were steadily winning for a long time, even after the children went scorched earth and blew up a big chunk of land. Then something happened which made the men want peace--probably the stale mate from the white walkers.)

Exceptoneof these old gods won't accept it, too many children have died, fuck the men--it becomes the Great Other. There is a civil war of sorts among the Children, that's why they slowly disappear. But the children force the "Great Other" to retreat, not before him and the white walkers fuck up the rest of the old gods (Robbing the children of ice magic). The great other realizes his weakness is the summers, and so collects his magic for thousands of years and slowly begins to push the seasons out of balance.

Children are powerless to stop this, or don't even understand it themselves as its more of a thing the 'gods' are doing (And most of the other old gods are dead from the civil war). Long night comes, white walkers return. Children join the first men to fight them because the rogue old god, the Great Other has gone nuts. During this time though, the children have shared some (Fire) magic with the humans (The only type they still have)--humans develop children fire magic the same way they did technology (Constantly improving it). They mix it with blood magic, and Azor Azhai is born. He beats back the walkers, and after, humans who were able to learn the magic the Children taught them raised the wall. But the fire magic couldn't make it all the way up north, and thus the Great Other retreated to collect his power again.

Then after the nights watch is formed, a female White Walker goes and fucks the lord Commander. It was meant as a way to subvert the nights watch to allow the great other a new shot, but it accidently produced children--children who survived the Commander being killed. Children who had the powers of ice magic (Warging/green seeing)...That's how you get Starks. A few of these Wargs/Seers are extremely powerful, and can hook themselves up to trees to become like the Old Gods. Bran is the most powerful. That's the key to finally defeated the Great Other, the humans/children now have access to ice magic again, the old gods magic (Melisandra says the guy on the tree is the face of the enemy--maybe she misinterpreted the vision, he is the face of ice magic, so the same magic the Great Other uses, but not the enemy)--ice and fire working together.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The new red priestess was hot. Hope she gets naked soon. And yeah, Sansa's tits were superb.

Most of this episode seemed kind of boring, to be honest. But the Night's Kind shit was pretty awesome, and Hodor hit the feels.

I also enjoyed the red priestess with Varys and Tyrion scene, just because she fucked up his world.

Edit: ^ That's also a crazy theory, and awesome. Nice write-up.


Murder Apologist
It's actually interesting that they chose the moment that Ned was sent to the Eyrie as the scene he would revisit during the attack at the cave. They've established Lyanna and even Brandon throughout the season, devoting all of the "Bransposition" visions to R+L, but although we got one scene of the Tower Joy, we've had a few more of Brandon and Young Ned.

I'm betting we'll see more of Young Ned at the Eyrie and we'll meet a young littlefinger who's smitten with little Catelyn. But then Ned's big brother Brandon visits them and swoops her off his feet and poor little Petyr gets his full-body scar after challenging him to their duel. Since it looks like the Jon+Sansa scenes are gonna hinge on Petyr's real motivations, I bet we'll see where the seeds for Littlefinger's decades-long revenge porn plan were planted.