GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Tbh I think Varys has ulterior motives than to just help Dany. I mean, obviously he does, he always does - but I don't think he's what he says he is?

The Red Priestess' are obviously magic users, whom he fucking hates, but theydohave visions. Sometimes skewed, sometimes wrong, but they have them. The very last line of that entire interaction, she puts her hand on him and looks right into his eyes and says "We serve the same Queen. If you are her true friend then you have nothing to fear from me."And he looks very shaken by it for several moments. He's not somebody we really see that easily intimidated. I think homie is up to something behind the scenes that we'll see before the season is over.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tbh I think Varys has ulterior motives than to just help Dany. I mean, obviously he does, he always does - but I don't think he's what he says he is?

The Red Priestess' are obviously magic users, whom he fucking hates, but theydohave visions. Sometimes skewed, sometimes wrong, but they have them. The very last line of that entire interaction, she puts her hand on him and looks right into his eyes and says "We serve the same Queen. If you are her true friend then you have nothing to fear from me."And he looks very shaken by it for several moments. He's not somebody we really see that easily intimidated. I think homie is up to something behind the scenes that we'll see before the season is over.
He's shaken because he's never told anyone all those details of his wang getting chopped off.


Molten Core Raider
It was the longest version of "What do three black guys running for an elevator say?" joke ever.


He's shaken because he's never told anyone all those details of his wang getting chopped off.
He's told Tyrion in Season 3. Which is actually super interesting because his interaction with the red woman is almost a direct callback & response to everything he said in that ENTIRE scene.

Another thing, when Tyrion is talking about Revenge against Cersei in that S3 clip, he tells Tyrion he doesn't have any influence at the moment - that influence is largely a matter of patience. Where is Tyrion now? Standing in for the Queen of Meereen right next to Varys.


Buzzfeed Editor
and Lithose, what is the Great Other? is that the first guy getting transformed by the CotF? is it an Ice Dragon? it isnt the NK is it? fuck that episode blew my mind, maybe the best GoT episode in regards to moving the story along.
Well, if my theory were correct--The Great Other would be just a very powerful set of Green Seers who were collected in one tree and didn't want to end the war.

?A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies,? said Jojen. ?The man who never reads lives only one. The singers of the forest had no books. No ink, no parchment, no written language. Instead they had the trees, and the weirwoods above all. When they died, they went into the wood, into leaf and limb and root, and the trees remembered. All their songs and spells, their histories and prayers, everything they knew about this world. Maesters will tell you that the weirwoods are sacred to the old gods. The singers believe they are the old gods. When singers die they become part of that godhood.?

So the Wierwoods were Greenseers who were absorbed into the trees, like Bloodraven was being absorbed into his tree. Remember, Greenseers also have the ability to Warg. So what that ritual did, where they killed a man near the tree with fire made glass (And men represented fire)? Was an Old God WARGING into the body of a man.

In other words--the White Walkers are the Old Gods made flesh, but they were the most hostile, vengeful spirits of the Children made flesh. The Great Other was essentially the most pissed off Child of the Forest who became a greenseer then warged the head White Walker.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah Benjen / Coldhands definitely going to show up and ride them away. It's been this great unknown what happened to Benjen since season 1, and if we're ever going to find out its now or never.

Seems no way Arya becomes nobody, but there's gotta be something else going on here rather than her just deciding she's not nobody and going back to Westeros. The fact that this actress she's supposed to kill seems like a decent woman who is playing Cirsei, there's something more to this test. I'm wondering if they've even been honest about the point of the tests all along.

Hodor man... how sad that he lived the last 50 years of his life unable to speak due to the shock of seeing his own death, and this all occurring because of one moment of impatience from Bran. "I saw you ... you could talk!"... right, until you messed it up and got pretty much everybody killed. One moment of childish impatience led to the death of Summer, the Three-eyed Raven, Hodor, and all the CotF (although F them cause they created the Others in the first place hah!), in addition to Jojen already sacrificing himself for the cause. Bran has to make all these deaths count.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
so, bloodraven, summons bran, because he is "the one" who can stop the Others. but during bran's apprenticeship, bran goes all stupid and Night's King marks him and now Night's King can enter the weirwood network HQ. Bloodraven has to hurry and get bran ready, so his last lesson is to show bran what he needs to do to buy him some time to escape. bloodraven knew that bran was going to do stupid shit with the NK? then Bran wargs Hodor in the future and it causes Hodor of the past to have a vision of his death in the future, it blows his mind and he goes from Willis/walder to from then on be known as Hodor? did Hodor know this moment was coming? Hodor 'eyes went back to normal, right? so how is maura going to escape into the cold with 20,000 running WWs and Others on her heels and she doesnt know wtf she is going?

and Lithose, what is the Great Other? is that the first guy getting transformed by the CotF? is it an Ice Dragon? it isnt the NK is it? fuck that episode blew my mind, maybe the best GoT episode in regards to moving the story along.
I'm getting the strong inkeling that the Bloodraven is Bran and Bran is about to escape backwards in time.


I dunno if the guy we are seeing was the same guy that got stabbed by the COTF. I thought they had essentially confirmed that the Night King was the old lord commander, but he married an other, so they were there before him.

That would also explain why they turned against the children - as a black brother, dude would literally have been fighting or at least aware of the others/white walkers/wights beyond the wall. So when he marries the chick, now he's like, dude fuck all ya al. You bitches are the reason I gotta be cold all the time.

Hodor was sad as shit. And god dammit not another wolf. You know, I get that really the Starks are just a vehicle for this series, but every time something shitty happens to them I get so sad.

I also expect Jorah to get his hand "burned" like Victarion to heal it. Vict supposedly just landed in Meereen in ADWD, and with him supposedly cut, I could maybe see him potentially filling that spot. (Finding the horn and seeking out daenerys.)

Shit with Tormund and Brienne is still fucking amazing, rofl.

And Bran is a fucking idiot. All the Stark children are retarded, jesus christ.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It's not really Eragon though. They mentioned in several occasions how dragons where used for warfare and how dragons became smaller and smaller and how magic left the world and how having new and big dragons is an astonishing event, but riders? Nope.
Stanis's daughter talked about reading a book about dragon riders.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
It seems that even Jon Snow is planning assuming that if the WW are amassing at all... then they have some means of getting through the Wall. Like when they were all planning he said they need Winterfel to hold against the WW/rally the North. As if they already believe the WW will make it that far. I would like that Brienne/Sansa were given a line of bewilderment. WW are real? Are you serious right now?

I found this dude on the subreddit. He figured out all of this shit apparently years ago (origins of the Others). His site is SUPER interesting. He compares a ton of the various origin stories (Grey King of the Ironborn, Azhor Azhai, the Last Hero, etc) from around the world in the series and believes that GRRM is using them to, together, portray a coherent narrative. But of course using tons of metaphor and symbolism so they are almost meaningless if not combined and taken into the context of their own origins.

Also, the thing they put in the WW's chest was probably not Dragonglass, but the oily black stone.

Lucifer Morningstar Blog


Trump's Staff
Has anyone brought up the idea that there seems to be an extremely low number of Others left alive? Some of the badass ones have been killed throughout the seasons and in this last episode we saw only four or five total when previously there were more.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So normally for bran to warg into hodor he has to hop back into reality and then hop into hodor. This time since he was the middle of one of his visions/visits to the past, it seems to me like he tried to cut a corner by warging into future hodor thru the kid hodor who was conveniently in close proximity in the vision. This somehow fucked kid hodors mind - I don't know if he was necessary psychologically traumatized by seeing his death or something - more like bran getting someone killed while double warg diving basically left them a mental invalid.


Millie's Staff Member
Well, if my theory were correct--The Great Other would be just a very powerful set of Green Seers who were collected in one tree and didn't want to end the war.

?A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies,? said Jojen. ?The man who never reads lives only one. The singers of the forest had no books. No ink, no parchment, no written language. Instead they had the trees, and the weirwoods above all. When they died, they went into the wood, into leaf and limb and root, and the trees remembered. All their songs and spells, their histories and prayers, everything they knew about this world. Maesters will tell you that the weirwoods are sacred to the old gods. The singers believe they are the old gods. When singers die they become part of that godhood.?

So the Wierwoods were Greenseers who were absorbed into the trees, like Bloodraven was being absorbed into his tree. Remember, Greenseers also have the ability to Warg. So what that ritual did, where they killed a man near the tree with fire made glass (And men represented fire)? Was an Old God WARGING into the body of a man.

In other words--the White Walkers are the Old Gods made flesh, but they were the most hostile, vengeful spirits of the Children made flesh. The Great Other was essentially the most pissed off Child of the Forest who became a greenseer then warged the head White Walker.
so does that insinuate that The Great Other is also the Drowned God, Red God(rhyllor) or The Many Faced God? was the voice Varys heard one and the same?


Registered Hodor
I think it's because such war dragons had riders in the past. I think Arya says something about it during one of her conversations with Tywin.

Found it. the Tale of Harrenhal:Tywin Arya: The Tale of Harrenhal - YouTube

So yeah, the show has made it clear Aegon's dragons had riders. Who knows if it's a requirement now.

When Tyrion gave the special saddle schematics to Bran. it seemed to foreshadow that Bran might be one of the riders.
I had forgotten about the saddle, good catch. It's also foreshadowed by the old tree dude possibly. When Bran asks if he'll walk again and he says "no, but you will fly".

Also, FUCK THIS FUCKING SHITTY ASS SHOW. I guess we were due for a punch in the dick, it's been a while.



Sparkletot Monger
This guy had the cure for Jorah.


Unfortunatly he got Hodor'd

Also, fuck Bran.

"Hey Bran.. dont go climbing okay?" "Hey Bran.. don't go dreaming without me" He is literally the most deadly person in the world.



Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Stupid death notwithstanding, sad to see Hodor go. More sad than probably 90% of the deaths we've already seen, and that are likely coming for that matter.
Yeah it's akin to what it would be like if Chewbacca were to ever die on screen in Star Wars. It would be a much sorer blow to me personally if that were to ever happen but it's in the same ballpark.