GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Trakanon Raider
Step 1 - Make army of malevolent uncontrollable self-replicating frost zombies
Step 2 - ????
Step 3 - Profit!

I think we can see why the Children were losing the war...


Mr. Poopybutthole
He's told Tyrion in Season 3. Which is actually super interesting because his interaction with the red woman is almost a direct callback & response to everything he said in that ENTIRE scene.
I remember that conversation but I didn't think he told Tyrion every little detail that the red priestess knew. So let me amend that to: Varys has told so few people the details of what happened that he is extremely freaked out by her knowing them because he can't imagine who would have told her.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Yeah. The fact that she knew the entity who responded and was able to tell him would have freaked him out. This is something Varys tells few people and I imagine he has a strong bullshit detector so yeah. Not unrealistic for him to be perturbed by it I think.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Step 1 - Make army of malevolent uncontrollable self-replicating frost zombies
Step 2 - ????
Step 3 - Profit!

I think we can see why the Children were losing the war...
It's a metaphor for nuclear proliferation. Final shot of the show will be a nuclear powered radio belting out some music in the ruins of Kings Landing.

Yeah. The fact that she knew the entity who responded and was able to tell him would have freaked him out. This is something Varys tells few people and I imagine he has a strong bullshit detector so yeah. Not unrealistic for him to be perturbed by it I think.
Not only that, but she seems to know what spoke and what it said. I think that alone would scare the shit out of Varys, because it means he didn't hallucinate it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Given how this season has gone so far, I was half expecting Euron to just lie there and the priest to say 'whoops guess I drowned the king'. I wonder where exactly Yara and Theon fit in to the plot now. Can't see Theon convincing her to throw in with Jon, but if they interfere with Euron bringing Daenerys to Westeros they're definitely going to die.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Who is going to be the main defender of Westeros concerning Danys army and landfall?

This is now the most interesting thread of the show IMO. I mean I guess it would be the entire realm, but something tells me some houses and factions will declare their support for her cause. So there will be pro Targ camps, and pro.....what? Will it be the Lannisters and Tyrells or whoever controls the Iron Throne? Is it going to be like a White Walker vs Dragon fest? Whats going to happen with Sansa and Jon corncerning Winterfell in relation to the rest of the realm? Jon has to reconcile with Dany somehow right?

So many fucking questions now. I dont think one episode has ever spawned so many new angles....ones we kind of didnt need. They better have a fucking FANTASTIC narrative to explain the time travel, time is a flat circle garbage with Bran, because they opened a can of worms there. He can basically go back to the tower of joy and affect the past via greenseeing,or any other point in history for that matter. Hodor was rendered a retard because of time traveling mind control, and the WW threat was propagated by sideline players that we have seen once in 5 seasons,who are now dead because of said timetravel. My brain hurts.


Trakanon Raider
Who is going to be the main defender of Westeros concerning Danys army and landfall?

This is now the most interesting thread of the show IMO. I mean I guess it would be the entire realm, but something tells me some houses and factions will declare their support for her cause. So there will be pro Targ camps, and pro.....what? Will it be the Lannisters and Tyrells or whoever controls the Iron Throne? Is it going to be like a White Walker vs Dragon fest? Whats going to happen with Sansa and Jon corncerning Winterfell in relation to the rest of the realm? Jon has to reconcile with Dany somehow right?

So many fucking questions now. I dont think one episode has ever spawned so many new angles....ones we kind of didnt need. They better have a fucking FANTASTIC narrative to explain the time travel, time is a flat circle garbage with Bran, because they opened a can of worms there. He can basically go back to the tower of joy and affect the past via greenseeing,or any other point in history for that matter. Hodor was rendered a retard because of time traveling mind control, and the WW threat was propagated by sideline players that we have seen once in 5 seasons,who are now dead because of said timetravel. My brain hurts.
I'm kinda thinking at this point no one will be resisting, at least no centralized force. If the riverlands thing isn't just Littlefinger trolling, then it gives us a host more in the center of westeros that will take the north/Jon telling them about the impending long niht more seriously. All we need now is one more powerful army in the south that believes in the true threat. Hell - it could be Dany depending on how the next few episodes go.


Avatar of War Slayer
Who is going to be the main defender of Westeros concerning Danys army and landfall?

This is now the most interesting thread of the show IMO. I mean I guess it would be the entire realm, but something tells me some houses and factions will declare their support for her cause. So there will be pro Targ camps, and pro.....what? Will it be the Lannisters and Tyrells or whoever controls the Iron Throne? Is it going to be like a White Walker vs Dragon fest? Whats going to happen with Sansa and Jon corncerning Winterfell in relation to the rest of the realm? Jon has to reconcile with Dany somehow right?

So many fucking questions now. I dont think one episode has ever spawned so many new angles....ones we kind of didnt need. They better have a fucking FANTASTIC narrative to explain the time travel, time is a flat circle garbage with Bran, because they opened a can of worms there. He can basically go back to the tower of joy and affect the past via greenseeing,or any other point in history for that matter. Hodor was rendered a retard because of time traveling mind control, and the WW threat was propagated by sideline players that we have seen once in 5 seasons,who are now dead because of said timetravel. My brain hurts.
Sansa is the Queen that takes Cersei's shit.
The only answer that is not totally paint by numbers at this point.

Hodor being hodor suggests "time travel" can't change the past. It already happened.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Who is going to be the main defender of Westeros concerning Danys army and landfall?

This is now the most interesting thread of the show IMO. I mean I guess it would be the entire realm, but something tells me some houses and factions will declare their support for her cause. So there will be pro Targ camps, and pro.....what? Will it be the Lannisters and Tyrells or whoever controls the Iron Throne? Is it going to be like a White Walker vs Dragon fest? Whats going to happen with Sansa and Jon corncerning Winterfell in relation to the rest of the realm? Jon has to reconcile with Dany somehow right?

So many fucking questions now. I dont think one episode has ever spawned so many new angles....ones we kind of didnt need. They better have a fucking FANTASTIC narrative to explain the time travel, time is a flat circle garbage with Bran, because they opened a can of worms there. He can basically go back to the tower of joy and affect the past via greenseeing,or any other point in history for that matter. Hodor was rendered a retard because of time traveling mind control, and the WW threat was propagated by sideline players that we have seen once in 5 seasons,who are now dead because of said timetravel. My brain hurts.
It's just a pre-destination paradox. Bran technically can't change anything, because he was always meant to change the event in the past (ie, guy goes back in time to kill Hitler, ends up creating Hitler). Considering the show is magic and dragons, who cares if there is time traveling stuff and it is a paradox? Doctor Who got away with paradoxes, a show with magic can definitely do that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I went to work this AM, held the door for someone, as I usually do, and got very sad. Fuck you, GRRM!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
That episode hit me harder than any other so far. Even the "weddings" and shit weren't as bad. Fucking eh man.

That has to be one of the most fucked up depressing revelations to a character ever. His whole life ruined because of Bran. Bran better have a big payoff after all this bs.

Regardless of the time travel paradox, 2 questions for me:

Bran Warg'd into past-Hodor, and he was somehow able to control Hodor in the present? Or was he not controlling Hodor in the present, but was Warg'd into the past-Hodor? Was Bran forcing Hodor to Hold the Door or did he stop Warging him?

And if Bran wasn't controlling him, kinda fucked up the girl basically told Hodor to sac himself while everyone else did it on their own terms. (Wolf/Child).

Fucked up shit on so many levels. Poor Hodor.


Molten Core Raider
Interested to see how Little Finger moves forward now. He's going to have to get down to some serious scheming now that his ruse is likely to be exposed. Sansa turning away an army also pretty much gaurantees they're going to have a rough time up north.


Got something right about marriage
That episode hit me harder than any other so far. Even the "weddings" and shit weren't as bad. Fucking eh man.

That has to be one of the most fucked up depressing revelations to a character ever. His whole life ruined because of Bran. Bran better have a big payoff after all this bs.

Regardless of the time travel paradox, 2 questions for me:

Bran Warg'd into past-Hodor, and he was somehow able to control Hodor in the present? Or was he not controlling Hodor in the present, but was Warg'd into the past-Hodor? Was Bran forcing Hodor to Hold the Door or did he stop Warging him?

And if Bran wasn't controlling him, kinda fucked up the girl basically told Hodor to sac himself while everyone else did it on their own terms. (Wolf/Child).

Fucked up shit on so many levels. Poor Hodor.
There are a lot of holes with just wtf happened with Hodor. How I understand it is Bran warged into Hodor in present time but was also sent back in time by the three eyed raven so that Hodor would hear her yelling at him to hold the door, all the way back then?

So really the three eyed raven fucked Hodor not Bran. Bran was never able to send himself into visions of the past before. Can the three eyed raven also see the future? Did he know that if they didn't fry Hodor's brain in the past that Willis wouldn't have stayed with Bran and held the door? And yea, where the hell are they getting exactly by him holding the door while she slowly meanders away yelling at him to hold the door over and over again?

And why did what's her face blow herself up when it did pretty much no good at all and would have had the same effect if she just threw her magic explosion ball behind her?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Surprised no one has brought up Brienne's impending trip down to the River lands to try to link up with the Blackfish. With all the talk of Coldhands potentially finally appearing to save Meera/Bran, Brienne traveling back south would be the perfect time for her to meet up with Lady Stoneheart.


<Bronze Donator>
Who is going to be the main defender of Westeros concerning Danys army and landfall?

This is now the most interesting thread of the show IMO. I mean I guess it would be the entire realm, but something tells me some houses and factions will declare their support for her cause. So there will be pro Targ camps, and pro.....what? Will it be the Lannisters and Tyrells or whoever controls the Iron Throne? Is it going to be like a White Walker vs Dragon fest? Whats going to happen with Sansa and Jon corncerning Winterfell in relation to the rest of the realm? Jon has to reconcile with Dany somehow right?

So many fucking questions now. I dont think one episode has ever spawned so many new angles....ones we kind of didnt need. They better have a fucking FANTASTIC narrative to explain the time travel, time is a flat circle garbage with Bran, because they opened a can of worms there. He can basically go back to the tower of joy and affect the past via greenseeing,or any other point in history for that matter. Hodor was rendered a retard because of time traveling mind control, and the WW threat was propagated by sideline players that we have seen once in 5 seasons,who are now dead because of said timetravel. My brain hurts.
As others have already pointed out, it's terminator rules for time travel, not back to the future.

there is only one time line, bran doesn't change it, he's a part of it. Hodor was always going to be fucked up, he was fucked up long before bran was born, hell ned was like 9 when it happened, on his way to the eyrie to foster under the arryns with robert baratheon. The only thing that happens is we just learn what caused it.

other things that could happen: Bran tries to go back in time and prevent the Mad king from going mad, to prevent all the death and war that came from robert's rebellion, only to discover that he is the one that drove the mad king mad, the voices in his head talking to him that he can't see or understand. etc. Is bran responsible for the deaths of his uncle and grandfather? for the deaths of all the men and women who perished in Robert's Rebellion? it's already happened, he can't change it.

You can extrapolate from there. Maybe in the future books/seasons when dany returns and they are fighting against the walkers in the war for the dawn. We learn that the dragons are the only way to defeat the walkers, but maybe the dragons aren't enough or maybe too many of them die in the war for the throne before the final war, and the walkers win. maybe bran goes back in time to try and ensure there's enough dragons in his time to win the war. So he goes back to try and stop the dance of dragons and ends up causing it. maybe he tries to convince the various targaryan rulers to try and hatch the dragons, he is telling them the secret to bringing them back through bring them back sooner, which is what causes all the various targs to die trying to ressurect the dragons, the tragedy at summerhall, aerion brightflame, etc.

not that I support any of those theories, just giving examples of how bran isn't changing the past through time travel. if he's going to do it, it's already done. predestination.

Just like sending a terminator back in time is where they got the technology to even build the terminators/skynet, shit was predestined to happen. You can't go back and change anything, you can only introduce paradoxes which create the history that you know.

it's not even "the time machine" time travel, where no matter what you do, something else will happen so the same outcome occurs. It's not like in one time line, hodor was kicked in the head by a horse and got brain damage, and that's why he "Hodors", but now that bran did the thing, that's the new reason why. There's only one time line. bran was always the cause.


Trakanon Raider
There are a lot of holes with just wtf happened with Hodor. How I understand it is Bran warged into Hodor in present time but was also sent back in time by the three eyed raven so that Hodor would hear her yelling at him to hold the door, all the way back then?

So really the three eyed raven fucked Hodor not Bran. Bran was never able to send himself into visions of the past before. Can the three eyed raven also see the future? Did he know that if they didn't fry Hodor's brain in the past that Willis wouldn't have stayed with Bran and held the door? And yea, where the hell are they getting exactly by him holding the door while she slowly meanders away yelling at him to hold the door over and over again?

And why did what's her face blow herself up when it did pretty much no good at all and would have had the same effect if she just threw her magic explosion ball behind her?
She killed marginally more wights by allowing some to swarm her body while others kept moving on to go for Bran. Probably got about 3-4 more than she would have otherwise. Good work.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
As others have already pointed out, it's terminator rules for time travel, not back to the future.
Terminator cemented it was multi-verse version of time travel in the TV show and in Genesys.