GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
Not sure how thats terrible of sansa, jon doesnt have a real army and looks fucked. Do they even have real weapon or armor going into this battle?
she just cut jon's balls off. you see how rustled he got when she opened her mouth at the dude from House Glover. either he is the leader or he isnt. imagine how he is gonna look when the Vale jumps all over the boltons and LF takes winterfell for himself or worse hands over the keys to sansa in front of everyone.


Trakanon Raider
Which is something only a Cersei-level retard would try and set in motion without being able to communicate with Olenna. All of these theories about Margaery having big plans are ignoring the fact that nothing would benefit her more than returning things to the status quo before trying to make some kind of power play.
I could say "I told you so," but "fuck you" sounds so much better!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
she just cut jon's balls off. you see how rustled he got when she opened her mouth at the dude from House Glover. either he is the leader or he isnt. imagine how he is gonna look when the Vale jumps all over the boltons and LF takes winterfell for himself or worse hands over the keys to sansa in front of everyone.
Yeah cause its prolly better he goes in theere and gets everyone killed


Millie's Staff Member
Yeah cause its prolly better he goes in theere and gets everyone killed
thats not the point, the point is jon and his forces just got tossed aside because sansa sold them all out to littlefinger, she didnt even tell him she was going to do it. not cool.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
I wish this show wasn't so popular so I could just wait till the end of the season without getting spoiled to watch them all. This shit is not meant for week to week. Fucking rage inducing.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I think the fact the Waif ignored Jaqen H'ghar's explicit instructions about not making Arya suffer is more than reason enough to know that she's golden and isn't even a stretch for her to be well situated after being gut stabbed multiple times.

As for Jon and Sansa, he realizes that he's out of his depth and is more than willing to defer to both Davos and Sansa. He isn't in it for himself and he'll be glad to get help from whatever source is willing to provide it. The notion that he was emasculated by Sansa is fucking bat shit crazy.


As for Jon and Sansa, he realizes that he's out of his depth and is more than willing to defer to both Davos and Sansa. He isn't in it for himself and he'll be glad to get help from whatever source is willing to provide it. The notion that he was emasculated by Sansa is fucking bat shit crazy.
Guy looks suicidal. All kinds of fucked up, like he doesn't want to be doing any of this and is just doing it because he has too. I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to siege Winterfell because he wants to die again.

His entire post rez story is kinda fucked up. The show has basically ignored it since it happened. It's like one of the biggest moments in the show and all we've got are a few lines in reaction and half of those are meant for laughs. His story is lost in this whole Sansa retaking Winterfell plot. I'm surprised how little time we've spent with Jon this season, I figured he would be a major focus and have a lot of scenes with Melisandre but nope, maybe after they retake Winterfell.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Guy looks suicidal. All kinds of fucked up, like he doesn't want to be doing any of this and is just doing it because he has too.
Of course he doesn't want to be doing it. Anyone who has seen what he's seen realizes what a waste it has been for all of the southern houses to be fighting one another when the real threat is on it's way down from beyond the Wall. And now he's becoming an active participant in more of that waste.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I could say "I told you so," but "fuck you" sounds so much better!
You told me what? I never said she didn't have some master plan. She's just either a Cersei level retard, or was willing to take the nuclear option to get out of taking the walk. I'm glad she wasn't just suddenly brainwashed between episodes though.

This episode was terrible. I mean yeah, I don't want to watch an entire episode of them traveling but the show does absolutely nothing to show that time has passed. If they've had enough time to travel around the whole goddamn north trying to rally the minor houses, why the fuck hasn't Ramsay had enough time to muster his armies and march on the wildlings? And the Hound not hearing all those people getting slaughtered, but somehow hearing a horse whinny as they rode off?

As for Arya, there's no way she survives without some kind of magical deus ex. The reason gut wounds are so awful (and almost always fatal) is that even if you get your wounds bandaged before you bleed out, you still die from the horrifically painful infection that sets in after having the contents of your intestines spilled into your stomach.


<Gold Donor>
I think Arya will be saved by the faceless men. Through death (or near death) she will truly become no one and then be admitted in to the order. Well at least that is what I hope happens. Either way she will live, no way they left us wondering just to have her die in the first ten minutes next week.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think Arya will be saved by the faceless men. Through death (or near death) she will truly become no one and then be admitted in to the order. Well at least that is what I hope happens. Either way she will live, no way they left us wondering just to have her die in the first ten minutes next week.
She doesn't want to be admitted into the order.

Great episode, went by too fast. Best moment was Jaime backhanding the Frey.


Millie's Staff Member
Guy looks suicidal. All kinds of fucked up, like he doesn't want to be doing any of this and is just doing it because he has too. I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to siege Winterfell because he wants to die again.

His entire post rez story is kinda fucked up. The show has basically ignored it since it happened. It's like one of the biggest moments in the show and all we've got are a few lines in reaction and half of those are meant for laughs. His story is lost in this whole Sansa retaking Winterfell plot. I'm surprised how little time we've spent with Jon this season, I figured he would be a major focus and have a lot of scenes with Melisandre but nope, maybe after they retake Winterfell.
i guess i see things differently, jon said that he did what he thought was right and they killed him. now he is doing what he thought was right and again he gets somebody who he trusts going behind his back. sansa is not including jon in her plans. i dont see it any other way as a kick in the nuts. once the vale takes shit down do you guys really think LF is just gonna go, here jon snow. the castle is all yours and your wildlings can start moving in today?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
thats not the point, the point is jon and his forces just got tossed aside because sansa sold them all out to littlefinger, she didnt even tell him she was going to do it. not cool.
The only stupid thing Sansa has done this season so far is turning down Littlefingers army in the first place.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Not sure how this will progress with Arya... More Magical healing powers!?

Good episode though. The Hound's return to fighting is going to be good. Really good to see him back on the show. Little girl killed it.


<Bronze Donator>
fuck man, this show..

nearly line for line scene for scene of the only good part of book 4, Jaime's handling of the frey's siege of riverrun (so many of you gobble cock over doran martells idiot plan, that shit is worse than furry fanfic. Riverrun siege is the only redeeming factor of that book).

got so fucking hype for how he ends the siege:

Jaime settled on a stool while Tully had his bath. The filth came off in grey clouds. ?Once you?ve eaten, my men will escort you to Riverrun. What happens after that is up to you.?
?What do you mean??
?Your uncle is an old man. Valiant, yes, but the best part of his life is done. He has no bride to grieve for him, no children to defend. A good death is all the Blackfish can hope for... but you have years remaining, Edmure. And you are the rightful lord of House Tully, not him. Your uncle serves at your pleasure. The fate of Riverrun is in your hands.?
Edmure stared. ?The fate of Riverrun...?
?Yield the castle and no one dies. Your smallfolk may go in peace or stay to serve Lord Emmon. Ser Brynden will be allowed to take the black, along with as many of the garrison as choose to join him. You as well, if the Wall appeals to you. Or you may go to Casterly Rock as my captive and enjoy all the comforts and courtesy that befits a hostage of your rank. I?ll send your wife to join you, if you like. If her child is a boy, he will serve House Lannister as a page and a squire, and when he earns his knighthood we?ll bestow some lands upon him. Should Roslin give you a daughter, I?ll see her well dowered when she?s old enough to wed. You yourself may even be granted parole, once the war is done. All you need do is yield the castle.?
Edmure raised his hands from the tub and watched the water run between his fingers. ?And if I will not yield??
Must you make me say the words? Pia was standing by the flap of the tent with her arms full of clothes. His squires were listening as well, and the singer. Let them hear, Jaime thought. Let the world hear. It makes no matter. He forced himself to smile, ?You?ve seen our numbers, Edmure. You?ve seen the ladders, the towers, the trebuchets, the rams. If I speak the command, my coz will bridge your moat and break your gate. Hundreds will die, most of them your own. Your former bannermen will make up the first wave of attackers, so you?ll start your day by killing the fathers and brothers of men who died for you at the Twins. The second wave will be Freys, I have no lack of those. My westermen will follow when your archers are short of arrows and your knights so weary they can hardly lift their blades. When the castle falls, all those inside will be put to the sword. Your herds will be butchered, your godswood will be felled, your keeps and towers will burn. I?ll pull your walls down, and divert the Tumblestone over the ruins. By the time I?m done no man will ever know that a castle once stood here.? Jaime got to his feet. ?Your wife may whelp before that. You?ll want your child, I expect. I?ll send him to you when he?s born. With a trebuchet.?
Silence followed his speech. Edmure sat in his bath. Pia clutched the clothing to her breasts. The singer tightened a string on his harp. Little Lew hollowed out a loaf of stale bread to make a trencher, pretending that he had not heard. With a trebuchet, Jaime thought. If his aunt had been there, would she still say Tyrion was Tywin?s son?

Then of course in the promo for next weeks episode, all my hopes were dashed. Jaime vs brienne? Ok I get it, they gotta get back on track, conflict of some sort, potentially involving one or more of their deaths is imminent. And yeah, show jaime isn't getting his "fuck cersei" redemption arc. Apparently it doesn't really matter, or at least not yet.


Ssraeszha Raider
i guess i see things differently, jon said that he did what he thought was right and they killed him. now he is doing what he thought was right and again he gets somebody who he trusts going behind his back. sansa is not including jon in her plans. i dont see it any other way as a kick in the nuts. once the vale takes shit down do you guys really think LF is just gonna go, here jon snow. the castle is all yours and your wildlings can start moving in today?
You never know what LF is up to, but I don't see a united North kneeling to the Vale over a Stark


Ssraeszha Raider
Does the Rose that Margery drew have an already established meaning? I know it was some sort of message to Grandma Tyrell that she's scheming some shit, but don't know if we're supposed to know anything more specific than that.