GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Trakanon Raider
Does the Rose that Margery drew have an already established meaning? I know it was some sort of message to Grandma Tyrell that she's scheming some shit, but don't know if we're supposed to know anything more specific than that.
The Family Sigil, in other words Grandma I didn't forget my Family is first! I got this shit on lock


Not sure how this will progress with Arya... More Magical healing powers!?

Good episode though. The Hound's return to fighting is going to be good. Really good to see him back on the show. Little girl killed it.
Arya's Indoctrination re-write:

At the beginning of Season 5, Arya gains entry to the House of Black and White, but, just before entering, she buries Needle. Arya enters the black and white doors, they seal behind her, and she does not emerge again until the end of Season 6. At that time, the doors open, and out from darkness steps a much different Arya. She uncovers Needle before striding off to whatever mission she has for Season 7.

Just give Lady Mormont glowing blue eyes and modulate her voice and call her Alia Atreides.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Episode was great. For those complaining about "going too fast"... if you look back at previous seasons the show has always maintained a brisk pace. In fact, this season still seems to be moving slower than major events that happened in Season 1:

By Episode 7 we had: Bran falling Ep 1, Dire Wolves Ep 1, Ned & Girls travel from Winterfell to King's Landing by Ep 3, Tyrion taken prisoner Ep 4, Ned injured Ep 5, Tyrion at the Eyrie Ep 5, Viserys golden Crown Ep 6, Robert dies Ep 7, Ned Prisoner Ep 7.

This Season most of the main characters are still in the same fucking place lol. We have a lot of side characters killed off. Biggest events so far:
Brienne & Pod find Sansa, Roose Killed, Tower of Joy backstory which we still haven't got the full reveal yet, Backstory of Hodor, Jon Resurrection, Sansa reuniting with Jon, Bran leaves the Tree & found by Benjen, minor Sam & Gilly movement, some Arya development but after 7 episodes still not concluded, Iron Island developments are probably 2nd biggest thing after Jon & Sansa.

Really though... shit is going a snail's pace and almost everyone is still dicking around in the same places.

Next episode will focus on Arya, it's titled "No One". I'm half expecting the theory that the Waif is Arya to be true. "Arya" dies, then the Waif reveals herself to be Arya. What other scenario? No way Arya can beat the Waif now with a gut wound and her story arc needs to wrap up soon. Question is, does Arya actually become "No One" or will there be another twist? Was this the first episode where the Waif actually used a mask? No way Arya just dies after so much buildup and dragging it out so long.

When is Cleganebowl? Can it be crammed in? Ep 9 perhaps?

Only 3 episodes left. So sad. Looks like we're heading for Battle for Winterfell as the climactic 9th episode. Then Ep 10 will have Jon/Sansa settling in to their old home. Will Bran make it to them Ep 10 and then end with Whitewalker Army staring at the Wall?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hound seems to be going after the brotherhood, so where is the red priest or did they just kill that off completely. Hard to believe Ian mcshane only has 1 episode


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
No way they kill Arya off. If Arya is actually dead at the end of this season I will lose my shit. Dragging that crap on for 2 fucking seasons for that kind of payoff?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea if they kill off Jamie that is going to be super fucking gay. Brienne has to die then?

Honestly I didnt think that was a great episode. It had great moments, Jamie bitchslap being one of them, but the whole Sandor thing was kind of stupid, and I agree with the poster that talked about Jon being put on the back burner. Like wtf? His rez was probably one of the biggest moments in the entire show, and now everyone just forgot about it. We didnt even get a Sansa "so what was it like to die?" line, NOTHING. Its fucking preposterous.

Lastly, the Arya scene was so fucking bad. The Waif has provided her with an edge, being a master trainer, one the faceless fucking men have chosen to break in a new recruit, she is a unforgiving badass....a MASTER ASSASSIN. Yet she flubs the attempt, so badly, it bordered on hilarity. Like I had to rewatch that scene again and it was just as bad as the first time. They literally choreographed the failed throat slash, and then had her magically jump away off the bridge into the water. Like, why wouldnt the Waif just fatally wound her? Not only that, she unmasks,and then confirms the kill for a whole 10 seconds. Blood in the water? lol shes dead, mission accomplished! D&D have really shown they arent world beaters after all. This is a great show no doubt, but almost all the material they have woven in that didnt come from GRRM's hand, has been pretty fucking bad.

There are a few arcs that the show version has actually made better, I admit, but overall bad writing is starting to unravel this shows prestige in my eyes. Obviously ill be watching till the end, but they need to tighten up.


No way they kill Arya off. If Arya is actually dead at the end of this season I will lose my shit. Dragging that crap on for 2 fucking seasons for that kind of payoff?
I don't think they kill her off either. But she's been so long removed from the rest of the show, and her list is so thinned out, I can't really picture what her role is after this Faceless limbo is done. I think they have to get her to Tyrion and the dragons, even if it means jumping a shark. But they sort of set up her ticket home...

At this point, the only thing I really want to see is Sam become a wizard. Everything else is crashing and burning.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The title of the next episode could just as easily refer to the Waif failing to be no one. After being stabbed in the stomach and falling into nasty ass canal water, Arya is 100% going to die without some kind of magical 'ok you get to live now'. I don't see how a near death experience would suddenly teach her how to be no one instead of Arya Stark, so her suddenly rejoining the Faceless Men would be impressively stupid. Fuck if I know where the hell she is supposed to go if she survives to leave Braavos though.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Shows are so much better without the Danerys storyline. Weird to see the hound back, for all the talk of GRRM killing characters, some just don't stay dead.


Crazy thought, but what if Arya dies, and the Waif takes her face to assassinate people? Falling into that canal water does kinda seem like a slow death through infection. Also, it keeps Maisie Williams (i.e. Arya Stark's actress) around.

I mean, I wouldn't actually like for this to happen because you'd throw away all of Arya's character development. But they could leave the showdown between Arya and the Waif ambiguous, Arya shows up next season in one of the main plots as an assassin, and then have a big reveal later in the season that Arya died and was replaced by the Waif.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Crazy thought, but what if Arya dies, and the Waif takes her face to assassinate people? Falling into that canal water does kinda seem like a slow death through infection. Also, it keeps Maisie Williams (i.e. Arya Stark's actress) around.

I mean, I wouldn't actually like for this to happen because you'd throw away all of Arya's character development. But they could leave the showdown between Arya and the Waif ambiguous, Arya shows up next season in one of the main plots as an assassin, and then have a big reveal later in the season that Arya died and was replaced by the Waif.
It still wouldn't seem worth losing all the time spent on the character since the only real value to this kind of twist would be in having an unexpected death (ie, Arya Waif kills Sansa or something like that). Hopefully there's something meatier left for Arya.


Not quite buying into the Arya Durden theory yet. I don't think she dies but the waif thing doesn't make sense that she would stab herself because of some kind of multiple personality thing, that it's all in her head or whatever.

If it had been all in one episode, waif stabs her, she dies right away, the pan out and pan back in and they have now switched places, Jaqen walks up and says "now you are truly no one" then I could have. Split between episodes just makes it too convoluted in my opinion. Especially with the stumbling around half dead she is doing right now.


Avatar of War Slayer
So wondering where the Arya story goes. She was basically gutted and given the lack of proper medical care, I'm not sure how she survives that. Even if she does, she won't exactly be in shape to fight anyone anytime soon.

However, the Waif has some splanin to do!

1) She was told to not make Arya suffer. She stomach shanks her after a failed throat slash
2) She didn't verify Arya was dead. Pretty shit assassin if she doesn't even verify her target is dead
3) She revealed herself after she did the deed

These all seem like pretty big no-nos for the Faceless men. Arya got owned, but I think the Waif signed her own death warrant.
haha. yeah. I was thinking this. The only thing dumber then Arya NOT being 1000% more careful around anyone... is how pathetic the waifs assassination was.


A Mod Real Quick
I've been wondering if Arya was actually Jaqen H'ghar transformed and he got stabbed. I don't remember how all that stuff works (does he need her face?) though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
These face trading theories are awesome lol. Can you wear a face beneath a face?


These face trading theories are awesome lol. Can you wear a face beneath a face?
Maybe? The only precedence is right before Arya loses her sight and she's pulling off faces from Jaqen after he 'kills' himself at the end of last season. But then again, she sees her own face in that scene and she's still alive? She was probably going mad in that scene, but it's the only one that comes to mind where there's faces on faces.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not convinced Ian is dead, his eyes were still open.. i predict him, stannis, shireen, and hodor form a rag tag group of brigands and find a pirate ship hidden with enough gems to save all of their homes.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
People think the show is going too fast? I thought this week's and last week's episodes were both slow and boring.