GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Thank you for rehashing every reason that has already been brought up for why the fake blood thing would be retarded. Nobody is saying it would be good writing, we're saying we think that's the most likely direction the writers are going.
Arya's going to be wandering the streets of Braavos taking her last breath when 2 cats run by being chased by a dog. She'll kick the dog in the head, allowing her to die like the autistic faggot you are.


Buzzfeed Editor
I think maybe you guys are taking the "no one" thing even more strictly than the cultists are.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This Sundays episode has got to be the most anticipated one this season, yes even more so then Jon's rez cause there is no precedent to how things should play out and no book to fall back on.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I don't see any of the possibilities discussed as being satisfying. But the plot demands that this plotline ends so Arya can move on to her next plotline.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, the Waif failing and having this personal vandetta against Arya is equally as blasphemous to the concept of being "no one" as having favoritism towards Arya is. Despite Arya generally being a shitty Faceless Man candidate in the first place. Why would JH have a soft spot for Arya Stark?

Not going to rule it out but I still think the fake blood thing is more likely. If it is true we can put the shapechanging shit to bed then!
The faceless one asked him to keep her alive. He has helped her in the past and gave her very good gifts. It is not far fetched as the Starks are important in the plot line.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Whats nuts (no one has really talked about this yet) is how Theon and Yara managed to consolidate damn near the entire Ironborn fleet and get out of dodge in like 20 minutes. I know time in this show is questionable, as thats been pointed out 2938472983 times, but that was hilariously stupid. Not only that but Yara had to have a ton of loyalists to man their "best ships". Just really ham-fisted and unconvincing.


Musty Nester
I just assumed they had the fleet out there waiting to bolt.

It's funnier that all the old dudes were busy electing a new king while their entire army was getting ready to get the fuck out of dodge... And the old fuckers didn't even notice.

I don't imagine the iron islands to have a strong central authority. More like a pirate haven and the "king" just has the biggest fleet, and takes a cut from the lesser fleets.

You're right, but I found it funny for a different reason.


Trakanon Raider
This season has been great so far, but the shortage of Ramsay has been disappointing. Hoping he has lots of screen time in the last three episodes. Lack of Tyrion has also been a downer (although, him being pretty much worthless in Meereen has gimped his character this season).


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I felt like being a dick.


Whats nuts (no one has really talked about this yet) is how Theon and Yara managed to consolidate damn near the entire Ironborn fleet and get out of dodge in like 20 minutes. I know time in this show is questionable, as thats been pointed out 2938472983 times, but that was hilariously stupid. Not only that but Yara had to have a ton of loyalists to man their "best ships". Just really ham-fisted and unconvincing.
It's been all downhill for the Ironborn since they wrote Yara's stupid attempt to rescue Theon.

Not only was absconding with the whole fleet hillariously stupid, but Euron's command to "Go back to your homes. Chop down every tree you can me a thousand ships, and I will give you this world" is utterly stupid. There are no trees on the iron islands. The scenery shows it. Even the Ironborn in the show talk about how the islands have nothing.That's why they pay the iron price for everything. Even if they had decent trees, wooden ship take years to build. Fuck, it would take the better part of a year to season the cut lumber! To borrow from another show, something's fucky.

In case you want to cringe again:Game Of Thrones S06E05 720p- Eurons declearation: Build me a thousand ships - YouTube


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Now that I'm thinking about it has there been a successful marriage on this show yet? I guess Marge and Tommen is still TBD. But Robb and his bitch deed, Tyrion and Sansa didn't go to plan, Marge and Renly+Joff deed, Littlefinger + Vale chick, Sansa and Ramsey. Is there a happily married couple still that wasn't previously married when introduced?
We know for certain that Tommen dies before Cercie because of the fortune telling she received when she was young, so unless Cercie lives to be an old woman (doubtful) we can rest assured that Margery and Tommen will not live happily ever after.


Avatar of War Slayer
Did a little checking.

time period is obviously up for grabs. Fantasy etc. But, using a reference point of lets say 1600's-1900's. Essax was putting out 50 ships a year. about 4000 ships over their 350 year history of shipbuilding.
A good 20-50 years required for "a thousand ships".