GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
The only villain left in westeros is the Night King and he has even less dialogue than rickon. Euron is too much of a fratboy soccer hooligan to be taken seriously. We all know he is going to be roasted. The high septon is basically harmless as long as you dont fuck your sister or kill your king. Maybe they can turn littlefinger into a monster and finish completely ruining his character.


If they have stated 3 major characters get killed off next episode I hardly would count Kevan as a major character. But then again the major character that got killed this episode was Rickon and he's been gone for 3 seasons so what do I know.

I think Tommen is correct dying by Cersei's hand. Probably the High Sparrow. And then maybe Loras.
I think Tommen will commit suicide after Margaery dies and Cersei will off herself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
DAE Plot armor with the plot armor plotting the armor plot armor armor plot armor?

Also plot armor plot armor plot armor plot armor. And they didn't even plot armor plot armor.

Seriously, plot armor!?


The question I was asking last night though... was who put Ramsey in the kennels and opened the dogs cages. Wouldn't the dogs have torn the shit out of whoever put Ramsey in there if they hadn't been fed in 7 days? And why did they wait until after Sansa and Ramsey's dialogue to realize Ramsey was there covered in blood. Bad writing.
What that scene was missing was a rope for Sansa to the kennel door. She waits for him to wake up, says a zinger, and pulls the door open, unleashing the hound. No way those hounds were just sitting in there for 30 min waiting for Ramsay to wake up to bite his eyeballs out.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If they have stated 3 major characters get killed off next episode I hardly would count Kevan as a major character. But then again the major character that got killed this episode was Rickon and he's been gone for 3 seasons so what do I know.

I think Tommen is correct dying by Cersei's hand. Probably the High Sparrow. And then maybe Loras.
Melisandre, Tommen, Loras. Melisandre has stopped having visions and Jon said that he saw nothing while dead. Melisandre isn't having visions because of a lack of faith she is not having visions because she is going to die and cant see past her death. Tommen and Loras will die in the fire Cersie sets. Jamie comes back and kills Cersie then marries Margaery and leads the combined Lannister and Tyrell armies into the final battles next season.

Margaery maybe pregnant with Tommens child already if so that works out well the lanisters and Tyrells can claim they are the the future kings guardian and still have legal authority over the seven kingdoms.


Millie's Staff Member
Cersei? Walder Frey? Come on bro, do you even lift or watch this show?
cersei isnt a villain. she is is a selfish bitch and a moron. walder wont be around much longer, i wont be surprised if he dies on sunday or at the beginning of season 7. besides, hes just a medeival version of get off my lawn you fucking kids


Millie's Staff Member
Cersei is definitely a villain.
shes no more a villiain than olenna, or littlefinger. littlefinger and olenna are probably worse than her.

btw i am talking about show cersei. i cant really defend book cersei too much after she sent a bunch of chicks to qyburn to experiment on.


<Bronze Donator>
Cersei being a villain was established in season one episode one. She hasn't had a chance to do much heinous shit *lately* since she's under house arrest, but yeah... She has definitely got a longer rap sheet than LF.


Unelected Mod
Dude, if you don't see Cersei as a villain, I'm really doubting that you have watched the show at all. I was hoping at first you just forgot about it or something. Maybe start watching more of those videos you always link. Leader of the Faith Militant is definitely a villain in my mind also.

They aren't completely black villains with zero redeeming qualities. That is a good thing. We don't always need a Joffrey or a Ramsay. I think both of them were far less interesting than a Cersei.