GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
You've seriously never had a gut feeling that something felt wrong?

Also she never said the sept is gunna go up at any second. Cersei could have just as easily sent a ton of guards in there to slaughter everyone.
Kevan controls the Lannister guards now right? Err... did. Who the fuck would be the Lord of Casterly Rock after Kevan? As shown by Kevan being the Lord at all, it can't be Cersei.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Kevan controls the Lannister guards now right? Err... did. Who the fuck would be the Lord of Casterly Rock after Kevan? As shown by Kevan being the Lord at all, it can't be Cersei.
Jaime would be I think, as Tommen threw him off the Kingsguard, so his rights are no longer forfeit...and as Jaime commands the Lannister army, I doubt anyone would press the matter with him anyway.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Jaime is no longer a Kingsguard. Thus he is now the Lord of Casterly Rock.

porkchop sandwiches

Potato del Grande
Amazing episode but one thing was bugging me - what was the point of luring Lancel down to the wildfyre cache and stabbing, but not killing him? Like....if he was 10 seconds quicker he would have pinched out those 3 candles to stop the explosion (though maybe there were more than just those 3). Did Cersei just want to make sure he died?

Also, what was implied by the mountain with the nun? Daily rape or what? He took off his mask and I thought I heard the sound of him taking off other armor as well.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Amazing episode but one thing was bugging me - what was the point of luring Lancel down to the wildfyre cache and stabbing, but not killing him? Like....if he was 10 seconds quicker he would have pinched out those 3 candles to stop the explosion (though maybe there were more than just those 3). Did Cersei just want to make sure he died?

Also, what was implied by the mountain with the nun? Daily rape or what? He took off his mask and I thought I heard the sound of him taking off other armor as well.
I took that as Cersei wanted Lancel to suffer greatly. Granted the scene was a bit "made for TV."


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
To redeem Lancel a little and give the audience an insight to what was going on. Let us hope that Cersei didn't actually 'plan' for Lancel to suffer like that somehow. That's a bit much.

One pet peeve I have with the North scene. Seriously, Jon casually mentions that the Army of the Dead is coming as winter is here. Either the Lords of the North are just accepting that the WW are real, as are wights and zombies and that's just how it is. Or they're just nodding at Lord Snow (Stark) like he didn't really mean to say it.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Jaime is no longer a Kingsguard. Thus he is now the Lord of Casterly Rock.
So then other than "she's the main villain" (and she blew up her opposition) why the fuck is she queen and not Jaime? From which bannermen does her power derive, if Jaime is the Lord? Robert for example was the Lord of Storm's End, and also king. Cersei is the Lord of.. ??


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I guess she was part of the royal family and Jaime is not as direct a part of the royal family as she is?

That's all I got.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
King's Landing? Remember the Lannisters never sat the throne. Jamie would have less than zero claim on the throne.


FPS noob
the entire scene felt like something from Godfather, obviously not realistic in any way but made for good drama with Cersei getting revenge on everyone.

I hope Cersei's downfall is not Dany or Dorne but rather the people of KL rebel against her and execute her on the streets. Thats a fairly common ending for harsh dictators, and Cersei is wholely reliant on Qyburn for virtually all her power. I'm guessing we'll see a mix of Cersei not having money to pay her guards and not caring, not having food to feed citizens and not caring, and finally Qyburn abandoning her to join someone who can give him something she cannot: more magic. Maybe that sets up Cleganebowl: Melisandra rejoins the Brotherhood, they go south to KL and lead the people against Cersei


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So then other than "she's the main villain" (and she blew up her opposition) why the fuck is she queen and not Jaime? From which bannermen does her power derive, if Jaime is the Lord? Robert for example was the Lord of Storm's End, and also king. Cersei is the Lord of.. ??
Same way Robert Baratheon became king, he had no claim. By seizing it. Different means, but seizing it all the same; she controls the only army in town through Jaime, very similar to how Ned Stark got brushed aside and screwed over despite Robert naming him Lord Protector or whatever until Joffrey came of age.

I am not sure who Tommen's legitimate heir would be - Jaime maybe? A minor Lannister noble cousin?


Buzzfeed Editor
To redeem Lancel a little and give the audience an insight to what was going on. Let us hope that Cersei didn't actually 'plan' for Lancel to suffer like that somehow. That's a bit much.

One pet peeve I have with the North scene. Seriously, Jon casually mentions that the Army of the Dead is coming as winter is here. Either the Lords of the North are just accepting that the WW are real, as are wights and zombies and that's just how it is. Or they're just nodding at Lord Snow (Stark) like he didn't really mean to say it.
The Northern guys are superstitious, most of them probably do believe in the White Walkers, especially given they've now seen a Giant and Jon's white Dire wolf.

So then other than "she's the main villain" (and she blew up her opposition) why the fuck is she queen and not Jaime? From which bannermen does her power derive, if Jaime is the Lord? Robert for example was the Lord of Storm's End, and also king. Cersei is the Lord of.. ??
I think it was just a case of everyone in that room didn't want to be killed. But she believes she has the Riverlands, due to the Freys, and the Vale due to Littlefinger, and the North due to the Boltons (She hasn't heard of the Freys death's or of Littlefinger helping the North, or the North's new king, probably). But of course, even if all those guys were still there--she wouldn't have them, as you said, they'd be loyal to Jaime now (If they remained loyal at all).

She has no power, she's just playing dress up and no one there wanted Gregor to kill them, so they didn't say anything.


Trump's Staff
Why would the Throne go to Jaime even if he is the new Lord of Casterly Rock? The Lannisters were not sitting the throne. Baratheons were.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Why would the Throne go to Jaime even if he is the new Lord of Casterly Rock? The Lannisters were not sitting the throne. Baratheons were.
It wouldn't, but then it shouldn't go to Cersei either. After they killed the Targaryens it really became a free for all. Are there no Baretheon uncles or cousins or anything that would be in line after Robert or his progeny? I know Robert's brothers are both dead without issue.


Trump's Staff
Kevan is still hand of the king (unless I missed him being killed?) so he should be sitting on the throne until a new king is appointed by whatever the official protocol is.


I hope Cersei's downfall is not Dany or Dorne but rather the people of KL rebel against her and execute her on the streets. Thats a fairly common ending for harsh dictators, and Cersei is wholely reliant on Qyburn for virtually all her power.
My feelings are that the enemies will be at all sides for Cersei just as they were for the Mad King. She will succumb to madness and decide that because of her first successful wildfire experience, she will use the remaining stores to burn King's Landing to the ground, because "if she can't have it, no one will". This will force Jaime into the exact same situation he was in with the Mad King and he will be forced to kill her himself to prevent her from killing thousands of innocents. It also fulfills the prophecy.

I'm not going to go so far as to say this is the obvious conclusion, but I think it is the kind of conclusion that makes a lot of sense for the Lannister storyline, Jaime's redemption, etc.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Gotta say that first 15 minutes up until the sept blew was some of the best TV i've seen in a good while. Rest of the episode pretty solid too. Can't wait to see what Arya ends up doing - really wondering who the next target will be and if she's going to stay solo and do her thing or get with people and start working within the great game.