GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

Kubla Kas_sl

I rustled my jimmies a bit, now I feel better and in a better mood.

Back on topic, what is all this Tyrion is Targaryen theories floating around? Is there any clues at all or is somebody pulling it out of their ass?


Molten Core Raider
I rustled my jimmies a bit, now I feel better and in a better mood.

Back on topic, what is all this Tyrion is Targaryen theories floating around? Is there any clues at all or is somebody pulling it out of their ass?
Should be taken to the book thread, I think.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The fact he's a dwarf(byproduct of generations of incest?). His hair is described as "white-blonde", so I guess lighter than his siblings and closer to the Targaryens. Mad King Aerys was sort of obsessed with Joanna Lannister(Tywin's wife), to the point of joking at their wedding he wished they still had the First Night tradition so he could bone her. And he "took liberties" in the bedding ritual that night where the men undress the bride. Lots of people have suggested that he raped/fucked her at some point, which was potentially part of the reason Tywin ended up on Robert's side. Plus Tyrion seems fascinated with dragons. I think some people have mentioned his eyes, but I don't think green and black eyes have anything to do with Targs. Could be wrong. I'm sure I'm missing a lot more stuff too.

Mostly I think it's just wishful thinking, people want Dany, Jon, and Tyrion to ride some dragons and wreck shit.

Maybe if we say Mimirswell's name 3 times while looking in a mirror he'll appear and break this shit down. Dude is an encyclopedia of Ice and Fire shit.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Plot armor is a pretty old term guys.

Grimm covered the tyrion is targaryen theory pretty well and I hope that's the case because nothing would crack me up more than seeing Peter Dinklage riding a dragon.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Plot armor is a pretty old term guys.
Not new, just being used obnoxiously the last few days.

I like the idea of whoever it was in the book thread that suggested Dany and Jon will become evil conquerors or Westeros. I don't expect it to happen, but I would fucking LOVE it. Just 'OK we're done trying to make shit-ade out of the turds life is handing us, time to burn bitches.'

Kubla Kas_sl

I would LOVE if Dany's attempt to retake the seven kingdoms totally failed at end of series. And maybe either a zombie Jon (although I would love for Jon to not come back, as well) or just Lannisters stay on throne and GRRM is like, that's life, it sucks... things go on as normal.

What a troll that would be.
So now we have Daenerys, Young Griff, Jon Snow, and Tyrion as known or theoretical Targaryens out there playing the game of thrones...I dunno. There's too much quality backstory with Tywin and Tyrion to throw in a "just kidding" at the end. Although this is the same guy who wrote half of a book about Harzoos and other useless boring shit, so maybe it will end up happening, who knows?

I think the whole point of showing Tywin losing Jaime to the Kingsguard and having Cersei exposed as totally unfit to lead anything makes the pointless waste of Tyrion even more compelling than him being Targaryen_Pretender_04. Like here is the rock solid future of your house...better piss it away because birth defects and genetics weren't understood at all in medieval times. Tywin's sister also says in AFFC that despite Tywin putting all of his hopes and fatherly effort into Jaime it was always Tyrion that was his father's son through and through. Aerys just wouldn't know where whores go....let's not bastardize two of the best characters in the series imo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Tywin's sister also says in AFFC that despite Tywin putting all of his hopes and fatherly effort into Jaime it was always Tyrion that was his father's son through and through.
That scene was so damn good. Just gonna spoiler for space here because the whole thing is boss.

"Ser Kevan refused the office."

"So he said. He did not say why. There was much he did not say. Would not say." Lady Genna made a face. "Kevan always did what was asked of him. It is not like him to turn away from any duty. Something is awry here, I can smell it."

"He said that he was tired."He knows, Cersei had said, as they stood above their father's corpse.He knows about us.

"Tired?" His aunt pursed her lips. "I suppose he has a right to be. It has been hard for Kevan, living all his life in Tywin's shadow. It was hard for all my brothers. That shadow Tywin cast was long and black, and each of them had to struggle to find a little sun. Tygett tried to be his own man, but he could never match your father, and that just made him angrier as the years went by. Gerion made japes. Better to mock the game than to play and lose. But Kevan saw how things stood early on, so he made himself a place by your father's side."

"And you?" Jaime asked her.

"It was not a game for girls. I was my father's precious princess... and Tywin's too, until I disappointed him. My brother never learned to like the taste of disappointment." She pushed herself to her feet. "I've said what I came to say, I shan't take any more of your time. Do what Tywin would have done."

"Did you love him?" Jaime heard himself ask.

His aunt looked at him strangely. "I was seven when Walder Frey persuaded my lord father to give my hand to Emm. His second son, not even his heir. Father was himself a thirdborn son, and younger children crave the approval of their elders. Frey sensed that weakness in him, and Father agreed for no better reason than to please him. My betrothal was announced at a feast with half the west in attendance. Ellyn Tarbeck laughed and the Red Lion went angry from the hall. The rest sat on their tongues. Only Tywin dared speak against the match. A boy of ten. Father turned as white as mare's milk, and Walder Frey was quivering." She smiled. "How could I not love him, after that? That is not to say that I approved of all he did, or much enjoyed the company of the man that he became... but every little girl needs a big brother to protect her. Tywin was big even when he was little." She gave a sigh. "Who will protect us now?"

Jaime kissed her cheek. "He left a son."

"Aye, he did. That is what I fear the most, in truth."

That was a queer remark. "Why should you fear?"

"Jaime," she said, tugging on his ear, "sweetling, I have known you since you were a babe at Joanna's breast.You smile like Gerion and fight like Tyg, and there's some of Kevan in you, else you would not wear that cloak... but Tyrion is Tywin's son, not you.I said so once to your father's face, and he would not speak to me for half a year. Men are such thundering great fools. Even the sort who come along once in a thousand years."

I really hope they nail the casting on Genna Lannister. That scene is gonna have watchers jumping off their couches and yelling "FUCK YEAH!".


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I know I'm preaching to the choir, but just to prove the point about Littlefinger:


Though I gotta admit, 'The Wedding Planner' made me lol


Potato del Grande
I hate Genna Lannister, worst wirtten part of the books IMO - you are just narrated at.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Oh man I hope we can get in to an argument about Deus Ex Machina vs. Plot Armor! NOTHING WOULD STIFFEN MY DICK QUICKER!
LOL, I was just thinking reading the thread that plot armor is going for deus ex machina's spot in the "things douche bags say to sound smart on the internet" bracket and then there it was. Maybe this thread could turn into a different kind of entertainment.