GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Loras isn't pretty enough. I'd barely let him give me some hand action, much less shave my chest while blowing me.

Margary and Granny Thorns are pretty spot on. I wasn't sold on Margery and her weird wide-set eyeballs last season but she's really grown on me.

And really Loras doesn't show much depth in the books either so it's no biggie.


Loras played his role I think, I don't think he had any need to be complicated than he is. I'm fine with him as he has been portrayed.

I was a bit disappointed in the scene with Sansa. It needed to be a bit longer, just to offer Sansa a bit for catharsis or whatever, to let out a bit of the horrors. It just needed a few more moments I think.

Anyways, the show needs to be 90 minutes or something.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was just reading the lunch scene looking for a quote that wasn't there(where Margaery mentions that Loras will protect her, anyone remember where that scene is?) but it reminded me just how much was left out in the show. Aside from Butterbumps wicked loud rendition of the Bear and the Maiden Fair to confuse and spies. Show left out Sansa mentioning Joffrey having her beaten, and the Tyrells never mentioned taking her to Highgarden to marry Willas. I guess it's more of trying to keep the characters and confusion down, and they can always just throw that in later before she gets betrothed to Tyrion.

edit: Nevermind, found it. It's when Sansa goes hawking with her.

Sister. Sansa had once dreamt of having a sister like Margaery; beautiful and gentle, with all the world's graces at her command. Arya had been entirely unsatisfactory as sisters went.How can I let my sister marry Joffrey?she thought, and suddenly her eyes were full of tears. "Margaery, please," she said, "you mustn't." It was hard to get the words out. "You mustn't marry him. He's not like he seems, he's not. He'll hurt you."

"I shouldn't think so." Margaery smiled confidently. "It's brave of you to warn me, but you need not fear.Joff's spoiled and vain and I don't doubt that he's as cruel as you say, but Father forced him to name Loras to his Kingsguard before he would agree to the match. I shall have the finest knight in the Seven Kingdoms protecting me night and day,as Prince Aemon protected Naerys. So our little lion had best behave, hadn't he?" She laughed, and said, "Come, sweet sister, let's race back to the river. It will drive our guards quite mad." And without waiting for an answer, she put her heels into her horse and flew.

So that wasn't left out just yet. And it's a very minor thing so not sure why it stuck in my head.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
That aside, I have no idea what Varys' end goal is by killing Tywin. He can't think he'll get a better station by assassinating Tywin and paving the way for Aegon to capture things. And he can't think that it's better for the realm by letting it go to shit under Cersei. Tywin just about had everything on lockdown before he died.
It's made doubly weird when you consider his hatred for magic. Varys seems to be working towards a Targaryen return, but would he keep on with that end goal when he realizes that the dragons are bringing magic back into the world?

Anyway, I don't buy that someone as intelligent and cynical and politically astute as Varys would try put the Targaryens back on the throne just because he thinks they're the 'rightful' rulers. No way he buys into that idea. There's gotta be an ulterior motive, even if it is just some kind of twisted altruism.

Kubla Kas_sl

Margaery was boss and in control the moment she didn't cry like a little baby princess when Renly needed Loras to get him a boner to screw her. She didn't give a crap about that stuff and just wants power and isn't dumb enough to try to get it without subtlety like bitch Cersei.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
haha, Tuco--what did the Nostrodouche post in the non-spoiler thread that got him RRd?
Nothing too bad, but I banished him from that thread.

Jozu_sl said:
I thought the Tyrells were going to be boring but I was wrong. Margery is actually an interesting character now, and Queen of Thorns looks like the female version of Tywin. Then you have the fag of roses, who without Renly is looking a bit lost.

Anyway, next weeks episode should be great. Cirian Hinds already has cemented his spot in the show and he has had limited screen time. Him as Mance is perfect IMO. I know he was portrayed a bit younger in the books, and I was dissapoint when West turned down the role, but his rugged demeanor and pleasant disposition is effective. I would say these first two episodes were better than the first two episodes of s1 and s2.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Not at all. I'm not saying it to me mean at all I just personally am having no issues following all the storylines and characters and I didn't know this was an issue others were having.
Yeah whatever. I think you could say, "Who the fuck is that?" to:
The whore following around littlefinger.
The dude telling Robb he lost the war when he married that average looking nurse.
Semly Barristan

and you wouldn't be alone.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I'm a bit late to the party, but I think that Varys taking down the Lannisters and letting the realm fall into chaos makes perfect sense, especially if he believes that the non-crazy Targs are natural great leaders. He has been grooming the baby Targarayan to be king from birth, and now that Dany has shown herself to be a good and non-crazy Targarayan and gotten herself some dragons, the pieces are absolutely falling into place for the two of them to be married and the new golden age of Westeros to begin under their benevolent leadership. Not saying that's going to happen, but it makes sense and Varys' actions make sense in that context. Tywin is far too competent to risk leaving in power, and having Cersei and Joffrey running things in Kings Landing guarantees that it will be ready to fall when it's needed to.


Molten Core Raider
That still doesn't really explain why Varys wants that to happen though. Also, it sure seems like bringing in a new monarchy would put Varys out on his ass seeing as how he's worked for Lannisters/Baratheons for 20 some odd years. (Did Varys work for the mad king? I don't remember)


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I'm assuming that what he said is true and he wants what's best for the realm, and yes he first became the spider under the Mad King.


The crossbow scene with Joffery and Margaery was nice. She is such a hot little piece of ass and seems to be more then willing to do whatever freaky shit gets her man off. When she asked if he "would enjoy watching her kill something" I thought to myself that I had found the perfect girl. She's the type of woman that wars are fought over.
I feel Margaery is a bit wasted potential in series. It would be better if they left her with a bit of mystery, keeping us wondering if she's a dutiful wife or manipulative ******, but...they have shown quite plainly that she's the kind that gets off on power, and is willing to do anything to get it. She looks sweet and innocent, but few scenes have shown that's just facade she puts up to get under people's skin.