GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, whiny pussy for sure, but I don't think he was Aerys-crazy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In the TV series:

Maybe I missed something, but what was going in Winterfell? Theon was raging about someone blowing a horn throughout the night, I assumed it was the troops belonging to House Bolton? If so, why did they allow Theon's people to burn Winterfell? Are the Bolton's torturing Theon now, while not letting Robb know they have him?

Did Littlefinger recognize Arya while she was serving Tywin?

Can Bran talk with Dragons as he can with other animals? I could see him riding one while killing White Walkers.


In the TV series:

Maybe I missed something, but what was going in Winterfell? Theon was raging about someone blowing a horn throughout the night, I assumed it was the troops belonging to House Bolton? If so, why did they allow Theon's people to burn Winterfell? Are the Bolton's torturing Theon now, while not letting Robb know they have him?

Did Littlefinger recognize Arya while she was serving Tywin?

Can Bran talk with Dragons as he can with other animals? I could see him riding one while killing White Walkers.


In the TV series:

Maybe I missed something, but what was going in Winterfell? Theon was raging about someone blowing a horn throughout the night, I assumed it was the troops belonging to House Bolton? If so, why did they allow Theon's people to burn Winterfell? Are the Bolton's torturing Theon now, while not letting Robb know they have him?

Did Littlefinger recognize Arya while she was serving Tywin?

Can Bran talk with Dragons as he can with other animals? I could see him riding one while killing White Walkers.
Theon/House Bolton/Winterfell is more complicated than it appears.

Littlefinger/Arya: As far as we know, in the show, he didn't notice her. As it is VERY unlikely he would just let her loose like she is if he did.

I don't think there are any instances of Dragon Wargs... 0.0


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Theon/House Bolton/Winterfell is more complicated than it appears.

Littlefinger/Arya: As far as we know, in the show, he didn't notice her. As it is VERY unlikely he would just let her loose like she is if he did.

I don't think there are any instances of Dragon Wargs... 0.0
pretty sure littlefinger noticed her. See: Him telling Sansa that he saw her alive.

Besides, he can probably smell Catelyn's blood.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
The old grumpy fucker with Robb Stark had me confused as well. Wasn't sure if they switched actors and he was supposed to be the same old guy that got his fingers chewed off for pulling a sword on Robb. Where the fuck did he go? He was the first one to call Robb King of the North. If I were Robb I would keep him close.

Also, whatever happened to Pyp who was buddies with Jon Snow when they were training as new nightswatch during the first season. Is the guy who tells Sam they left him because he was fat and slow and they didn't want to die supposed to be him? Just a couple of things I am alittle wtf about.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
I'm certain she doesn't really want to do that, she's trying to manipulate Joffery to win in her private fight with Cersei.
Obviously......Women hardly ever do the freaky shit men like because they like it also. They do it because they are manipulative whores who understand men think with their dicks. The fact that she is doing it specifically because she is trying to be manipulative is the entire reason I find her character so fucking sexy. It wouldn't be that way if she was just genuinely a slut who enjoyed getting fucked anyway possible. The fact that she is willing to cross that line just so that her King will desire her even more is bad as fuck. The scene with her, her grandmother and Sansa was pretty much "tell me what role I have to play to get Joeffory's dick hard" She could care less what kind of person he is except to know what angle to play against him. I enjoy women who have a plan.
In the TV series:

Maybe I missed something, but what was going in Winterfell? Theon was raging about someone blowing a horn throughout the night, I assumed it was the troops belonging to House Bolton? If so, why did they allow Theon's people to burn Winterfell? Are the Bolton's torturing Theon now, while not letting Robb know they have him?

Did Littlefinger recognize Arya while she was serving Tywin?

Can Bran talk with Dragons as he can with other animals? I could see him riding one while killing White Walkers.
The show significantly simplified the whole Sack of Winterfell plot line. I'm not butthurt about the show not following every storyline in the book exactly or anything, just what ended up happening.

This *is* the spoiler thread, btw...are you sure you want to know what the real Bolton angle with Winterfell is? I'm pretty sure the show hasn't clarified it one way or the other yet. You basically can't learn more about what happens between Theon, the Boltons, and the Starks without blowing the third book away for yourself.
The old grumpy fucker with Robb Stark had me confused as well. Wasn't sure if they switched actors and he was supposed to be the same old guy that got his fingers chewed off for pulling a sword on Robb. Where the fuck did he go? He was the first one to call Robb King of the North. If I were Robb I would keep him close.
He was the head of a different Northern house and was allegedly written out of the show entirely due to scheduling conflicts with the actor. Same thing that happened with the Mountain actor, but that character was actually recast.


<Gold Donor>
I do not like either actor they picked for the Mountain, probably because I always envisioned Paul White when I read the books.


The guy with the fingers bitten was Greatjon Umber, like was said before I guess there was a schedule conflict with Clive Mantle and he was just never brought up again. I recommend watching White Van Man, a great comedy he was in. He is a versatile actor

Pyp is back on the wall. Rast was the one that was tasked with keeping Sam alive. here is a pic:


Pyp, Grenn, Rast

Edit: It was Delorous Edd that mentioned that they left Sam behind because he was fat, he and Grenn stopped to help Sam up at the back of the convoy


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I won't be reading the books, so spoilers are ok. Yet, if there is a big "wtf" moment to be seen in the TV series, its prolly best that I do not know.


Best you just move along then, pretty sure some of the bigger WTF moments this season have been spelled out many times over the past few pages. Don't ruin it for yourself!


Karazhan Raider
margaery's definitely up to something. the question is what, and will joffrey sniff her out or will he get played?

pyp was not assigned to the rangers, so he stayed at castle black. or he may have been sent to another part of the wall, i'm not 100% sure. someone else can verify that.
been a while since i watched season 1 and since i'm currently on the second book i didn't bother re-watching season 2.

that sucks about Greatjon. he was "bloody tough". pretty lame to just write him off.


Millie's Staff Member
Um dont expect me to spoil anything. I said I would be happy to tell people what they needed to know. Different animal


It's a sound theory, it just doesn't make sense to me that he'd allow a civil war because two teenagers might be better rulers than Tywin fucking lannister.

Were all the Targaryans Augustus Caesars and Queen Victorias with exception to the mad king?
Varys lists the qualities in a leader he believes important when he speaks of Aegon to Kevan. They're not the kind of qualities you'd find in Tywin and he abhors what happened to Elia and the two children (or one) and Tywin was the one responsible. The whole civil war is happening because of Lannister ambition and craziness in the first place so it shouldn't be hard to see why Varys didn't think the Lannister option was a good long term solution for the realm.