GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If you watch the reaction vids most people are tense as fuck when the music starts, but that's as much just because it's set up to be "uh oh..something is coming" with Cat's reaction and the tone. Folks really caught on shit was about to get bad when she noticed the chainmail.

For the Lady Stoneheart scene, she's introduced in the epilogue of AFFC, right? They could stick that at the start of next season or season 5.
no I think she is introduced right away in the Storm of Swords epilogue.

edit: wiki confirms it


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Come on guys, no need to turn this into a conversation, this is one of two types of people and neither is going to create meaningful discussion.
It was hilarious though.




Bronze Knight of the Realm
I didn't know the song was signaling bad stuff, but they kept panning the camera to that dude that shut the door. The way they kept showing him I knew something was up. I had been slightly spoiled in knowing that Robb would die, but I had no idea if it was this season or next or what. I did not know the red wedding would go down like that.
My bitch of a GF got into the fetal position (she is firmly team Stark) on the couch and kept going "I'm getting so nervous" so I knew shit was going down


Trump's Staff
For the Lady Stoneheart scene, she's introduced in the epilogue of AFFC, right? They could stick that at the start of next season or season 5.
She is introduced in the epilogue of ASoS and is mentioned multiple times throughout AFFC leading to her "reunion" with Brienne. I wouldn't be surprised if they show her as the cliffhanger of the season. She was resurrected, what, 3 days after the RW? Joffrey's wedding is something like 8 days after and that's going to be in the 2nd episode of next season if speculation is right.


She's introduced in the epilogue but chronologically she's revived only a few days after the red wedding.


A Mod Real Quick
My GF read it too, and alluded to things without really knowing she was. But during the episode she was silent. When I looked over I saw nothing but tears and thought "Oh fuck" just like I did at the end of season 1 (which she hadn't read prior).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oh yeah SoS, that was dumb of me.

Anyways, they could introduce her right off next season. Leave it like the original intro where we saw the White Walkers and then they were not around for a long time. Something mystical and scary off screen for folks to wonder about.


Molten Core Raider
I doubt that I would have known that song from any other had I not already known what was going down. Agree with the mood shift, but I doubt many non book readers knew what song it was nor its significance. Other than Cersei's monologue, has the story been given any thought in the show, anyway?


Millie's Staff Member
Since the past episode has aired I have now truly come to understand how different my world view is compared to the norm, especially within geek/nerd culture.

I have been reading the books after each season is over. It is so rare that I find something truly entertaining on TV that I enjoy not knowing what is going to happen ahead of time on the show. My girlfriend has read all the books and knew what was coming. She sat there waiting for my reaction the whole time Sunday night.

During the silent credits she is like..."You shouted out at least a dozen times that Catelyn and Robb better be fucking dead for good...and die die die horrible shitty worthless characters".

I was ecstatic with glee during that episode. They wiped out 3 of the most annoying characters all at once.

To all the people who were actually upset about that scene in the book/show I ask you this. WHY!? Why the fuck would anyone give two shits that Catelyn got whacked? Robb Stark!? Who cares?! Neither of them contributed anything to the story except fucking up and causing more problems. All through books 1 & 2 I kept wondering why do we need to read anything about Cat? She was an evil stepmother right out of a crappy Disney movie. All she did was shit on everything and treat Jon Snow like garbage. Oh lets just go against the "king of the north" and let Jaime free to try to strike some backdoor deal with the Lannisters. Whoops now my son's entire army is going to fall apart due to infighting. She should have been put to death for treason right then and there. Then we have Robb "entitled son" Stark who betrayed everything his father stood for, honor, by going back on his word and breaking his vow to Frey by marrying some random piece of ass. He died for it. It was glorious. Frontier justice at its finest.

Friends on facebook are crying like little girls. Folks who read the books first talk about how upset they were. I truly do not understand it. I didn't care at all about any of those characters. I keep asking anyone posting they were upset to show me anything those characters did which made you care for them at all.

I am seriously not trolling at all or trying to cause an argument in the slightest. I am honestly shocked at the reactions of the masses to this. Give me more Bran and friends. Jon Snow and the up north adventures are interesting. The Lannisters drama is great. Jaime and his antics. Dany can die in a fire and just have Bran take over her dragons. I love how they cropped out one of the most boring useless story lines.

King of the North? I piss on his grave.
-this a thousand fucking times. i hated that fucking bitch and her tarded son. his wife i had no ill will toward. she had a fine 'attackable' body and she was just there to be eyecandy. did her job well.


The only reason I knew it was Castamere is because I expected it to be Castamere.

Sure, the song has been played 4 times in 2 years. It's been 4 different versions of it and it's not a very memorable melody. It's a Ye-Olde version of a Dave Matthews song. It's perfectly fine for what it is, there's nothing wrong with it, it's technically proficient, but you don't go around humming it either.

You'd think more than just Cat would have been pissed off that they were playing a Lannister song during a Stark wedding. But it's really not at all a big deal. That was 100% a book reader fan service set piece.
Fucking lies. The version that is on the soundtrack is phenomenal! I hum it. :p But I agree that non book readers probably wouldn't have picked up on it. No one I knew who didn't read it had.

Also, reading this twitter's is making my eye twitch. "They killed Rod Stark, they killed Kathryn Stark, they killed Ron Stark, hang Taiwan!"

Not sure if joke, or no one fucking pays attention.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Also the name of the episode might have tipped it off.
Honestly I saw zero people alluding to there being something nasty because of the episode name. There's a bit of a selection bias in good non-book reading theory-crafters because if someone really likes the show they'll probably read the books and even if they don't it's very dangerous to do any kind of research into the show to understand more. I know reading the books I constantly had to refer to wikis and what not to remember characters.


Molten Core Raider
I think I must be dead inside. I watched the show last night with no awareness of what was going to happen, and I wasn't shocked or dismayed in the least. All I kept on thinking was "They better not kill Tyrion". Ma Stark was an annoying cunt, Rob's GF was hot but that's about it, and Rob himself was mostly just a plot device with no real likeable quality. The massacre wasn't really surprising either. I've read too many other books where weddings and other family events provide context for bringing down the hammer. It was alos pretty clear that Uncle Creepy wasn't going to let sleeping dogs lie. Damn, part of me wishes I could live the kind of life where I could actually be affected by some kind of entertainment.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Tell us how it should look armchair baby
Lol, no shit. What did you want them to do? The attack was SYMBOLIC as much as it was supposed to a surprise attack. Do the deed, move on before people can react.

People nitpick about the dumbest shit.


A Mod Real Quick
Get out of the thread you baby-killing terrorists. That's right I just labelled you as terrorists. Get out of here with your non-emotions and inverted boners.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Fuck Robb. There has been vastly too little Littlefinger/Varys(who is my favorite character. The only guy TRULY out for the realm and not himself) banter. Let us not forget the best scene from season 3 and the best scene of the series since Jaime's speech to Cat in season 2.