GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Would have seemed better while they were building it to build massive reinforcements that trapped anyone trying to get at the top. Something like what we use with Barbwire fences but much larger, and nastier.
The Night's Watch used to be better garrisoned and better supplied in the past.


They have worgs with Eagles!! I don't care how well Jon lied when you have a fucking bird you can control... it was a huge plot hole. Mance could have had several hundred scale the wall about 2-3 miles to the east and west and just run along the top of the wall and fuck shit up.


Murder Apologist
Wellp turns outthe finale is gonna be 15 mins longer than ep9... Which is big but it's only 6 mins longer than the premiere. In fact, ep9 is about 6-8 mins shorter than the season average.

While an extended finale is not really unusual among all the other season finales, ep9 is really short enough to suggest that they moved too much stuff over to the finale. 8 mins of stannis maybe? I can't help thinking ep9 would've ended way better had it ended with stannis.


They're going to end it before Stannis proves why he's the best fucking king of all. I just know it. Just like the Joffrey cockblock last season. I doubt even Tywin conclusion happens. They'll spend 40 minutes of an episode focusing on a cripple and a tree and a bunch of nothing happening to Dany, Cersei, and Jaime.

I'm saying it out of superstition hoping that it'll not happen. Last time I made a prediction about an episode I ended up being completely wrong. I'm just praying, please dear baby Stranger jebus give me the rightful conclusion (at this point) to the Stannis arc.

As an aside, all my friends hate me because Stannis is by a wide margin my favorite character, in the books and in the show, followed as a close second and third by Bronn and Jorah. He completely lacks a decent personality, mostly acts like a dick in every encounter, and is just generally unlikeable, according to almost everyone I talk to. But I still maintain he's one of the only true decent and honorable people in the whole thing. He's the one who really uncovered the incest thing and even gave all the credit to Ned Stark, he pwned the Greyjoy fleet and held Storm's End against a massive army with barely anyone at his disposal, he's the only one who actually dispenses justice according to the law of the lands, he largely disregards status and birth in rewarding his subjects, and is arguably the most accomplished military commander of any character in the entire series of novels. His one failing is the fact that he's a dick without a personality, and a dick being manipulated by a hot fire priestess who practices blood magic. But the hot fire priestess practicing blood magic burning people alive produces results in a war against fuckers borne of incest disregarding every law of the land. Plus, he's pretty much irreligious and is using the fire god solely as a means to an end to acquire what is his by the currently established laws of Westeros.

Sorry, I'm proselytizing, but I'm gay for Stannis, and I want him to get his fucking spotlight before this season is over, rather than half an episode being consumed by conversations about beetles.


Vyemm Raider
only reason it seemed out of place for her to say "you know nothing jon snow" was due to it becoming an internet meme i think. didn't seem out of place to me and the scene really played out well.


Show Stannis and Book Stannis have almost nothing to do with each other. I have some issues with Book Stannis (i.e. Proudwing) but Show Stannis is an irredeemable train wreck.


Murder Apologist
Yeah I've been on Team Stannis since the 2nd book got to him. Melisandre's casting is a bank holiday in the universe where I am god-emperor. We even have the least obnoxious shippers with the Rickon+Shireen ppl.


Millie's Staff Member
wrathcaster chill out. before the season even started they showed a split second clip of tyrion confronting shae in tywin's bedroom. if that scene is in then it means so is tywin's scene afterward.


I'm trying to put out the most flagrantly bullshit awful prediction for the end possible, in the hopes that it won't happen because my predictions are terrible. It's superstition, understand?

And yes, the book Stannis vs. show Stannis is pretty startling. I still don't think he's irredeemable. I hear that from a lot of people, though, and I understand the sentiment. Like I said, I'm Stannis-gay. I must be one of the few that isn't just completely put-off by the character in the show. I feel that it's still somewhat accurate, given that pretty much no one who watches the show likes him, book readers or not. I mean, pretty much all of Westeros thinks he's an irredeemable trainwreck in the books. It seems like in the show he should be the same way, even if it is for different reasons. I understand, however, what you mean. I hate many of the things that they've done to him in the show. The essence of the character, though, I feel is upheld. As Loras said in S1, he has the personality of a Lobster, and as Renly said in S2 "no one wants you to be their King." This is the Stannis of the show, and the cartoon version of the Stannis in the books. I feel like the spirit of the character is largely upheld. He's uninspiring, most of the bookreaders and non-bookreaders despise him for various reasons. He's wildly unpopular no matter how you cut it, and that's Stannis in a nutshell.

I guess it's just me.


Musty Nester
Best not to think about the worg shit too much. It's like the Eagles in Tolkien.

Just enjoy -- don't overthink this shit.


And yes, the book Stannis vs. show Stannis is pretty startling. I still don't think he's irredeemable.
This is book Stannis:
"I shall bring justice to Westeros. A thing Ser Axell understands as little as he does war. Claw Isle would gain me naught... and it was evil, just as you said. Celtigar must pay the traitor's price himself, in his own person. And when I come into my kingdom, he shall. Every man shall reap what he has sown, from the highest lord to the lowest gutter rat. And some will lose more than the tips off their fingers, I promise you. They have made my kingdom bleed, and I do not forget that" (ASOS, Davos IV)

Show Stannis has no agency. Show Stannis is like the old cartoons where a devil (Melisandre) and an angel (Davos) appears on his shoulder and gives advice. Like the cartoon, the devil's advice is usually chosen and later he picks the angel but he never has actual agency. Book Stannis has huge depth of character that you could probably write a thesis on. I think he actually does have charisma and personality; it's just that he doesn't have any regard for the concept of nobility and our viewpoints are largely tailored through the perspective of nobles (we have very, very credible data supporting these traits among his soldiers, both in the siege at Storm's End, the Greyjoy rebellion and the current conflict). If he were king and lasted more than a few years, his following among the small folk would become legendary. It won't happen though, he's 100% doomed.


Musty Nester
I don't think that show stannis is irredeemable either, just that he's fairly shallow and acts like a giant cock most of the time. And I think most of that is because they cast a smoking-hot milf for his witchwoman instead of a deformed crone.

If they gave Stannis as much attention in the show as they give Tywin or Rob, as far as fleshing him out, Stannis would probably have his own team rooting for him. He's got some pretty big fucking faults, but like you say, he's got some fairly admirable virtues as well.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Stannis the Mannis has a following. Mostly among book readers who know what he's going to do in the next episode.


Molten Core Raider
I like Stannis in both and think the show Stannis is a pretty good book Stannis. He does have the strongest "legitimate" claim to the throne, but takes it too far. He doesn't play the game well at all, and doesn't negotiate but just demands fealty because of his claim. His platform is "I am the rightful King".

More wild speculation, but on the season finale:
The episode will end shortly after Tyrion handles Shae. Tywin will say something like, "Whore? Get me a cloth to wipe my ass with." Tyrion will hear this, grab the crossbow, and credits. The premier next season will blow away all records everywhere.


Buzzfeed Editor
Until he went to The Wall, i was meh on Stannis. But that really turned it around for Vanguard. I am a full on Stannis fangirl now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Made some GIF


and the best part, the fucking NOD from the biggest badass there is.



I think the difference in opinion here is that mimirswell is a much bigger Stannis fan than I shall ever be.