GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
He expects to die I think and doesn't want Ghost to get killed. Its not like 100,000 wildlings are going to let a traitor go that killed their leader.


<Prior Amod>
We were just talking about this in Janitor forum... people report posts in the non-spoiler thread because someone mentions the word "book" in the post.

The best is when people report a legit spoiler and Tarrant gets it fucking spoiled for him because he refuses to read the books even though we have been telling him to forever... I think he is finally listening to the audio books now.
Yeah I'm about 3/4 through the first book.


Musty Nester
I like the reddit post.

It seems like the danger if he does that is that when you read the final chapter you realize that 3/5 of the series you just read was entirely extraneous.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Seems like there is a deal of hype for UnCat, I thought she was generally lauded as terrible character in life and death.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Eh true, but are they assholes because the rest of the world are assholes to them?
It's a pretty classic relationship between civilized society and aboriginal people. Natives object to civilized society encroaching on them, so they raid them, which is then used as justification for civilized society to fuck them up. You can see it throughout history.

edit: wait... did Jon NOT take his wolf with him? goober... I do not suspect he will live long, even if he does kill Mance- but he knows that also.
I think when they are allocating the CGI budget, they correctly assume that we would rather see more battle effects and dragon shit than watching the wolves do stuff.


<Bronze Donator>
The idea of it is pretty awesome. People just can't get past how big of a giant fucking cunt the character was when alive.
The character was written as a silver lining for the red wedding since GRRM had so much trouble writing that scene. If you're going to throw a bone to the fans, of all the people who could of been resurrected, Catelyn is like the worst possible choice. Didn't give a fuck about you in life all you did was fuck everything up. Oh great now you're back but being dead for so long and having a psychotic mental breakdown the moment before your death has completely altered you. Now instead of having good intentions but just botching shit up, you are just retardo evil now and fuck everything up on purpose.

An undead Robb with Greywind's head running around actually murdering frey's would of been tons more satisfying while, as a literary/plot device, still being just as weak sauce as LS. Only LS can't actually do shit so she dismembers and dissolves most of the BwoB and has what remains to her to do her bidding.

It's a weak character. a bit of deus ex machina without actually resolving anything, just a monkey wrench fucking up several more important characters lives and storylines (brienne, Jaime, Thoros, Dondarrion, Anguy, etc)


Golden Knight of the Realm
What happened to the cowardly guy who hid in the room with Gilly, was he asleep, drunk or dead when Sam came back down there? I couldn't tell.


Musty Nester
He was alive.

Sam was all like, "Oh mah gillah. Mah sweet gillah. Hail to the King, Baby" and she was just staring in the corner. And then Sam turned around and we saw his "Oh" face.
also can't wait for this scene to become real

"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler.

By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew."


A Mod Real Quick
People get all butthurt over that promo with the crossbow, but they don't even show it was Tyrion do they? Even if they did, no one I knew caught on to it. People got no idea what's about to happen.. Wow. Such satisfy.

I don't get the Stoneheart hate, but then again I really enjoyed that part of the books. I hated Catelyn much like everyone else, but having her come back and exacting her revenge was awesome. I was disappointed that in the show she just screamed and cut the Frey girl's throat - in the book she went certifiably insane when she was about to die. Also sad that we never saw Nymeria finding her body.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't know anyone who hates Lady Stoneheart except I guess Adam12Sean and Sylas who thinks having a guy running around with a wolf head would be cool in Westeros.

I think the reveal is what I am more excited about... from a purely "I know what's coming and people who haven't read the books don't" perspective.