Grand Theft Auto V


Where in the hell was everyone this weekend? lol
I'm taking a break. Between server issues not saving this weekend and their mission nerf i'm losing faith fast. In my opinion anyone is delusional if they think the mission nerf was warranted. I estimate it will take around 25 hours of just grinding missions (best method of money by far) to get a decent super car fully upgraded. That is strict focus on grinding and run missions constantly. Now it'll take about 50 hours. Just feels like a giant money grab to me with their cash cards. Maybe other methods are decent but with matchmaking basically non existent it'll take forever to actually make money any other way. We tried to get a team deathmatch game going a few nights ago and it took us 30 minutes to just get one going and it was 3 vs 3. It was also the starting deathmatch level because we hoped it would have the most people queuing. Heck I saw where someone calculated if you used the estimated required amount of explosives you actually won't even break even on some missions. Not to mention if you call your buzzard to the mission.

I hope they have big plans. I guess i'll wait and see. Fortunately I have a high end apartment, super car, and all the weapons unlocked. If they don't do anything to the glitchers then they made off in the best situation. They have money available for anything heists require and they have everything unlocked. No idea if they will do anything to them. It doesn't effect me I guess. I'll have to spend alot more time unlocking things if they are required for heists.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Are ps3 and xbox servers for GTA the same? Debating picking up a copy.
I don't think so. It's all p2p online play so the only servers you deal with are the cloud servers that store your character stats. Which get erased frequently!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm taking a break. Between server issues not saving this weekend and their mission nerf i'm losing faith fast. In my opinion anyone is delusional if they think the mission nerf was warranted. I estimate it will take around 25 hours of just grinding missions (best method of money by far) to get a decent super car fully upgraded. That is strict focus on grinding and run missions constantly. Now it'll take about 50 hours. Just feels like a giant money grab to me with their cash cards. Maybe other methods are decent but with matchmaking basically non existent it'll take forever to actually make money any other way. We tried to get a team deathmatch game going a few nights ago and it took us 30 minutes to just get one going and it was 3 vs 3. It was also the starting deathmatch level because we hoped it would have the most people queuing. Heck I saw where someone calculated if you used the estimated required amount of explosives you actually won't even break even on some missions. Not to mention if you call your buzzard to the mission.

I hope they have big plans. I guess i'll wait and see. Fortunately I have a high end apartment, super car, and all the weapons unlocked. If they don't do anything to the glitchers then they made off in the best situation. They have money available for anything heists require and they have everything unlocked. No idea if they will do anything to them. It doesn't effect me I guess. I'll have to spend alot more time unlocking things if they are required for heists.
That sucks, you're like the only person I play with. Criminal records still gives the ridiculous RP, I just can't get any pugs to win trade with me. They're all fucking stupid.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So my lost levels came back after about 36 hours of database playing catch-up.

Decided to try an experiment this afternoon. I did all of level 52 with various jobs that popped up, only a couple repeats in the mix so I got the 100% payout most of the time. In between missions I sold a Felon ($9k), delivered a vehicle to Simeon at the docks ($6k), and did 3 or 4 really easy gang attacks (~$2k each). End result:-$2,174. And that's with me very rarely using sticky bombs and grenades. If I'd repeated more than 2-3 missions I'd have been about 10x as much in the red. Oh, and unless it was a mission I knew I could do no problem on Hard, I set it to Easy every time. (Normal is essentially worthless and should never be used.)

So yeah, R* is fucking retarded.


That sucks, you're like the only person I play with. Criminal records still gives the ridiculous RP, I just can't get any pugs to win trade with me. They're all fucking stupid.
I'd be willing to win trade with you, i was actually working on getting the plat trophy for the game but every time i log in it's almost impossible for matchmaking to work. And when it does it takes 20 minutes or more.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd be willing to win trade with you, i was actually working on getting the plat trophy for the game but every time i log in it's almost impossible for matchmaking to work. And when it does it takes 20 minutes or more.
I should have some time tomorrow night. I haven't seen you on in forever though, weird times matching up I guess. I'd just like to unlock all of the muscle upgrades and the off-road stuff, assuming of course that's race based. I'm not sure it is, but can't seem to remember to take an off-road vehicle to LSC to check.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, hacking is pretty rampant. There's reports all over of people joining lobbies and giving everyone millions of dollars, sometimes hundreds of millions. You can forget about holding a world record in a race for the tattoo unlock too, every race I've done has had a impossibly low record lap (Criminal Records was ~10 seconds last I saw). And there's both invisibility and invincibility hacks that people are using now too.

Considering how bad it is, I wouldn't worry too much about having been the recipient of cheater cash. I used the LSC glitch last week too, and I'm not concerned about that either.


Yea, thats whats I'm thinking since it seems like everyone has tons of money because of it. Seemed like he was robbing a store over and over again and sharing the money with everyone in the lobby. Its just that he was getting way more money from it. I was getting roughly 1.2M every time he did it.


Molten Core Raider
ive heard things about people hex editing their shit, to give them a mill or more whenever they sell any car, so i dont doubt he glitched the register to drop more cash than it should then shared it with people, as this is currently the only way to share cash, by robbing a store then sharing or sharing a bounty, you cant even give cash from last jobs only if its a store robbery or a bounty.

if they ban people for the LSC glitch or even a cheaters pool, they are removing at least 50% of their player base.




Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't like to cheat either, but I really would like some money. If anyone wants to explain how that shit works or send me a link that'd be great. Right now I can't do any of the 25k missions because randoms are just so fucking stupid, and I'm always hovering around 40k which is poor as fuck.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
When your options are:

1. Accept that the game is designed with rewards that make Korean F2P MMOs look generous by comparison.
2. Wait for microtransaction cash cards to go on sale and spend real money like a retard.
3. Cheat.

It's hard not to go with option 3.

And that's just money. RP is even worse, unless you do nothing but win-trade Criminal Records races, and you can be sure that races will be getting nerfed this week.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was doing criminal records races last night and was having trouble getting it to give me RP. We were doing supers and the RP gain each lap seemed random. Sometimes I would get it the first lap and not the second, other times I would get it the second lap and not the first.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The second lap should cap or at least come close to capping (if you're like level 75+) your RP gain, as long as you beat your lap 1 time and both laps were clean. Three laps pretty much guarantees you'll cap on RP, but it's not worth the extra time to do a third lap compared to just starting a new one. I did notice every once in a while I wouldn't get as much as I should have, not sure why it happens but it was pretty rare when Schnarkie and I were trading wins.

You also have to use very specfic settings or it doesn't work right: traffic on, wanted stars on, catch up off, and lap time set to personal best not world record.