Grand Theft Auto V


Lord Nagafen Raider
The second lap should cap or at least come close to capping (if you're like level 75+) your RP gain, as long as you beat your lap 1 time and both laps were clean. Three laps pretty much guarantees you'll cap on RP, but it's not worth the extra time to do a third lap compared to just starting a new one. I did notice every once in a while I wouldn't get as much as I should have, not sure why it happens but it was pretty rare when Schnarkie and I were trading wins.

You also have to use very specfic settings or it doesn't work right: traffic on, wanted stars on, catch up off, and lap time set to personal best not world record.
Part of my problem might have been that I was tired and wasn't doing totally clean laps. Kind of a bitch to do in super cars, but they DO seem to count for each classes "win" when you do them.


Molten Core Raider
gorehack i can help you out, its really simple, can even sell super cars for over 200k a pop, made 42million.

and yeah, if you just started playing gta, the lvl and money grind makes aion and other korean friends look fucking easy.

i didnt cheat off the rip, i earned 8mill legit through jobs(ok replayed missions but legit imo) but when they didnt ban the fuckers who got like 100million from the first glitch, i said fuck it im gonna get me a piece.

So now i have my tank, buzzard every military vehicle every plane, every boat etc lol, now the game is getting fun free roam is a fucking blast.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nerf the cash payout for missions that you can complete in 10 minutes or less. Everything 10+, leave it the way it was. While doing Base Invaders can get boring, it's still a shitload more fun than running violent duct over and over IMO. Not to mention it's WAY fucking harder, and the chance of failure on hard is pretty high.

Community Discussion: Blog by Kenneth Cummings | Rockstar, Your Mission System is BrokenDestructoid

I love Grand Theft Auto Online. I really do. I've spent a lot of time with it, and I love what Rockstar has set out to do. Sadly, they're also ruining it. The mission system is becoming progressively more broken with each patch. Everything in the game is driven by money, yet missions are little more than a waste of time, for a few reasons.

As someone who's looking for a fun cooperative experience with a few friends, Grand Theft Auto Online can be an exercise in disappointment. Everyone has their preferences. Some like racing, others prefer deathmatches, etc., and they're more-or-less accommodated. If you're the type who likes co-op missions, you'll likely be getting the short end of the stick. This isn't because missions weren't given any attention, because there's plenty of content to keep co-op oriented players happy. No, it's how you access that content that's the problem.

Due to the amount of grinding done by repeating short, high-paying missions, Rockstar has opted to halve the amount of money you make every subsequent time you complete a mission. Isn't it a little unreasonable to do this for every mission? I can understand lowering the payout for missions like Violent Duct, because it's so short, and easily completed. However, halving the payout for harder, more complex missions such as Base Invaders and The Los Santos Connection results in a pitiful payout compared to the amount of work that goes into them. Indiscriminately cutting half of your earnings from every mission forever is a terrible solution, and it has some pretty hefty consequences.

As a result, it's easy to dismiss missions as a waste of time, because they fail to reward and incentive the player for doing them. Completing The Lost Santos Connection now nets less than 10,000, which is terrible for a mission of that difficulty. Compared to racing, which can earn you several thousand in less than a couple minutes, missions are a total waste of time. One game of survival pays out $20,000, which feels like a much better time sink than most of the missions.

This lack of satisfaction extends to other activities as well. Pulling off a liquor store robbery seems like a waste of time when your split of the take is only $500. Attacking an armoured truck together is risky, but the low payout and the inability to share the cash you get trivialises that danger. In-game currency is a great way to pat the player on the back and give difficult missions an extra sense of achievement to them. With no way to gain money in the game, is it any surprise people are resorting to exploits and grinding?

Worse than the poor payouts however, is just how inaccessible the missions are. Instead of something sensible like choosing from a list or going somewhere on the map, you have to call one of your contacts, who pulls a random job out of a hat. If you get a job you don't want, tough. You can ask them again, and they'll eventually pick another random job, but only after the game calls you an idiot a few times. This is especially annoying when you have five or six people in a closed crew or friend session, and you want to find a cooperative activity that you can all do. Even more annoying still, I'm getting jobs that take a maximum of only two people. Who wants to volunteer to sit around in freemode whilst everyone else does the mission?

Here's the thing: these missions are fun. I really like some of them. However, unlike every other activity in the game, I have to pick from a grab bag and hope I get what I want. I want to play The Los Santos Connection and Base Invaders again. I'm in the mood for a specific mission, so what do I do? It's extremely frustrating working with this convoluted system when all I want to do is hop straight into some action with my friends, and I can't.

There are ways around this that don't involve a single blanket pay cut for everyone. Here's a few ideas: instead of calling and getting texted a job, you open up a menu for that character, then pick the job you want to do. To prevent grinding, install a time limit that prevents players from hosting that job repeatedly. Let's just say one hour. If I host Flood in the LS River, I won't be able to host that mission again until that time limit runs out. However, one of my three other friends in the game can host it. Of course, to prevent us from going in a circle, you cut the payout for any player who's played that mission within the time limit. So if my friend hosted Flood on the LS river immediately after I did, we'd both get less money that we did before. If a new guy joined in, he could host as well, but he'd get the normal payout, whereas I would still get the reduced one. As I said, this would only last an hour or so. Hell, even an entire day would be better than what Rockstar has done, which is reduce the payout forever.

However, a 50% cut isn't going to cut it. This needs to vary from mission to mission. If I get less than $10,000 for raiding and robbing a military base, why bother? If I stickup some drug dealers for less than a couple grand, what's the point? That won't buy me much of anything, and robbing a liquor store would be more efficient. Because everything in the game is so expensive, this massive pay cut undercuts the missions by taking away the reward. Honestly, our time is better spent in survival and races, until they make those even harder, to prevent the player from actually moving up in the game.

Balancing and maintaining a massive online experience such as this is difficult. There's going to be holes in the design, and I accept that. To say that Grand Theft Auto Online got off to a rocky start would be a bit of an understatement. Though the game as a whole has been a fantastic blast thus far, and it definitely shows a lot of promise, I'm continuously frustrated by flat-out terrible game design, especially when it comes to cooperative missions. I know a lot of this has been done in the name of balancing, but all it seems to have done so far is undermine the player's efforts. Of course, heists could give us quite a large payout, but I can't shake the feeling this is being done to encourage the purchase of GTA$, before it even releases. Sadly, it's hard, if not impossible, to have a balanced economy in a game such as this when you introduce microtransactions.

Rockstar, your mission system is broken. Please fix it. Don't make them feel like a waste of time, and don't make it a hassle just to find something fun for four or five of my friends to do. Just let me jump in and enjoy your game. A lot of these missions are really cool, it's just a real shame I can't play them.


Well I went from playing almost every night with friends and running missions to playing once a week just to randomly chase people in free mode. All because of the direction this has gone. Oh well


Golden Knight of the Realm
It really is the same shit over and over. I'm like schnarkie, I log in do a couple races, maybe a deathmatch, get bored and go play dota or something else. Unless heists offer something spectacular, this games getting shelved, for me anyways.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think you just played too much off the bat schnark. I was playing earlier today and there were 3 kids flying around in jets...badly. So I went and got one and fucking ruined their day. Killed all 3 of them like 6 times each, before one of them decided he had enough and started cheating.

Getting sniped out of the cockpit of a jet above skyscraper height...totally legit bro.


Pardon my ignorance if it's been mentioned here already but has anyone seen an official PC release date for this game? Had tons of fun with Vice City and IV, I don't think it's wise to pass this one up. ^_^


Molten Core Raider
its just not worth it to do 90% of the missions period, if they fix that it will be fine, even though i have 50million i still do the "fun" missions with friends regardless if the money is shitty since i dont need it, their missions just suck and the payouts blow thats why i decided to glitch my money after i earned 8mill legit and got rolled back and lost 3 characters.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm also money cheating, simply because I never liked the money grind. I do, however, really enjoy doing missions with friends and people who aren't retarded. Some of them on hard are actually hard.

One of the things I like most about the GTA franchise is that I can just get in a car and go. I love being able to hop into my Stinger GT, Monroe, Sabre, or Phoenix and just head down the road. Sometimes I put up a waypoint on the north end of the map and just drive. I completed an entire lap of the island yesterday without braking once, just kind of zoned out and put the hammer down.


Molten Core Raider
i honstly didnt mind the money grind as it was before the nerf, 25 stacks a mission when some only took 5-10 minutes i was alright with it, i was still able to get a good 3-400k and still fuck around in free roam i didnt think it was too over the top since cars cost about that and just to fully upgrade cost about another 100k, between ammo and the 2k death penalty i was actually enjoying my days playing gta mission grinding and free roam fucking around.

Now the money grind is dumb you will never afford anything, and the 500$ death penalty is a joker even with the money nerf.

Nobody in my crew has logged on since that nerf basically, and we usually had 10-15 on a day regularly.


So ifruit finally gets released for android yesterday. Says requires android 3.0 and above, 1 phone 1 mp3 player and 2 tablets running 4.0+ and somehow not compatible? Fucking bullshit. I cant even find the apk anywhere.


Life's a Dream
I'm getting a little further into the game. I just finished the heist of the FIB building. That was fun.


Life's a Dream
I heard one on a rap station earlier today that said "Wakandan" as pretty much every other word. What a good song.