Gravity (2013)


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I read this on another forum. Kind of a general movie synopsis that you would read on the back of a DVD, but I think it's a spoiler at the same time.

Here it is in brackets for you.
Sandra Bullock plays Dr. Ryan Stone, a brilliant medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky (George Clooney) in command of his last flight before retiring. But on a seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The shuttle is destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalsky completely alone--tethered to nothing but each other and spiraling out into the blackness. The deafening silence tells them they have lost any link to Earth...and any chance for rescue. As fear turns to panic, every gulp of air eats away at what little oxygen is left. But the only way home may be to go further out into the terrifying expanse of space.

The issue I personally have with that synopsis is the very last sentence. The basic fact is if you're lost in space, you're gone. That's it, game over. However, that line makes me feel like the movie will somehow have a happy ending. Some mystical shit is going to happen. Ok, I'm done venting.
I had the same thought you did when I saw the trailer and how they were floating out into space. I suspect there will be some deux ex machina bullshit where it just so happens that the Russians have a manned vehicle passing that area or something.


Lord Nagafen Raider
No guys... movie title is Gravity...

Theyll pull an Appolo 13 in space suits around the moon bitches! /money.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Can't wait to hear the explanation for how their space suits can handle planetary re-entry speeds and heat, should be epic!!!


Man some jaded ass people in here. No reason to believe this movie will have a happy ending based on the director and he wrote it as well.

Also incase you didn't watch the panel this was said

Although the trailer has audible explosions in it, Cuar?n has confirmed that scenes in space will be silent: They put in explosions [in the trailer]. As we know, there is no sound in space. In the film, we don't do that."


possible spoilers from an early review for people making predictions about a deus ex machina

Sandra Bullock's character has no family down on Earth. No friends. Her job is up in space. She's struggling to get back to survive, but in truth, she doesn't have much to live for down on that planet, so why even go through the effort? To me the film is about apathy and isolation. It's about people today not knowing why they should be excited about living but only knowing they don't want to die. It's about looking at your own insignificance in the universe (or on Earth, or at your job, or at your school, etc.) & becoming empowered by it instead of defeated.

edit: it doesn't actually spoil the ending, it just gives some background info for sandra bullock's character


Lord Nagafen Raider
God damn, that last trailer. If CGI tech isnt where its at to produce something your realistic scene needs and you end up with something that looks like shit, then dont fuckin use CGI. Sick of producers half-assing it rather than using old school methods that look 100 times better than that. Sure they require a fuckton of man hours, but you end up with something the public will beleive in.

This is jarjar 2.0

And we're gonna have another 3d eye-fuck with this.


FPS noob
90 minutes of pretty boring "feelings" for 15 minutes of CGI space stuff. i'll just wait for the bluray and skip past all the stuff where sandra helps a big black guy become the first space galactic quarterback

although shit the movie would be 1000x better if they brought in michael jordan, shaq, lebron, kobe, and yao ming and it turned out to be space jam 2


Silver Squire
I am a very big fan of Children of Men, but, I must say, I am even more intrigued by the cast here. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney? I am curious to see that.
It's a rom com, Bullock is a ditzy astronaut who trips on her first space walk. Clooney must save her. Back in the shuttle, Bullock chortles, learns to wear heels in space, and as they are about to kiss for the first time, they get blasted by micro meteroites.


Silver Squire
God damn, that last trailer. If CGI tech isnt where its at to produce something your realistic scene needs and you end up with something that looks like shit, then dont fuckin use CGI. Sick of producers half-assing it rather than using old school methods that look 100 times better than that. Sure they require a fuckton of man hours, but you end up with something the public will beleive in.

This is jarjar 2.0

And we're gonna have another 3d eye-fuck with this.
Personally, my only question is can I see Clooney get roasted as a marshmellow in 3d?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Oh dont get me wrong ill see it too eventually. Having near zero sci-fi to sink my teeth into these days, ill take whatever passes. 2013 looks like a good year for sci-fi tho.

The last one i saw, forgot the name, with Tom Hanks and Catwoman. I liked. But nothing came close to The Moon yet in recent times.


FPS noob
you are probably talking about cloud atlas, which was ... weird

you should watch europa report, its not in theaters but should be on demand and amazon etc, pretty awesome movie about first manned trip to jupiters moons. Reminded me a lot of moon. Also Oblivion (tom cruise summer movie) turned out to be not too bad, it was a bit over the top and didn't really focus on anything but it was interesting for the most part.


Trump's Staff
Are we still calling this science fiction? Looks more like a straight drama set in space...

I guess if this movie could ACTUALLY happen right now, is it science fiction?