Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


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Ngruk said:
As it pertains to game related posting, no one in this company will be posting a word about what it is we are doing unless it coincides with the multi-year PR/Marketing plan being laid out by someone with almost 3 decades of experience in branding and helping put an IP on the map.
Now I"m not one to be bitter, but when you choose to appoint someone with marketing experience, make VERY sure the person you are hiring is someone that doesn"tblatatnly ignoretheir target market! Aswell as the marketing company you chose in the future.

You would think this is an obvious statement but it isn"t and I can tell you from first hand experience that marketing companies and people within public relations that do nothing but ignore their demographic happensCONSTANTLY.

I would love to be more thoroughwith the problems I have encountered but this isn"t the time for me to do so. Marketing and Advertising is one of the key elements for any given company or product and I am tired of dealing with Marketing and PR staff doing absolutely nothing passionatly or give limited service to their company/customers when it can only increase customer awareness or be a deal that will drastically increase sales and participation.

Customer Service is another branch that has recently been limited in this industry. Short example, Vanguard creates an affiliate network and choses to have server forums left to the public. Customer service, and Public relations staff are nearly non-existant on most all of the Vanguard affiliate sites, and everyone is pissed because there is no centralized forums because Sigil staff isNON EXISTANTand no one can find information as soon as it happens. This all should be fairly obvious but it is a big element to any industry in the world.

/rant off


Ngruk said:
CS will be something that will remain at the top of our priority list no matter where we are as a company.
If you don"t guarantee your customers the service they expect when they invest financially and emotionally in your products, and company, you have an ex-customer waiting to happen.
It"s another reason why naming the President we did was such an important event in this companies life, Brett gets it in ways that will matter to us, and to you.
So I dunno if this would count as game insight (which you said will not be introduced here) but I"ll try anyway. If CS is a top priority, has the team discussed and/or agreed on an approach to the 3rd party market? I ask "cause people like Smed say problems with item/account traiding account for a large part of the CS budget. I guess that"s making a big assumption that there are plans for an economy at all.

If you can"t comment on that, we"ll settle for the low down on how Matsuzaka is looking and is he gonna be worth it.


Molten Core Raider
whaerf said:
So I dunno if this would count as game insight (which you said will not be introduced here) but I"ll try anyway. If CS is a top priority, has the team discussed and/or agreed on an approach to the 3rd party market? I ask "cause people like Smed say problems with item/account traiding account for a large part of the CS budget. I guess that"s making a big assumption that there are plans for an economy at all.

If you can"t comment on that, we"ll settle for the low down on how Matsuzaka is looking and is he gonna be worth it.
I think the secondary market was brought up in this thread so you might want to skim through to see if it answers your question.


Molten Core Raider
Also, can you make sure your game has enough hardware and coding to support 1,000 + player battles?


Faille said:
I think the secondary market was brought up in this thread so you might want to skim through to see if it answers your question.
My bad, search got me the answer.

Still I"ll await the comments on Matsuzaka"s camp performance

If anyone else missed it, I"ll save you the search. Ngruk himself is not in support of a game that allows players to use RL money to further their virtual life.


whaerf said:
My bad, search got me the answer.

Still I"ll await the comments on Matsuzaka"s camp performance

If anyone else missed it, I"ll save you the search. Ngruk himself is not in support of a game that allows players to use RL money to further their virtual life.
Daisuke can pitch, and it"s going to be fun to watch I can assure you.

Meanwhile I am sending about 2 terrabytes of emails a day when I get home from workouts, or it just seems that way!


Finally got you talk about the Sox ic. We"ll see how it pans out with D-Mat. I hate to be a typical overly-cynical Red Sox fan, but I"ve learned how to have good expectations for Boston. Taken some lumps in the past. There was that one year though. =p

Anyway, is there anyway we can see some of McFarlanes concepts for this project. Maybe just a piece or two?


Flanders said:
Finally got you talk about the Sox ic. We"ll see how it pans out with D-Mat. I hate to be a typical overly-cynical Red Sox fan, but I"ve learned how to have good expectations for Boston. Taken some lumps in the past. There was that one year though. =p

Anyway, is there anyway we can see some of McFarlanes concepts for this project. Maybe just a piece or two?
Dice-K not D-Mat please! Don"t let Boras win with the nickname as well.



Flanders said:
Anyway, is there anyway we can see some of McFarlanes concepts for this project. Maybe just a piece or two?
Um, nah. This wouldn"t be the place to initiate something like that happening We are a long ways off from previewing anything. The sooner we start trying to "sell" what it is we are doing, the longer the wait, the higher the expectations.
The only thing I think that can happen by going this route would be to allow people to build up unattainable expectations for whatever it is we are doing.
There is a right time and place for this stuff to happen, that"s why you hire people that have proven they can market something as massive as this IP will be, and market it right.


Faille said:
You got any feedback from your teammates about making your own game company?
Some of them are extremely interested in what"s happening. It"s a topic that we talk on often while in the weight room, or during down times when we are talking about things other than baseball.


redjunkopera said:
So GMG is financing their operations by selling herbal viagra and variable rate mortages through spam mail?
No, it"s part of the concept design; they"re building a MMOSMG (Massively Multiplayer Online Spam Mail Game).

(DING! You"ve learned new skill "Enzyte"!)


Ngruk said:
Um, nah. This wouldn"t be the place to initiate something like that happening
Wow, not only do you post on these forums, you actually read them. Congrats on being the first game maker to learn something here.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There is the CS is a top priority spin and then there is actually planning out tools that work effectively and efficiently along side the actual development of the game.

In the end its all about the tools, tools, tools, tools and more tools and as long as they are smart tools you win.

Bo Jackson_foh

Hate to be a dick and bring this up, but do you anticipate your free agency having any effect for better or worse on the way things are going with GMG over the next year or so? Do you anticipate less time/more stress, or vice versa at all, or just business as usual? I assume as things carry on and you get more and more people on board, the burden on you personally will diminish at least a little during this time.

Also, have you had a bad game or a short slump, and have the ravenous sports media/bill simmons/whoever is on your back today say anything to you about "focusing more on baseball" or say anything about your hobbies getting in the way of baseball at all? Or do you think that could be an issue this season potentially? Being a big sports fan, I find it interesting because the gap between professional sports and mmo gaming seems like uncharted territory, and I wonder if people who are not savvy to the virtual worlds find it weird at all.

Sorry to rant so much, I just find myself curious because of my interests in both sports and gaming. Good luck this season on the field and with GMG.

Bo Jackson_foh

Also, if you switch teams, will you still keep the company name as GMG, even though you might not be playing at Fenway next year? Would you just keep it for the sake of ease. If you went to a team like Houston would you change the company name to "the stupid mound in center field" or another unique field characteristic? I realize you don"t have much to gain by answering this question while still on the Red Sox, but if you ended up on a team that played the Red Sox a lot it could be awkward that your number one off the field hobby is an ode to the stadium of a rival or something.