Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Kreugen said:
Armchair designer posts are some frightening shit. Save time and just read that article Pardo put up a few months back.
I don"t view it as such, considering most good game designers were arm chair designers before they were hired.


...Schilling plans to share his company?s success with employees through 50-50 profit-sharing. ?The goal here is not only to create a product that is revolutionary, but a business model as well,? he said....
You"re sure going to have one hell of a motivated team. Intresting..


Molten Core Raider
I would love to see npc merchants have more dynamic pricing structure. If you try to sell them 1000000 boar tusks, perhaps the price their willing to pay for them should drop so they become worthless?


Potato del Grande
Faille said:
I would love to see npc merchants have more dynamic pricing structure. If you try to sell them 1000000 boar tusks, perhaps the price their willing to pay for them should drop so they become worthless?
Or, like Elder Scrolls, they have a finite amount of money by which they can by items from players. Id also like to see Merchants actually be USEFUL instead of just NPC"s that you sell to. All to often, merchants very quickly become useless and sell nothign of any value or use to players.


That would be fine if the merchant was dynamic to each player. But wouldnt it suck if you just didnt get up early enough, and the merchant didnt want any of your boar tusks because some guy 20 minutes ago met his quota and took all his money.

I think it would be cool if the merchants were tied to the player. Like you hire a merchant, place him in a city, and he sells your items. The merchant takes a % of all sales to take money out of the economy, and offers a way for other players to browse around, ala bazaar in eq1.

You could specify items they will buy from other players, such as tradeskill items or armor etc, so other players could sell to them. Really, how annoying is it for people to sell TS items to NPC merchants!? Problem solved.

You could customize their looks, their personality, have them dynamically change their price to be competitive. Make a whole mini game out of building a merchant for the game.

Then just put a merchant sector to a town, set it up appropriatly with different area"s for different needs, and it would be pretty cool addition IMO.


Zuuljin said:
That would be fine if the merchant was dynamic to each player. But wouldnt it suck if you just didnt get up early enough, and the merchant didnt want any of your boar tusks because some guy 20 minutes ago met his quota and took all his money.

I think it would be cool if the merchants were tied to the player. Like you hire a merchant, place him in a city, and he sells your items. The merchant takes a % of all sales to take money out of the economy, and offers a way for other players to browse around, ala bazaar in eq1.

You could specify items they will buy from other players, such as tradeskill items or armor etc, so other players could sell to them. Really, how annoying is it for people to sell TS items to NPC merchants!? Problem solved.

You could customize their looks, their personality, have them dynamically change their price to be competitive. Make a whole mini game out of building a merchant for the game.

Then just put a merchant sector to a town, set it up appropriatly with different area"s for different needs, and it would be pretty cool addition IMO.
Welcome to EvE. They did it - as more people sell to the NPC, the price the NPC will pay for the item goes down. It used to reset every time the servers rebooted, so people would log on at 5AM every day to ship goods from point A to point B for guaranteed profit.

There it"s used mostly as a moneysink and to create another usage for the freighter-class ships.


All to often, merchants very quickly become useless and sell nothign of any value or use to players.
You know I was just thinking... Why not have a game where nothing is "vendor trash". Make every item in the game valuable for something. Should even make it so that items can be reclaimed for their materials. Make every item in the game viable for scrap or rework into something better. A crafters dream game.

Would be nice if like say you had a level 20 tunic with +2 str, and you are a level 30 crafter. You disassemble the tunic into a couple bolts of linen and depending on your skill level in some other skill you have an x_chance to yield a +1 or +2 str component which you can then weave into a new item.

Make the dissassembly process something that has it"s own skill line. Then there will be a constant demand for stuff to be reworked. Don"t let NPC vendors buy anything other than specific items.... butchers buy animal parts, tailors buy clothing, armorers buy armor, weapon smiths buy weapons.... then they don"t sell those items back, they break them down and use them to make their own items just like PC crafters would.


Molten Core Raider
redjunkopera said:
You know I was just thinking... Why not have a game where nothing is "vendor trash". Make every item in the game valuable for something. Should even make it so that items can be reclaimed for their materials. Make every item in the game viable for scrap or rework into something better. A crafters dream game.

Would be nice if like say you had a level 20 tunic with +2 str, and you are a level 30 crafter. You disassemble the tunic into a couple bolts of linen and depending on your skill level in some other skill you have an x_chance to yield a +1 or +2 str component which you can then weave into a new item.

Make the dissassembly process something that has it"s own skill line. Then there will be a constant demand for stuff to be reworked. Don"t let NPC vendors buy anything other than specific items.... butchers buy animal parts, tailors buy clothing, armorers buy armor, weapon smiths buy weapons.... then they don"t sell those items back, they break them down and use them to make their own items just like PC crafters would.
Just log into Eve to see that system in action.


Utnayan said:
I don"t view it as such, considering most good game designers were arm chair designers before they were hired.
There is a huge difference between taking potshots from your PC at home to actually conceiving, developing, and finally implementing a huge project like an MMOG. That said I do think the customers have a right there voice on issues, the problem is that with an MMOG you have a MMO type community that is hard to gauge exactly what the real problem is with the endless amounts of panic generated information. See WoW boards.


Faille said:
Just log into Eve to see that system in action.
Too true... Eve is ahead of their time in so many ways, and yet so far behind at the same time. I couldn"t stay interested long enough for any of that stuff to be pertinent to my experience.


Utnayan said:
I believe it has to be. But remember, I am a jaded gamer who has heard it all before. And as much as I want to believe a new company come on here and start saying they think they may have found solutions for these problems outside of the box, you have to remember I have heard all that before from various companies over the years - with little to no result.
Agreed, and the main reason why trying to make points, defend them, and hype anything within forums like this can be a bad thing. If you can get a game to market while keeping the hype to a manageable level you win, if the game is great.

So many games, well heck most, get to the shelf with a year or more of "Holy Crap wait until you play our game" that they never have a chance of meeting expectations.

It"s like the word potential being used in baseball, it means squat. Show me what you can do, don"t tell me.

I know I"ll err here at times as I am excited and passionate about what we are creating, but I will go to great lengths to not play that card as it just gets you nowhere, regardless of your creation. If it"s a great game it will be so without a ton of hype.

Utnayan said:
I just don"t see it. Maybe you could throw out some examples? I wouldn"t think ways to suppress the farmer market would be too much of a trade secret.
It"s not as much "trade secret" as it is starting a trend that"s been done too often. Getting into game mechanics at such an early stage, or development ideas, sets us up to be "wishy washy". There will be so many iterations, already has been, of so many aspects of design and development, that getting into details about things here has the potential of having 5-10 vocal proponents, or opponents, shaping opinions for a game that hopefully many millions will enjoy.

These boards, this one less so than most, are made up of thousands of players, who voice their concerns through a very small portion of the members. THat leads to opinions and focus on a very narrow front, which is incredibly stifling to the creative process.

Look for some press releases soon though, we"ve hired a few people with some industry history for important roles here that I think will please MMO communities everywhere.


Ngruk said:
Todd can draw his butt off, QUOTE]

Dear Todd:
Please draw your butt off and make female dark elf characters that look something like the ones in Lineage2, my favorite looking characters. That would make me very very happy.


Gemba said:
Dear Todd:
Please draw your butt off and make female dark elf characters that look something like the ones in Lineage2, my favorite looking characters. That would make me very very happy.
Read: bboobs and butts


Ngruk said:
Look for some press releases soon though, we"ve hired a few people with some industry history for important roles here that I think will please MMO communities everywhere.
Oh sweet Jebus, not "soon". After all the times I"ve heard "soon" only to be waiting for the news 6+ months later I think I"d rather just be smashed in the head with a brick and told to wait.

No offense, Curt, but unless "soon" can mean "within the next 1 or 2 months" it might be better to keep tight-lipped.

EDIT: Glad to see this thread staying alive, in any case.


Hmm, I haven"t worked in the real world in, well, all my life. Soon to me means within a few days, which I meant, but due to a few different circumstances it will be early next week at this point.

Hey I"m a jaded gamer as well, I"ve been through all the same "soons" you have so don"t lump me into any stereotypes just yet. I am sure I"ll earn that at some point but I"d like to think I am not there yet.


Ngruk said:
Hey I"m a jaded gamer as well, I"ve been through all the same "soons" you have so don"t lump me into any stereotypes just yet. I am sure I"ll earn that at some point but I"d like to think I am not there yet.
No, not yet, hopefully not ever. If you manage to pull off what you"ve been discussing maybe you can spearhead a new stereotype: MMO developers that know how to treat their fans with respect and deliver a quality product.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Two words:

"Forgotten-Realms-Actual-Drizzt-And-Bruenor-Battlehammer-With-A-Rich-Background-And-History-Already-In-Place-But-Also-With-The-Original-Writer-On-Board-And-A-Stellar-Fucking-Art-Crew" (meets) "Massively-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game" =



redjunkopera said:
Too true... Eve is ahead of their time in so many ways, and yet so far behind at the same time. I couldn"t stay interested long enough for any of that stuff to be pertinent to my experience.
ya they broke the mold on so much of their game... its miles and miles ahead of the generic on tons of its content.. but in terms of pve and ease of usage its pretty far behind. I wish more games would come out and try to copy more of how eve handled things than just copy wow =/

More on topic: I hope they turn out a good game. I love hearing from devs who dont give me a kind of dirty feeling when i listen to them spin their bullshit.


Faille said:
I would love to see npc merchants have more dynamic pricing structure. If you try to sell them 1000000 boar tusks, perhaps the price their willing to pay for them should drop so they become worthless?
Dynamic market reminds me of M.U.L.E. on the C-64. Incredibly simple concept, but one of the best games ever.

Edit: To take this concept further, how about an MMO where the town vendors are looking for certain raw material in turns. Let"s say this week the dwarven vendors pay lots for minerals, because they are planning to forge something while the next week, the woodelf vendors pay a lot for wood because they want to build something. Players could even buy and sell such goods like stocks and speculate with them. All of this needs a world where money is worth something of course. If everything is NO DROP and money can"t buy anything, this won"t work.