Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


Sparkletot Monger
Yea. I definitely agree Tide.. Id love to start hearing about the universe this game is in.
I understand it wont be as good was Warhammer, (25+ years, hundreds of books, short stories and massive amounts of information all fitting together)
and hopefully wont suck as bad Warcraft (cheap knockoff of Warhammer with some pop culture cliches thrown in), but somewhere in between would be good.

So.. I know you want to protect the IP Curt.. but nothing sets the imagination and builds the anticipation than a good backdrop.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
My posts go to the point that there isn"t anything there to protect anyway.

I can spin up a Phantom Fantasy ploy in about 20 minutes of thinking about it.

He is going to need to come back with more substance than that after 3 years.


Ut is going to single-handedly stop any and all developers or people with any inside knowledge from posting here, lest they disagree with his perfect analysis of the entire industry...


Registered Hutt
He"ll find something else to occupy his time eventually. I imagine if he"s playing WoW he"s bored at the moment, as so many raiders are.

Curt"s cult of personality needs to be kept in check somehow, and aside from him all we"ve had of late was Gallenite. We had more than a few VG devs posting before its release, but that well is dry. Even if this forum was more hospitable, most companies are only interested in empty marketing anyway. The ever ignorant news portals are the place to plug the company line. There is easily far more exposure and far less criticism.

We"re more or less at maximum Ut saturation though. He could quiet down so the cum guzzlers return to be lampooned. As with Khorum, many would rather not wade in with their arguments, justified or otherwise, while such vicious attacks are a regular event.


Molten Core Raider
I am not going to contribute anything but damn reading you guys going back and forth is highly entertaining to say the least. Carry on gentlemen!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, I"m glad we could entertain you, Camerous. Want me to get you anything else while you"re here? How about a glass of lemonade? Would you like a glass of lemonade?


As it"s been pointed out, it"s time to tell us something, because the only thing that makes me coming back to this thread is to read at what level Utnayan"s psycosis is raised.

You could have your lore written by motherfucking Tolkien, but I"d like to know something beforehand, to see if it"s even remotely interesting.

I"d like to see screenshots, even if in alpha build, to have a clue on which is the graphic style of the game and maybe, just maybe, a hint or two about the class system (or lack of if you choose this path) and also an idea of how the combat is going to work, in broad strokes, so to say.

Discussing about nothing is hard, really hard. There is the associated risk that by the time 38s releases info, people won"t just give a damn anymore, because other titles will be out or close to be out and Copernicus will be... "Copernicus... what?" by then.

I"ve reached the point where I played WoW as much as I did EQ and it"s still "kinda" interesting, but it lost a lot of its original appeal, so for me a new MMO would be welcome, but I want to be thrilled, to be inspired, to learn tidbits of info left and right, pretty much like Diablo 3 is giving me now and D3 is certainly a game I"ll play from day one, because I loved every little bit of the first two and I know Blizzard quality.

When WAR was still being made, they released short clips of alpha/beta gameplay, those got me interested enough to follow the product, but I didn"t spend a dime on it, because I"m jaded towards all MMOs nowadays and won"t waste my money on crap products, so I wait for release and see what players think in two-three months.

Copernicus? I know nothing, I"ve seen 3 concept arts, I don"t know the story except Salvatore is working on it (and while I think he"s better than Metzen, he"s not my favourite author in the fantasy genre by a mile), I"ve seen no screenshots, no blueprints of class development, no idea if we"ll have again tank+healer+dps or other paradigms to follow.

In shorts I have nothing to talk about except random beaten-to-death arguments about MMOs in general.

Honestly, spill the beans, it"s about time. Some backgrounds on the world, the story, major characters, role of players in the world (ok, we are the heroes, we got that), etc. A vague idea of mechanics wouldn"t be bad to be revealed.
Keep your secret stuff hidden if you have innovative mechanics, but do some good old fashioned advertising at this point, because it"s better to talk about something than about nothing.

Gnome Eater_foh

"I have been in the industry for over 10 years" doesn"t mean "I have played MMOs for over 10 years" because by that metric everyone here is a MMO industry veteran.


Molten Core Raider
James said:
Well, I"m glad we could entertain you, Camerous. Want me to get you anything else while you"re here? How about a glass of lemonade? Would you like a glass of lemonade?
As much as I appreciate the offer I am doing just fine thanks.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ngruk said:
Working on that.
You say this like you have to get permission from your mom.

You hold the majority of the purse strings. Just do it. And not just some bullshit backdrop of lore.

You obviously are playing the game as you said you killed moorgard several times. Screenshots (Which are pretty pitiful anyway but at least it would be a start for you to prove you have at least SOMETHING done, some class structure, and something of substance. Go ahead and keep the secret sauce everyone else and their mom is working on right now secret if you think it is to be so guarded.

Time to quit spinning and just get it out there.

Part of the reason why Hartsman was such a successful poster here was because he didn"t spin a lot of shit. He gave pointed and direct information. It"s also why I didn"t flame him and actually gave EQ2 another try. 1-20 was outstanding. It"s too bad they never fixed the rest of the bullshit.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Gnome Eater said:
"I have been in the industry for over 10 years" doesn"t mean "I have played MMOs for over 10 years" because by that metric everyone here is a MMO industry veteran.
Actually I would consider Shadows of Yserbius and AOL NWN the earliest cave man incarnation of MMORPG"s. With a much steeper barrier to entry with cost. And those were in 91. 18 years ago.


Miele said:
As it"s been pointed out, it"s time to tell us something, because the only thing that makes me coming back to this thread is to read at what level Utnayan"s psycosis is raised.

You could have your lore written by motherfucking Tolkien, but I"d like to know something beforehand, to see if it"s even remotely interesting.

I"d like to see screenshots, even if in alpha build, to have a clue on which is the graphic style of the game and maybe, just maybe, a hint or two about the class system (or lack of if you choose this path) and also an idea of how the combat is going to work, in broad strokes, so to say.

Discussing about nothing is hard, really hard. There is the associated risk that by the time 38s releases info, people won"t just give a damn anymore, because other titles will be out or close to be out and Copernicus will be... "Copernicus... what?" by then.

I"ve reached the point where I played WoW as much as I did EQ and it"s still "kinda" interesting, but it lost a lot of its original appeal, so for me a new MMO would be welcome, but I want to be thrilled, to be inspired, to learn tidbits of info left and right, pretty much like Diablo 3 is giving me now and D3 is certainly a game I"ll play from day one, because I loved every little bit of the first two and I know Blizzard quality.

When WAR was still being made, they released short clips of alpha/beta gameplay, those got me interested enough to follow the product, but I didn"t spend a dime on it, because I"m jaded towards all MMOs nowadays and won"t waste my money on crap products, so I wait for release and see what players think in two-three months.

Copernicus? I know nothing, I"ve seen 3 concept arts, I don"t know the story except Salvatore is working on it (and while I think he"s better than Metzen, he"s not my favourite author in the fantasy genre by a mile), I"ve seen no screenshots, no blueprints of class development, no idea if we"ll have again tank+healer+dps or other paradigms to follow.

In shorts I have nothing to talk about except random beaten-to-death arguments about MMOs in general.

Honestly, spill the beans, it"s about time. Some backgrounds on the world, the story, major characters, role of players in the world (ok, we are the heroes, we got that), etc. A vague idea of mechanics wouldn"t be bad to be revealed.
Keep your secret stuff hidden if you have innovative mechanics, but do some good old fashioned advertising at this point, because it"s better to talk about something than about nothing.
One of the hidden sciences, and one I don"t fully grasp, is time between reveal and launch for an MMO. Only 1 of the major players in the NA market has had that timeline come in under 3 years.

You"ll be hearing about the IP, and some other stuff, "pretty soon".

Pretty soon being later than next weekend but before the next ML All Star game.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ngruk said:
Pretty soon being later than next weekend but before the next ML All Star game.
And there ya have it folks. You won"t hear ANYTHING on even the lore, between now and possibly as far out as July 2010.

CEO Gone = Publisher Ditched. Check.

Nothing to show + ungodly spin = Vanguard grassroots publicity. Check.

Not having anything possibly to show for 4 years since launch of the company?

Fucking priceless.

George Broussard, is that you?

Edit by the way: EQ1 1.5 years. DAOC 2 years. WoW 2.5 years. AO 1.5 years. New Star Wars 2.5 years. SWG: 2 years (And that was with redevelopment 16 months before launch)

The only game that took more than 3 years was Vanguard. And we all saw why didn"t we.

Enter Copurnicus Nukem Forever (Tm) 3-4 years.

Gnome Eater_foh

Utnayan said:
Actually I would consider Shadows of Yserbius and AOL NWN the earliest cave man incarnation of MMORPG"s. With a much steeper barrier to entry with cost. And those were in 91. 18 years ago.
that still does not make you in the industry dude sorry if this needs to be pointed out to you. before you go all balistic on me and point out that tigole and furor had no design experience either let me quote Bentsen:

"Utnayan, you are no Tigole or Furor"

In the end we all agree that so far we know absolutely nothing about this game, and there is nothing we can judge it on. This is not a big secret only you hit on and nobody realized.

What"s wrong with waiting and then making your mind up when we see what he has got? Who are you trying to save? Do you think that by being a MMO board warrior superstar somebody will notice you and hire you? The only guy who goes on about how 38studios will rock the world is Flight.

I will defend your right to continue posting forever as long as you avoid profanity, free speech and all that, but it honestly seems as though being hostile has now become a gimmick that you have to maintain for internet cred.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I didn"t say in the industry. I said this:

With that said, I have beenaroundthis industry for decades.
Read before commenting.

And trust me, I have had my fair shake at chances to get in with a shit ton of companies. I stay in Minnesota because my family is here. If they had a development house here, I would put my money where my mouth is. But don"t think for a second that the best damn developers have never come from exactly this type of site. Because the shit bags that kiss ass or fuck their way in go no where. The people that love, eat, and breath video games and are that passionate about them - the sky is the limit.

Gnome Eater_foh

Utnayan said:
I didn"t say in the industry. I said this:

Read before commenting.
Dude, by any reasonable metric, "I have been around the industry" seems to imply a higher degree of participation than merely playing the video games. You know, because if you replaced "I have been around the industry" with "I have played MMOs for x many years" suddenly you lose any pretense of authority.

Does driving a car make someone an industry expert in the automobile industry? Does following football (the european version) religiously make someone a football insider?

You have a really skewed version of your own self importance man I have nothing against "keeping people honest" but you really see yourself on a Quixotic quest against MMO execs (your windmills) to defend the naive and innocent foh forum posters (your Dulcinea).

Gnome Eater_foh

Utnayan said:
And trust me, I have had my fair shake at chances to get in with a shit ton of companies. I stay in Minnesota because my family is here. If they had a development house here, I would put my money where my mouth is. But don"t think for a second that the best damn developers have never come from exactly this type of site. Because the shit bags that kiss ass or fuck their way in go no where. The people that love, eat, and breath video games and are that passionate about them - the sky is the limit.
Dude, there are simple reasons why various execs/designers don"t post here and they have nothing to do with what you said. Be more intellectually honest.

Furor does not post here because when he did last the official forums erupted complaining that he posted on his own guild"s forums but not on the official forums. Given that developer attention is a precious commodity and almost every player would like to have the ear of a developer, wow developers tipically are asked to only interact on their main forums.

As brilliant as GC/Furor/Tigole are, they almost never ever post on EJ either because that gets huge cries from the unwashed masses on the Blizzard forums, and we probably both agree that EJ is a much much better forum for game mechanics discussions.

Pretending that developers/execs don"t post here because they have nothing to prove is really naive. Of course most execs that post here are interested in pushing a product, and of course Ngruk has more to gain from pushing his title out there than Tigole, but how is this new to absolutely anyone who posts here? I am absolutely convinced that Tigole or Furor or GC would actually greatly enjoy having an intelligent audience to discuss select topics and bounce ideas back and forth from, but any such forum would cause such a massive cry from the masses that would feel ignored that it wouldn"t be worth it to pursue from a PR point of view.