Guild Wars 2


Trakanon Raider
So apparently they banned less than 200 people for this, reddit is being easy to abuse as usual.

Some new info on upcoming patches:
Hey guys,
Just to help provide some clarity on this, we'll be releasing within the next couple of weeks a high level summary of our big plans for the first half of 2013 to help provide more transparency into our plans with the game going forward. This will include providing more details about our goals for the game, information about the stories and features that you'll see in the Jan/Feb/March releases.
To set expectations accordingly, the January release will be a relatively small release that sets the table for the stories and features we plan to roll out with the Feb/March releases and beyond. Also, there will be no new race, profession, or new region with these larger Feb/March releases. One of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as strong as possible, ensuring there are reasons to go to all the locations in the world we've already built, and strengthening the core game we've provided. In saying this will be an expansions worth of stuff in these releases, we're talking about the number of new features that will be rolled out across PvE, WvW, and PvP in early 2013, which usually you'd only find in an expansion for a traditional MMORPG.
More details and specifics to come in the next couple of weeks, but I hope that helps provide some more insight into what to expect at a very high level.


Silver Squire
Not enough carrot at the end of the that stick. If they had a clue what they were doing and not in the early phases I'd think they would release more info to keep people playing and interested until then. Instead they say "umm yeah we'll strengthen the core game and get you features for everything at some point that other companies call expansions."


Rasterizing . . .
Not enough carrot at the end of the that stick. If they had a clue what they were doing and not in the early phases I'd think they would release more info to keep people playing and interested until then. Instead they say "umm yeah we'll strengthen the core game and get you features for everything at some point that other companies call expansions."
You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. If Anet releases new content in the form of professions, crafting, regions, etc. people will bitch that they should have been working on fixing the bugs that have existed since well before launch instead of coming up with new content. I'm in no way defending them as they have certainly done things that left me scratching my head but I've been sitting here trying to think of what a proper route for them would be in order to invigorate more life into the game?

Contrary to my opening statement I think they should have released this back in November well before Wintersday.


I just picked this up over the holidays. Tried a few professions - my highest at the moment is 26. My biggest pet peeve is the total zerg-nature of the group events. One example is the krait blood witch in Kessex Hills. People just zerg, die, rez, zerg, die, rez until the mob is dead. There is no strategy, no tactics, no teamwork... just zerg, zerg, zerg. This is not fun gameplay to me. Hopefully, the dungeons when I get to 30+ will be better. One can dream



Lord Nagafen Raider
Not enough carrot at the end of the that stick. If they had a clue what they were doing and not in the early phases I'd think they would release more info to keep people playing and interested until then. Instead they say "umm yeah we'll strengthen the core game and get you features for everything at some point that other companies call expansions."
I don't know what you're looking for. He said they'll have a detailed summary up "within the next couple of weeks."


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I just picked this up over the holidays. Tried a few professions - my highest at the moment is 26. My biggest pet peeve is the total zerg-nature of the group events. One example is the krait blood witch in Kessex Hills. People just zerg, die, rez, zerg, die, rez until the mob is dead. There is no strategy, no tactics, no teamwork... just zerg, zerg, zerg. This is not fun gameplay to me. Hopefully, the dungeons when I get to 30+ will be better. One can dream
You can't zerg the dungeons, but they're so gimmicky it's more annoying than anything. The tank-heal-dps paradigm is much better than what they made.



Silver Squire
I just picked this up over the holidays. Tried a few professions - my highest at the moment is 26. My biggest pet peeve is the total zerg-nature of the group events. One example is the krait blood witch in Kessex Hills. People just zerg, die, rez, zerg, die, rez until the mob is dead. There is no strategy, no tactics, no teamwork... just zerg, zerg, zerg. This is not fun gameplay to me. Hopefully, the dungeons when I get to 30+ will be better. One can dream
PVE really isn't the games strong point (Fractals aren't awful but that is about it) . In the end they really fucked up what could of been a good thing by the way they implemented the events. First and foremost, events tend to spawn only when there is significant population. So now that the population has more in common with the over world of a Metro game many of the events simply will not trigger. Add to that they decided to make the events only show if you are painfully close to them on your map and it makes for a frustrating experience should you miss them. The way they handled it just feels like amateur hour and in the end people just pharmed a handful of FOTM events for the bulk of their leveling. Most of which are devoid of anything interesting.

Great design isn't it? Warhammer of all games and rift handled it better since all that leaves PVE players is mostly hearts unless they stumble upon one of the FOTM events that almost perma runs. Mob xp is garbage so forget about grinding until almost 80. GW2 almost had something really good there and the implementation was just plain terrible and it has never been fixed.

The hearts are enough to level you but boring as hell.

They "best" way to level (no money) is to PVD some WvW with a solid force and flip paper keeps. Its just not fun. If you can get some good WvW action that is also good xp and a bit more interesting than any of the PVE options. Just be prepared to get raped by fully geared 80's. Otherwise find the FOTM chain events every 10 or 12 levels and grind those if they are even popping anymore. You can also craft your way up which is gold intensive and not really an option for new players unless you want to buy gold.

Good luck finding anyone for dungeon runs now that fractals are out. You really aren't missing anything there though so count yourself lucky.

I also agree with Tuco, the game lost a lot by not having healing / tank classes. Far more than it gained.



Anet just mass banned the people who exploited the snowflake jewelry wintersday recipe that basically turned mithril ore into ectos.
That's funny. Yet they sat on their nuts for months and months and months while bots basically fucked the economy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
PVE really isn't the games strong point (Fractals aren't awful but that is about it) . In the end they really fucked up what could of been a good thing by the way they implemented the events. First and foremost, events tend to spawn only when there is significant population. So now that the population has more in common with the over world of a Metro game many of the events simply will not trigger.
If there are any events that require a certain amount of people to be around, I don't think there are many. Like I said before, I've been running around various zones to work on world completion, and I haven't really seen any shortage of events. That's the nice thing about the events scaling - some scale downwards as well as up.

Add to that they decided to make the events only show if you are painfully close to them on your map and it makes for a frustrating experience should you miss them. The way they handled it just feels like amateur hour and in the end people just pharmed a handful of FOTM events for the bulk of their leveling. Most of which are devoid of anything interesting. Great design isn't it?
I'd say "painfully close" is a slight exaggeration. Yes, you need to be near them, but does that not make sense? I wouldn't want to see an event pop up half a zone away and have it be completed before I can get there. Also, there are a great deal of events that have NPCs associated with them that will notify you of a dynamic event. So, if you're selling in a camp, you might have a Quaggan run up and ask you for help in a nearby lake, and talking to him will place the event on your map.

There are also the larger, more zone oriented events (like the dragons) that give you a lot more leeway for how close you have to be to them. They keep you updated by placing a little box in the upper right-hand corner.

Good luck finding anyone for dungeon runs now that fractals are out. You really aren't missing anything there though so count yourself lucky.

Until Arenanet wakes up and realizes a dungeon finder should be in the game, that's a really good tool for finding groups. It's become fairly popular (there have easily been more than 50 postings in the past 10 minutes).


Silver Squire
You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. If Anet releases new content in the form of professions, crafting, regions, etc. people will bitch that they should have been working on fixing the bugs that have existed since well before launch instead of coming up with new content. I'm in no way defending them as they have certainly done things that left me scratching my head but I've been sitting here trying to think of what a proper route for them would be in order to invigorate more life into the game?

Contrary to my opening statement I think they should have released this back in November well before Wintersday.
Fractals were not bad, but other than that they haven't done anything with new content and WvW has been keeping the game rolling but who knows how much longer. For a free game the pace of content isn't terrible. I'm not saying I expected anything more because I really didn't. I know they made bank on the cash shop and box sales and really that is all they give a shit about until the next expansion.

I would gladly give some company my money if they could develop something that keeps people playing longer than a few months though. GW2 has some good ideas that were just half ass on implementation and the one really solid thing they had going for them (WvW) just ended up getting put on auto pilot with no reason to go out there except to grind out some points and repeat after reset every week. So shallow considering what they could of done with it.


Silver Squire
If there are any events that require a certain amount of people to be around, I don't think there are many. Like I said b....

Until Arenanet wakes up and realizes a dungeon finder should be in the game, that's a really good tool for finding groups. It's become fairly popular (there have easily been more than 50 postings in the past 10 minutes).
Events out there? Sure. However as someone that was trying to level a warrior during off time in PVE there aren't nearly enough to get you levels anything like what it was at release (unless you grind the circuits which noobs won't know anything about). They also are super slow to repeat unless you find the sweet spot hub and you can grind out the same event chain every 15 minutes. Assuming the noob doing it knows that it will repeat or not since most of them don't work that way. So while the centaur circuit will repeat the chains over and over assuming they can find it and the next chain in the event, most of the rest of the world is worthless and empty. That event you finished might not be up again for another 2 hours or if you hit the one of the VERY few hot spots maybe 10 minutes. They could of done a much better job with this.

As for the map its stupid the way its done now. You are in a zone that is almost empty as you level up and as a noob you have no idea where the events are and where to go for them. So you wander around aimlessly looking at hearts since that is the only marker that will give you xp and hope you run into some events. Sorry but poor design.

If they would have the events spawn and show for your entire map it would be easier to find them and if the status of the event would show when you mouse over you'd know if you could make it there in time. That would be a much better way of doing it (especially with how travel works in game) instead of having people run around Mr Magoo style. In addition it would be easier for noobs to find the next step in the chain which in many cases is far from obvious, in a different direction from the next heart and DRUM ROLL usually not showing up on the map because you are too far away. Fail.

Its not that I hate the game, I'm just amazed at how half ass some of the design decisions were. I was in beta from March forward and very little has changed, client performance aside.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As for the map its stupid the way its done now. You are in a zone that is almost empty as you level up and as a noob you have no idea where the events are and where to go for them. So you wander around aimlessly looking at hearts since that is the only marker that will give you xp and hope you run into some events.
That's more or less the point. This isn't WoW. They aren't trying to toss down breadcrumbs and hold your hand. They want to you run around andexploreand look for things, which is why there are so many events, puzzles, challenges, and chests hidden well off the beaten path. Hearts, if I recall, were a compromise to at least point people in a general direction and get them to move around the zone rather than sitting on a few events and waiting for them to repeat.


Silver Squire
That's more or less the point. This isn't WoW. They aren't trying to toss down breadcrumbs and hold your hand. They want to you run around andexploreand look for things, which is why there are so many events, puzzles, challenges, and chests hidden well off the beaten path. Hearts, if I recall, were a compromise to at least point people in a general direction and get them to move around the zone rather than sitting on a few events and waiting for them to repeat.
I understand that and I'm fine with it. Frankly I don't believe they give a fuck about exploration because their game is tuned for you to sit at an event chain for a couple hours grinding the same events out over and over for 10 levels and then move to the next area that repeats like that. Most of the world is just about worthless leveling wise besides those events and its completely unbalanced. Those chest are also just about worthless since they contain 99% of the time the same vendor trash you got 100x over again and with rares being dirt cheap on the AH playing loot roulette on mob drops are worthless, level 80 areas excluded of course.

If they had wanted you to explore they would have put the events on the map and people would be like "Hey, there is an event up there lets go check it out" as opposed to "Oh another worthless heart that sells shit I really don't need or want fuck it lets to grind the centaur event since that is the only thing worth a shit from 15 to 24.

If they had wanted you to give a shit about chests they would actually drop useful stuff. Rares at a minimum with a good chance at exotics once per character and people would be running for those things instead of mostly ignoring them.

The bottom line is if the rest of the world was done like centaurs or the other decent chains there wouldn't be an issue. However they screwed the pooch and most of the world is actually devoid of anything like that and aside from world completion is pretty much a waste of time for leveling comparatively. That is why they should have the events on the map. Not too mention fixing the rest of the world so its not boring as hell compared to the one hot spot every 3 zones.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
There was a pretty worn out argument on FoH about the whole quest-chains vs exploring but I havent met a new player leveling a first character that had the problems you describe. Usually on the first character everyone was fine with stumbing from DE to getting those ores over there, starting that heart and during that they run into a new event, repeat as needed. That breaks down once you no longer care about your surroundings and only try to maximize xp because "the game starts at 80". Unfortunately that slogan is the opposite for GW2, it pretty much ends at 80, with only little advancement or very few longterm goals.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I understand that and I'm fine with it. Frankly I don't believe they give a fuck about exploration because their game is tuned for you to sit at an event chain for a couple hours grinding the same events out over and over for 10 levels and then move to the next area that repeats like that. Most of the world is just about worthless leveling wise besides those events and its completely unbalanced. Those chest are also just about worthless since they contain 99% of the time the same vendor trash you got 100x over again and with rares being dirt cheap on the AH playing loot roulette on mob drops are worthless, level 80 areas excluded of course.

If they had wanted you to explore they would have put the events on the map and people would be like "Hey, there is an event up there lets go check it out" as opposed to "Oh another worthless heart that sells shit I really don't need or want fuck it lets to grind the centaur event since that is the only thing worth a shit from 15 to 24.

If they had wanted you to give a shit about chests they would actually drop useful stuff. Rares at a minimum with a good chance at exotics once per character and people would be running for those things instead of mostly ignoring them.

The bottom line is if the rest of the world was done like centaurs or the other decent chains there wouldn't be an issue. However they screwed the pooch and most of the world is actually devoid of anything like that and aside from world completion is pretty much a waste of time for leveling comparatively. That is why they should have the events on the map. Not too mention fixing the rest of the world so its not boring as hell compared to the one hot spot every 3 zones.
If you just do the hearts in each zone of your race then you get more than enough xp to level. You don't even have to do the storyline or travel to other races zones. There is absolutely no need to camp a single event. Putting the events on the map is a good idea though.

The chest issue I totally agree with. They have funnelled everyone out of the zones and into FOTM to do a ridiculous gear grind that Guild Wars was never supposed to be about. Chests and events are worthless for the most part, except for xp. Personally, I think FOTM and the chest nerfs are their biggest mistakes so far. They should have also planned for the inevitable population drop across servers and made overflow the default for pve.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The chest issue I totally agree with. They have funnelled everyone out of the zones and into FOTM to do a ridiculous gear grind that Guild Wars was never supposed to be about. Chests and events are worthless for the most part, except for xp. Personally, I think FOTM and the chest nerfs are their biggest mistakes so far. They should have also planned for the inevitable population drop across servers and made overflow the default for pve.
The problem with chests and such is that Arenanet is so afraid of "grinding" that they depend on the RNGwaytoo much, but they don't do so in any meaningful way. It's not, "I have a 15% chance at this staff I really want!" but that you can basically get any weapon/armor from a chest and the only thing to hope for is that it is orange. And it's not even like those orange items are terribly rewarding in themselves since they're mostly generic. It's not like someone is going to run up to you and ask where you got those really cool looking boots, because they all look the same.

Effectively, they removed any desire to go to any location over any other. And that's why everyone is in dungeons instead of playing in the open world, especially now that you also get karma from doing them. They basically give you the same sorts of rewards you'd get playing in a zoneandyou get to work towards guaranteed rewards thanks to the tokens.


Trakanon Raider
If anything, centaurs should have been nerfed ages ago, not the other way around.

I find the leveling enjoyable enough, but that might be because I'm trying to go through places I haven't seen yet, if you have 2-3 characters with 100%, then yeah, it must suck. Minmaxing usually sucks out the fun from the game for me, but to each his own. Still, both of those centaur chains, one 15-24 and the other around 40 are too good to pass. Still, you are asking for constant events, but that would mean you would never have time to actually look at the world, which would be a shame IMO. Constantly checking your map for orange marks is kinda...meh. There's only one place that should have constant events for everyone and those are lvl 80 zones, but even then I'm not sure if it wouldn't bring it's own issues - Plinx for example.


2 Minutes Hate
The whole world should be filled with centaur events, going on all the time, everywhere, forever. With or without people. The fact that they are not is a huge waste of design. There are hardly any bridging events in the game except the end level areas and the centaurs in the human areas up to level 40ish. The game needed more depth and it wasn't there.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The event chains aren't spawned by population. You can do an entire event chain with just 2 people if you want in every zone. I know this because I spawn them when I ask in Map chat if anyone wants to do events. Yes it's not as exciting as a populated zone which is why they need to combine the zone populations. This events don't spawn anymore or aren't running is complete bullshit.