Guild Wars 2


Trakanon Raider
Is this worth picking back up? What classes are good at melee and/or support? I enjoyed Mesmer and Engineer, even though Engineer wasn't melee, I liked the shield. last time I played, but only got to about 20-30 before I got distracted by other shit.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It's a good game, but it requires a lot of self-motivation to enjoy yourself at endgame. There's not really a single straight linear progression system for gear, so you really have to pick and choose your goals.

I was trying to write a comprehensive endgame guide for Draegan's site but it's becoming a monumental task to really cover all the different aspects of the game and where to best spend your time if you want to make any progress at endgame.


2 Minutes Hate
End game for GW2 is self satisfaction essentially. You have to pick a goal that you want to shoot for and do it. Then wait for more stuff to come around. For example, 100% world completion. 100% achievement score. Full crafted ascended gear. Legendary items. Certain skins. All the dyes.

There's a lot of stuff you can do in the game, the end game is extremely broad, but there isn't much depth.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I think the issue that "endgame" for GW2 is such a nebulous thing. There is nothing you NEED to gear up for once you get 80 and buy a cheap exotic set (except high fractals), so like Draegan says you have to set your own goals, the game is not really providing a progression. Although I guess ascended weapons and further down the line the ascended armor will actually take some effort for players that quit last winter and havent accumulated materials for it all year long.


If you do your personal story and complete a zone, you'll likely end up two levels higher than needed for the following. Also Elementalist is a bitch to learn, you don't sit in one attunement if you want to do quick damage (for levelling, that is). Mine is not 80, I gave up quite early, class is too much work for too little result imo and is wet paper until you get a bunch of traits open. I'll pick it up again the future and play with the lightning hammer to try it out.

Back to Tequatl: too many noobs equal bad scaling and a nasty swarm of champions on turrets. That was my experience.
As I am a stubborn fuck I tried to stick with it but hit an absolute brick wall at 14. One skill challenge was all I had left in Metrica province and I couldn't even get near it as the area it is in the mobs re-spawned faster than I could clear them. Next zone was +2 and I got tired of dying on trash. Annoying class and a poor choice for your first GW2 toon I think. Switched to warrior and facerolled the first 7 or so in a couple of hours. Night and day difference.

They should really make this clear in character selection.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As I am a stubborn fuck I tried to stick with it but hit an absolute brick wall at 14. One skill challenge was all I had left in Metrica province and I couldn't even get near it as the area it is in the mobs re-spawned faster than I could clear them. Next zone was +2 and I got tired of dying on trash. Annoying class and a poor choice for your first GW2 toon I think. Switched to warrior and facerolled the first 7 or so in a couple of hours. Night and day difference.

They should really make this clear in character selection.
Couple things: Metrica province is harder than Queensdale, Wayfarer foothills and Caledon forest. It's not hard per se, but Inquest mobs have a ton of annoying abilities, so do their golems. Mob density is high, respawn is stupidly fast and it takes a bit of experience or a forgiving class to get on good terms with the zone.

As I said Elementalist is a bitch at low levels, a few tricks I can give you:
- At level 14 there is masterwork armor available, if you can't afford it, try at least to buy a bunch of minor runes (all different sets imo) and pack up vitality or toughness, at low levels imo vitality helps more. Search for "minor rune of" on the tp.
- Staff is a very good weapon if you like to sit 90% of the time in fire attunement, #1 Fireball has a very long range, skill #2 Lava Font is crazy damage, 3 is a free burning dot, 4 helps surviving and kiting enemies on your fire and 5 can help when farming events.
- Pack a scepter with minor sigil of bloodlust, offhand dagger with minor sigil of fire (or the other way around). Staff should have also minor sigil of fire. These small upgrades are helpful when levelling.
- If you play scepter/dagger, open with #2 and do #4 (ring of fire) under it before it lands, then arcane wave into your ring: 6 stacks of might that help melting the rest of the mobs.
- Arcane shield is a good utility, so is minor glyph of elementals (cast it in earth to help surviving). Open signet of air asap and enjoy 25% run speed all the time.
- First ten traits into water, then I'd pick fire or arcane depending on your weapon of choice.

There would be a lot more to say, but with these tips you should have a bit easier life and be able to figure out the rest fairly easily.


Trakanon Raider
If you hate leveling, try farming events, Frozen Maw, Fire Elemental, Shadow Behemoth and Jungle Wurm are all lvl 14-15 and you will get some decent loot for your level. Look them up and make the trip, then check when they are happening

There's also champion farm train in Queensdale on most servers.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
If anyone is still on JQ I could probably get you into The Nameless Ones. We were a just a zerg recruiting PvE guild but now we're trying to become something resembling a real guild.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
New dungeon path is fun, if a bit long for a linear instance. Bummer that they decided to delete one of the old ones. Someone tell Anet that content doesnt have to follow a zero sum equation.


Lord Nagafen Raider
New dungeon path is fun, if a bit long for a linear instance. Bummer that they decided to delete one of the old ones. Someone tell Anet that content doesnt have to follow a zero sum equation.
Still have to check it out, what did they remove?


Molten Core Raider
Forward/UP in Twilight Arbor is gone (and replaced with the new path) and personally I don't mind that, because fuck spiders. The new path can be pretty easy, I actually did it in a group of 4 with only 1 guy knowing what's what. But it is an absolute pug-stomp, you really have to coordinate some things in the dungeon or else you'll be there forever.
A static 3 Warrior/Guardian/Mesmer group will crush it though, as usual.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I managed to do it yesterday: probably painful if the group sucks and if the average dps is close to zero (Sparky wasn't exactly dying quickly). I didn't like 1 of the bosses at all and the last had some graphic glitch for me which made the whole fight an ordeal and not very entertaining.
Let's not mention I had a bearbow ranger and a mace/shield+hammer warrior in group, luckily the other two were decent enough and we could at least finish the place. Not memorable to be honest, loot was shit, as usual.


FoH nuclear response team
Really considering a server xfer, anyone have a nice populated guild that does lots of PVE/PVP?


Jade Quarry, Tarnished Coast and Blackgate are the busiest PVE servers. I'd suggest moving to one of them versus going somewhere for a small guild.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Is this worth picking back up? What classes are good at melee and/or support? I enjoyed Mesmer and Engineer, even though Engineer wasn't melee, I liked the shield. last time I played, but only got to about 20-30 before I got distracted by other shit.
No it's not worth picking up because they nerfed ride the lightning.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wanna make fun of you for crying but that spell was one of the greatest abilities ever. Developers need to learn that some time broken shit is fun and stop micromanaging.


Trakanon Raider
I wanna make fun of you for crying but that spell was one of the greatest abilities ever. Developers need to learn that some time broken shit is fun and stop micromanaging.
Arenanet never follows that, I have been loosely following their balance of GW1 and they were neutering fun abilities/combos over and over. Edge of Extinction suicides, IWAY, etc... I wonder when they realize characters moving at different speeds based on traits is dumb. I like my perma swiftness, it's just too convenient. Sure, it's not too bad with WPs everywhere, but champ trains and WvW make it rather important.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
They should just give every class the pre-nerf ride the lightning.

My biggest problem with it isn't even the increased cooldown time. It's that you begin falling while using it whereas before you if you jumped off a cliff and casted it you would travel horizontal to the ground. Last I checked lightning wasn't heavily impacted by gravity like matter so someone broke my immersion.