Have any of you ever seen the massive hunk of shit that is "The Last Stand"?


Life's a Dream
It's the newest Schwarzenegger movie. Complete and total garbage.

My dad wanted to see this so asked me to download. I obliged and had nothing going on yesterday so I sat and watched it. Holy shit, it was mind numbingly bad. The lead bad guy was a fucking car! Technically it was the guy driving the car, but he only came into play for like 2-3% of the total movie. The rest of the time he was just driving this super Corvette with 1000 hp that nothing except a stock Camero could catch up with. Seriously, what the fuck?

I hated this shit. Please share your stories about how bad of a movie this was.

EDIT to add the trailer.


Avatar of War Slayer
hrm. I should add this to netflix. And yeah, it just looked so bad in trailers, that I completely forgot it even existed.


FPS noob
yeah i'm a huge arnold fan and even I was bored watching this, but thats the advantage of hooking up a TV to your PC you can let the movie play on one monitor while you browse reddit on a second and play battlefield on a third

the shittyness of this movie made me not want to watch Arnold and Stallone's last movie, Lockup or whatever it was called (it looked like a movie version of Prison Escape?). I kinda feel bad about Arnold getting back into acting, all his movies look like they are gonna be shit which really sucks considering how insanely awesome all his 80s movies were. I can quote every single line from Terminator 2, Predator, Conan, Running Man, Commando, etc but its tough to watch my hero keep sinking.



Avatar of War Slayer
watched it with my dad a while back and we liked it. a lot of laughs, but we enjoy b movies and pointing out silliness.
we knew going in, it was going to be 90mins of over the top action and bad acting.


Life's a Dream
I will look forward to your reviews.

Next best scene, a bad guy walks through some grandmom's house (maybe a store) with a gun while stalking Arnold. He tells her "Sit there!" or something else forgettable. She manages to grab a big shot gun from a basket next to her chair when he looks out of the window to see where Arnold is. She shoots him in the back then goes outside to shout "Get em!" to Arnold. Ugh...


Molten Core Raider
I know I've seen it, I think Louis Guzman & Johnny Knoxville were in it? Also there's a betrayal maybe.


FPS noob
last good movie from arnie was....T2
looking at his imdb his last big action movie was Collateral Damage, I don't even remember that one. Looks like I'll have to rewatch it

he's got a bunch of shit in the hopper though. Terminator: Genesis. Triplets (twins sequel). King Conan. Expendables 3.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
looking at his imdb his last big action movie was Collateral Damage, I don't even remember that one. Looks like I'll have to rewatch it

he's got a bunch of shit in the hopper though.Terminator: Genesis. Triplets (twins sequel). King Conan. Expendables 3.
it was his last action movie but so awful at the same time.
let me see:Bullshit,wtf?,conan again with a 60 somehing-year-old arnold and meh.....


Musty Nester
King Conan is the only one that stands a chance at beinggoodentertaining. Even the best Conan is not exactly "good" -- but it is the best pulp fantasy. They were never intended to be anything more than light entertainment hero fantasies.

I don't dislike Conan the Destroyer though, that was a remarkably faithful adaption of Robert Jordan's book and Robert Jordan was the 2nd best Conan writer ever. 1st being Howard himself.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I loved the conan movies mostly nostalgia from being a kid. Last stand on the other hand is a piece of crap but i knew that going in and had an ok time laughing through it