

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
did you craft most of your golden legendaries? Think I have only 4-5 and that includes the golden tink from early release promotion.


Poet Warrior
I am a total lowbie scrub who sucks ass and evenmycollection is better than Slip's! Seriously though it's funny that he has no Mech Bear Cats at all, whereas I think I've opened a total of like 4 Golden ones on top of 2 or 3 regulars.

I have a Golden Hogger and Confessor. I really should nuke them but I don't have any pressing needs for card atm.

I will say I remember a few times how difficult it can be to craft the second version of an odd Epic. For instance I wanted to play with that super slow control Shaman that requires 2 Elemental Destructions. It's hard to part with that dust right there. Same for when I crafted both Preparations back when I thought Rogue was fun. I mean crafting an Ancient of Lore is easy, but making yourself craft, like, asecondNaga Sea Witch can be cringe worthy.

And yeah for the new guy, some of the first cards you craft should be strong Classic rares like Knife Juggler, Azure Drake, Defender of Argus, or Argent Commander. Knife Juggler is a god-tier card.


<Bronze Donator>
No, my point is that you should have had two immediately, it's an adventure card

I'm bored.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Mech mage with a Sir Finley and Gorilla Bots has some interesting games.

Was top decking against a control warrior, kept his face froze with a snow chugger for three turns, got him down to the low teens. He clears with Revenge and I'm top decking with a Gorilla Bot. I discover a Blingtron, play it and get a Death's Bite and trade his Death's Bite for an argent lance. I go to face and he plays Justicar and heals back up to the low teens. I go to face with the Death's Bite and Blingtron then Time Rewinder Blingtron back into my hand and get a Doomhammer and he gets a shitty 1/3 weapon. He runs Justicar into Bling, plays Sylvanas, and heals back up to 10. I top deck Finley, change hero power to Warlock, draw a fireblast and have exact lethal with the Doomhammer.

Good times were had.


Trakanon Raider
Lol I can't believe this just happened in Arena.

I cast a Spellslinger and he gets a Shadowform. I bounce it next turn with a Brewmaster and recast it and he gets another Shadowform. Luckily I still owned him with 26 life left thanks to the tempo loss on his side, but I'd be lying if I wasn't a little concerned. Funny though. What are the odds?


<Bronze Donator>
Approximately 1 in 50,000. 224^2 = 50176, if hearthhead can be trusted.

Isn't brewing back a spellslinger a tempo loss on your part too? Wouldn't the tomb spider be a better target for the brewman?


Trakanon Raider
Approximately 1 in 50,000. 224^2 = 50176, if hearthhead can be trusted.

Isn't brewing back a spellslinger a tempo loss on your part too? Wouldn't the tomb spider be a better target for the brewman?
The Spellslinger had already traded and was at 1 health.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I've been playing a version of secret paladin that tempostorm has had as their top deck for the last few weeks. I changed 6ish cards out, so no huge renovations or anything. Anyway I got to rank 11 and kept seeing annoying fucking freeze mages so I took out my keeper and one sludge belcher and added 2 kezan Mystics. I thought 2 might be overboard but I was pretty pissy about playing my whole deck to lose on turn 20 or whatever 5-6 games in a row.

Anyway, it worked. Haven't lost to a single freeze Mage in the 5-6 times I've played them since. I have lost to a couple Tempo (whatever it's called that runs fire keepers and weak spells) mages, but no healing makes the deck weak against straight face anyway.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
6 cards is very significant. People have claimed to "invent" new decks by only changing 2-3 cards of an existing deck.

Any pro will tell you right now, don't run Kezan Mystic. Only helps in 1-2 matchups and is useless against the main secrets offender: Secret Paladin. All you do is cripple yourself vs the majority of the other matchups... you might feel like it's helping because you win against that 1 freeze mage you face once in a while, but you seem to ignore games you lost because you drew Kezan instead of something more useful.


Still a Music Elitist
Yeah I experimented with Kezan Mystic in my Reno Lock deck for a bit and I didn't find it worth it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
6 cards is very significant. People have claimed to "invent" new decks by only changing 2-3 cards of an existing deck.

Any pro will tell you right now, don't run Kezan Mystic. Only helps in 1-2 matchups and is useless against the main secrets offender: Secret Paladin. All you do is cripple yourself vs the majority of the other matchups... you might feel like it's helping because you win against that 1 freeze mage you face once in a while, but you seem to ignore games you lost because you drew Kezan instead of something more useful.
Maybe your guys' experience is different, but I feel like the meta is different every few ranks. I wasn't seeing any freeze mage til about rank 12-11. Really wasn't seeing much secret pally either before then. I hotswap cards out based on what I'm seeing if I start losing several games in a row to the same decks/combos. I play mostly on my phone so don't keep good track of matches played and win/loss ratio. However, I can definitively debunk your assertion that I'm ignoring losses caused by kezan mystics as I've gone from almost rank 13 (lost a lot) to win streak 4 star rank 10.

Anyway, in general I agree that stealing a weak secret is bad and only made worse when the opponent knows what the secret is and doesn't have to play around it/test for it. It's definitely been working for me as I've only been seeing hunters, mages, and paladins in the vast majority of my games (and maybe I've been lucky but I haven't often drawn the mystics against non-secret classes).

Here's my deck. Feel free to criticize and improve as you see fit. I'm no pro, just tryin to see if I can make it to Legend this season. I added Repentance when I added the Mystics. It's won me more than a few games, but I feel like it's inconsequential as often as it's crucial. The Harrison is for Doomhammer, though it is convenient against paladins for card draw, Ragnaros has won me quite a few games against control decks as they'll get rid of it and then can't remove Tirion.



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Haunted Creeper, Keeper of Uldamaan and Secretkeepers are all very strong cards you could easily add in place of the Kezans. Also Divine Favor.