

Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Arena changes so far haven't changed much. Of 10 games I played today I'm at 8 mages, 1 warrior, 1 shaman.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
In my experience I needed the draw so I have the right answer at the right time. But yeah, I don't think there is very much late game control decks on the ladder atm. I didn't run into any/many control warriors and double brawl is probably the hardest counter to this deck. The only time I'd go into fatigue is against priest after I play n'zoth, but without lightbomb, I always killed them before I died to fatigue or even needed to use a second forbidden healing. Its important that tirion doesn't get entombed because the ashbringers really help in that aspect. The only other real control deck out there is freeze mage, which is of course very winnable with all the heals, but its not impossible for the freeze mage.

0-3 against pirate warrior and then 2 control decks. I'll try it again later.
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<Bronze Donator>
The problem with just removing some cards from arena is that it doesn't really impact it at all. Individual cards are uncommon enough that it doesn't change anything. How many Mage drafts never had any of those cards offered? I'd bet the number is incredibly high. Are those good cards that got removed? Absolutely, but they aren't winning you games by themselves.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I don't think mage will be hurt in the slightest; the rest of their class picks at common are still crazy balls good. Losing chugger and torch and such doesn't really mean much when you common picks are still frostbolt/fireball/poly/flamestrike etc.

Warriors do feel a fair bit better now though at least. Everything removed from them was basically unplayable trash, so your overall draft quality floor has gone up quite a bit. Odds of seeing fiery waraxe is much higher, taunt monkey, etc.
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Molten Core Raider
Mages needed Flamestrike taken away in Arena to have any significant impact
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Arena is stupid, quit playing it.

Playing against the endless legions of face shaman in standard is stupid, quit playing it.

The whole game is stupid and has been getting worse since they made it, I'm not sure what your point is.
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Molten Core Raider
Arena is stupid, quit playing it.

Standard is equally as stupid. Ranking past 5 is a mindless chore. Boring decks like Aggro Shaman dominates the ladder and will continue to do so for at least another few months.

The game is just not fun for me anymore. Many major HS Twitch streamers like Firebat, Kripp, Lifecoach, Forsen and Reynad are openly criticising the current state of the game. Games are decided by aggro or a coin flip from Yogg (if you are lucky enough to survive to turn 10) Competitive teams like Archon and Na'Vi have broken up and viewing figures on Twitch are dropping.

Already close to quitting Hearthstone, only logging in to clear quests during Tavern Brawl and the occasional Arena run. I think I will soon drop it altogether.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I haven't played a single face shaman this evening. But yeah, remember when I predicted that this would be the worst meta in the history of Hearthstone?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I'm not sure why Blizzard is just refusing to take advantage of the fact that they have a digital product that they can alter whenever they want. Banning cards in MTG was a big deal because a lot of people would wind up just straight losing money off it. But in Hearthstone who cares? Give people a dust refund and move on.

They do not release expansions/adventures near fast enough to let cards releases try and rebalance the meta. 3-4 more months of spirit claws face shaman before a new set comes out? No thanks.
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<Bronze Donator>
Got Velen from the bundle which I didn't have (only other missing is Al'Akir) so that's okay. The packs were pretty bad for me. 3 had a second rare, one of which was a golden Aldor, and got 1 epic.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
1500 dust and golden Aldor is my take (Dusted Tyrion and Gruul). Not bad, $5 for a Legendary basically.
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Golden Squire
yeah I've been playing daily for 2 years somehow and pretty close to hanging it up until next release but don't know of a better game to play while drunk. Game is at its worst when the top decks take no thinking.
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<Bronze Donator>
I must be the only one that has been playing a lot lately lol. I'm just not taking it that serious, just playing whatever appeals to me while trying to get classes to golden. Doing arena's to accumulate dust, etc.
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Trakanon Raider
Has anyone seen much about the game Eternal yet? I heard some rumors that it's what fans of MTG and HS were really wanting. That is, a game more complex and strategy oriented like MTG, but FTP with a good UI like HS. But, it's either still in alpha or early beta and access is limited.
I know it's the game that LSV, Patrick Chapin, Matt Nass, etc.. have all been working on at direwolf in denver, for the last year or two. So, I have high hopes those guys have basically improved MTG.
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<Bronze Donator>
Still having fun here, but in a casual manner. I play an arena run a day so my 2 year old can open a pack the next day. He had a blast opening the welcome bundle today and I got almost 1400 dust out of it. Even completed my copies of Savagery and Gladiator's Longbow! :eek:

Game is still fun for completing a collection and playing a few games here and there. Went 9-3 with a druid drafted BEFORE the patch today, so I felt pretty good about that. Especially since it didn't have enough 2 and 3 drop. The run basically ended at 8-0 when I ran into two asshole rogues that had decks with at least one copy of the banned cards each. The matchmaker was kind enough to let me play two games each against both of them :rolleyes: Probably could have gotten my first 12 win druid otherwise.
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Molten Core Raider
See that Arena has gotten rid of the shit class cards. Start a arena run, only get offered neutral shit cards instead.
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Trump's Staff
The problem with the game right now is that if aggro was even slightly worse, we'd instead have a metagame consisting of nothing but "fill hand, play Thaurissan, OTK" decks. Malygos druid is tier 1 despite aggro Shaman's existence and OTK Warrior is close. At least when you play against aggro Shaman you interact with the board. Without it it would just be one uninteractive garbage Thaurissan combo deck after another. Freeze your board for 4 straight turns, iceblock + Thaurissan, OTK. Wild growth + nourish ramp to 10 before you can kill them, Thaurissan into Malygos for the OTK. Auctioneer + conceal, next turn draw entire deck. Pyromancer + commanding shout + battle rage + acolyte draws entire deck by turn 10 while wiping the board, then Thaurissan sets up the OTK. There is no counter for any of this shit other than "kill them fast so they can't get there."
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