

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not to mention its reliant on your collection. This offers nothing for new/FTP people and in fact kind of fucks them by taking out a week where they would get a brawl pack. FTP who cares really but new players sorta need that. We'll see where they are going with all this in the long run though. Maybe it really is just a dry run for future game modes or even a tournament mode.
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<Bronze Donator>
I've been trying Justicar in my Midrange Shaman and I really like it. It's good in both the mirror and vs Control Warrior. Being able to get Spell Power or Taunt at will is pretty huge. Especially in the mirror when you can do shit like just throw out Thunder Bluff and summon a Taunt totem

My deck seems to be really good in the mirror

Edit: Being able to stack multiple of a totem with Justicar is pretty awesome too. 7 spell power totems?!?!!?!. When you can have 3 taunt totems vs control decks it really makes their life awkward as fuck
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<Bronze Donator>
what did you pull for justicar?

Originally I pulled a Fire Elemental, but I put the Fire Elemental back in and took out a Mana Tide totem since in a lot of the match ups on ladder I have draw from Harrison. I'll post my decklist when I get out of my current game

Edit: I'm also still running Argent Squires instead of Tunnel Trogs.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Ravishing, can you post your N'Zoth shaman deck? Is it similar to the Crusher/concede shaman that's been around for a bit?
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<Bronze Donator>
The math behind the new Heroic Tavern Brawl, 2nd edition (with full prizes). • /r/hearthstone

The full breakdown of prizes per win has been revealed: http://i.imgur.com/KRsdNzk.jpgArena - Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Wiki

Together we can figure out the average value the HTB for everyone.

In this example, we will use a pool of 8,192 people playing in the HTB, but this math is scalable to any amount of entries.

Of our 8,192 players, this will be the prize breakdown.

Wins Percent Actual Prizes in Gold* Total Prize**
0 Wins 12.5% 1024 players 100 Gold Won 102,400
1 Wins 18.75% 1536 players 200 Gold Won 307,200
2 Wins 18.75% 1536 players 300 Gold Won 460,800
3 Wins 15.63% 1280 players 640 Gold Won 819,200
4 Wins 11.72% 960 players 880 Gold Won 844,800
5 Wins 8.20% 672 players 1040 Gold Won 696,880
6 Wins 5.47% 448 players 1200 Gold Won 537,600
7 Wins 3.52% 288 players 1360 Gold Won 391,680
8 Wins 2.20% 180 players 1520 Gold Won 273,600
9 Wins 1.34% 110 players 2400 Gold Won 264,000
10 Wins 0.81% 66 players 4000 Gold Won 264,000
11 Wins 0.48% 39 players 5760 Gold Won 224,640
12 Wins 0.65% 53 players 12000 Gold Won 636,000
*Dust is converted to gold at a 1:1 ratio, given a pack costs 100 gold and on average gives 100 dust. Golden legendaries are counted as 1,600 dust/gold.

So based on this we have 8,192 people paying 1,000 gold each to enter HTB.

Total Amount of Entry Cost: 8,192,000 Gold

**Extrapolating from the table above we can figure out the total prizes paid out. (Total players * gold won)

Total Amount of Prizes Paid: 5,822,800 Gold

Final Breakdown
For every 8,192 people who play HTB blizzard collects 8,192,000 gold (or dollars) and pays out 5,867,600 gold for


TLDR; Heroic Tavern Brawl is a scam (or lottery ticket if you want to be generous), on average everyone will lose gold.

(For you gamblers out there HTB has a 28.9% rake, usually a 10% rake is considered high, so this is just robbery.)

Edit: I wish reddit pages still just showed you so people didn't have to click the link. Fuck the complainers!
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Ravishing, can you post your N'Zoth shaman deck? Is it similar to the Crusher/concede shaman that's been around for a bit?

Posted back in August:

I agree meta is fast... Here's a homebrew N'Zoth Shaman I made which got me from 9 to 4 with 1 loss in the past day or so:

View attachment 5044

So Sunday I was Rank 9, now I'm Rank 2 with the Shaman deck I posted. FINALLY got Golden Shaman today. I would try getting Legend but just don't have the time. Maybe if I started the grind a day or 2 earlier it would have been feasible. Really loving the deck though, surprised it got me so far in only 2.5 days.

Don't bitch at me if you run it and go 0-3 :D

I'm thinking of replacing Tuskarr with Wolves, helps Barnes be more OP but the overload and lack of synergy with Thing might be a deal breaker, idk, gonna test and see.
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Trakanon Raider
. Anyway, how I see it is like Arena, and it's the complete opposite of what you envision.
err.. no.. it isn't.

This happens in Arena when you get 7+ it's all Mage/Rogue/Pal
Although, it's now mage followed by shaman/rogue in 2nd, then the rest clumped together.. paladin fell pretty far down after all the recent changes.

But, it's not all 'anti-mage' decks at the top end, aka priests, it's still mostly mages. The only class that can out value mage consistently in a long game, loses to everything else, so it's still horrible to play. Even though your first few rounds are often against bad players/decks, so you should theoretically be able to play a counter mage deck and rack up a ton of wins, it doesn't end up working out that way. You still have to have a decent winrate against the random decks to go far, even with one deck making up 30-50% of the meta.

I don't remember the exact % a deck has to be before playing a dedicated counter deck becomes viable, but I'm pretty sure its over 75%.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
err.. no.. it isn't.

Although, it's now mage followed by shaman/rogue in 2nd, then the rest clumped together.. paladin fell pretty far down after all the recent changes.

You claimed heroic brawl won't have all shaman at later stages due to beating each other out which is opposite of what happens in arena.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
However, when you run it out, the rocks start to thin out a bit from beating each other and losing to paper. So, after the first 2-3 rounds, paper becomes a larger percentage of the field and then scissors is wrecking them.

Right here... this is opposite to arena.
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Molten Core Raider
I won't be touching Heroic Brawl.

I need gold more than I need packs or dust since I'm saving for the expansion, and there is no gold positive result unless you get 12 wins. And it's not like arena where you have two skill testing points, drafting and playing. Even with that, my arena win rate is only something like 66% over the last year. In constructed, 66% win rate is top legend and that barely breaks even in this brawl.

Nah, pass.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If it was some one time only thing I'd pay the ten bucks to give it a shot, once. If this is a regular part of the brawl rotation I'm sure I'll be skipping it entirely.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea more I look at it the more I don't want to do it. Will try 1x but I'm expecting to be disappointed. I could do 7 arenas and probably gain a lot more
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well paying gold is nuts with an expansion about to be announced. I'll take ten new packs when they launch over the remote chance of more packs of dusting Whispers cards right now, thanks though Blizz!
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Trakanon Raider
You claimed heroic brawl won't have all shaman at later stages due to beating each other out which is opposite of what happens in arena.
I said, in a hypothetical example as an illustration, that if shaman had a 100% lossrate against mage, 100% winrate against other decks, and 50% winrate in the mirror.. that they would thin out 'a bit', not completely. Paper becomes a larger percentage, not the 'largest' percentage yet. Shaman will still be the 'most popular' deck in the early to mid stages, because it's not single elimination like the rock/paper/scissors example. After 2 rounds, every shaman that entered is still in, even if they went 0-2 to start. It takes a minimum of 3 rounds to eliminate any decks. It's from rounds 4-6 that rock starts dropping and paper gets larger in comparison. Somewhere around rounds 6-9 is where paper ends up becoming the most popular deck in the field.

In Arena, mage is actually both rock and paper right now. It's the most popular deck and has the best win percentage against the most decks. The 'counter' deck doesn't even win 60% of the time against them, so the math doesn't completely hold up across the examples. If a class, let's say rogue, beat mage 80%+ of the time and was 45% against everyone else, they'd be all you ran into at 10+ wins, but no one has those kind of winrates against mage. That said, if you took a sample size of the opponents you face in rounds 1-6, and compared it to rounds 6-12 in arena, you'd see that the percentage of rogues/shamans goes up as you get to later rounds. They are the scissors in this example. Mage is the paper, and every other deck is rock. Mage beats every other deck and becomes the most popular deck by later rounds. In the early rounds, they are like 35% of the field, but by the late rounds they are over 50%. The other 6 decks are like 50-60% of the field, and they become almost zero by the end.

But, it seems like you aren't fully understanding how the model works on this, which is fine, but constantly trying to point out that I'm wrong instead of asking for clarification just seems combative. You decided I was wrong, then looked for evidence of that, rather then assuming I was right and didn't fully explain. I used a very simplified version, because it can take up multiple pages just doing a very basic modeling. Flores Friday - The Basic Test of Metagaming Competence, by Mike Flores at StarCityGames.com<sup>®</sup>! for example.

In the hypothetical situation where you have a shaman that can get a small edge in the mirror, it'd be the deck that has the highest chance of ending up with a decent record (more wins then losses) OR getting 12 wins. For every 1% you gain in the mirror, you can lose up to 2% in the paper matchup and end up even on overall winrate. So, for example, if switching 2 cards gives you a 4% edge in the mirror and only loses 5% against paper, you will win more games overall, as the mirror is a larger portion of the field to start.

If your goal is to go 12-0 or bust, then you want to play scissors ('other', some deck that beats paper/mage consistently), but you will also have lots of 1-3 win runs. If you want the highest chance of getting around 5-9 wins, then you play paper (mage). Remember, this is for the hypothetical situation only. Real decks have closer to 50% winrates across the board then 0 or 100% like in the hypothetical.

Freeze mage might indeed be the best choice for the brawl, I have no idea and it's irrelevant to the thought experiment. It's hard to pilot, so if you are good at it, have a favorable matchup against shaman and are decent elsewhere, it might have the highest overall winrate. Having a good winrate against the other decks is different then being a 'counter' deck that focuses on beating the most popular deck and loses most of the other matchups. My whole response was based on responding to the idea of 'finding what beats shaman and just playing that' and me simply warning that the non-shaman matchups are more important then suggested.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Jesus man, firstly, your analogy was terrible and still is terrible which is why I wasn't saying more than 1-2 sentences in response, not worth my time tbh. You keep saying Rock > Scissor > Paper and that's where I quit reading because it has absolutely no relevance. You even shift goalpost and say "well Mage is technically Rock & Scissor in arena!" Stop using this godawful analogy.

It's stupid because:

  • No deck is 100% vs or against another
  • You get more than 1 loss to advance, nobody is trying for a perfect 12-0 record, that would be stupid. 12-2 gets you same shit as 12-0.
  • Like when trying to advance on ladder, you want to use the deck that has highest % win rate against the majority of decks you'll face.
  • If there is a deck that has a highly favorable win rate over the current crop of Shaman decks you can't just assume it'll have 0% win rate against every other freaking deck.

fucks sake, just stop. This isn't MTG.
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<Bronze Donator>
The only real question is if it uses brawl's matchmaking of completely random, or Arena's of similar record. We are all assuming arena, but I don't know if it's a safe assumption
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