

Tranny Chaser
Is arena as random, shitty and frustrating as it seems or am I doing it wrong?
It angers me up something fierce. It's this perfect mix of zero enjoyment from doing well while being pissed as fuck when I lose. My own shitty head has kept me away from playing much at all even though I like watching people play and think it's super cool that a whole new group of people are getting into card games.


Trakanon Raider
Is arena as random, shitty and frustrating as it seems or am I doing it wrong?
Yes and probably.

Top Ten Tips Steps on Becoming a Better Hearthstone Arena Player

This might help but keep in mind that Arena can be very frustrating at times. Not sure how new you are to the game but a new player can expect to be curb stomped their first few times in Arena. Personally I don't care for the format because I'm really bad at it (which is odd because I loved sealed deck MTG matches). But I just prefer Constructed.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Gah, just lost a game that would have gotten me into rank 4 because of the Argus bug.

Opinions on arena vary. I've heard Kripp say he thinks it is like 60% RNG. My arenas have been pretty consistent of late, with the occasional weird exception. I think drafting your deck correctly is the hardest part.


Whats the Argus bug?
are you taking about this?
I just keep track of my cards when they move. If you know where they are originally at you can buff both, but if you lose track...

The moving cards while playing Argus sucks tho.

Hi there,

Recently a bug occured while playing the Defender of Argus. Two times thus far, but two different situations:

First I had two minions down on the board, played Defender in the middle and only the minion on the right received the buff and taunt. The other time the same happened, but Defender shimmied to the total left (Defender, Minion, Minion) when I did in fact play it in the middle.

Has anyone else come across Defender of Argus bugs like this?

The Master

Bronze Squire
Even if they've never moved, sometimes when you play Argus they will jump. Just like sometimes when you play Argus right in the middle it'll buff both, but Argus will end up off to one side.


Yeah arena just drives me crazy. The card pool right now is just too limited. You get the good cards and curve out, you win. Arena is far too much about tempo right now, not enough cards to draft interesting decks I find.


Trakanon Raider
Arena is definitely too random. They need to have a preset amount of rare/epic/legendary, as well as make sure you have access to class cards in at least 2/3 of your draft. I did a rogue deck recently in arena where I was offered like 5 class cards the whole draft, so it ended up being a neutral deck with a shitty 1/2 dagger hero power. The deck didn't go far obviously.

In constructed though I've been having a lot of fun with a priest deck recently. It uses ancient watcher, sunfury, and defender for taunts, with auchenai soulpriest, earthen ring farseer, and circle of healing for clearing the board. Wild pyromancer for shutting down agro decks and mind control for the lategame against control decks.

It's been doing really well so far. Unless I get a horrible draw, I've been winning against warlock very frequently, which is what I face most often in ranked play.


Game is dog shit. Arena is terrible. There is fuck all for consistency with only 2x of each card and 30 card decks. Which is why Warlock murlock decks and warriror OTK decks seem so good. Murlock deck pisses its hand on the board hoping you don't have efficient removal since every card is tribal gas. "OTK" Requires three cards in hand and a game state that you don't even need to actively pursue. Card draw is horribly balanced, it's much too common for one. Secondly with a thirty card deck if you build with enough card draw to be consistent you often end up drawing your deck and having dead cards because you fucking take damage if you cast anything. It's idiotic. After 9 cards losing anything drawn rather than choosing a card to discard can go fuck itself too.

Arena... How anyone can consider it anything other than luck based is beyond me. An efficient, well curved, synergistic arena deck can't do fuck all when you roll into someone with four copies of a class defining spell, four epics, and a legendary when you only open two rares and three dog shit tribal epics with zero cantrips or card draw.

Hero skills are flavorful but just make the randomness worse. Same with hero spells, more so in arena than constructed though.

I honestly have no idea how to fix it. You can't just copy magic and make decks 60 cards with 4x max. You can't can't turn arena into a draft ala magic without reworking how boosters work and doing away with class spells.


The top players have 70-80% win rates in arena over 50+ runs, so that throws the "pure luck" argument out the window. Here are Trump's stats since the last patch:http://local.se/trumpstats.pl.

I personally have over 70% win rate over my last 10 or so runs (2 12-runs, no sub-5 runs, don't have any more detailed stats), but that's a lower sample size and I expect it to drop over time.

Sure, once in a while you get a draft that just can't be salvaged. Once in a while you run into a guy with 4 Truesilvers, 3 Consecration and 2 Tirion. Shit happens. Over time though, the better drafters and players definitely win far more than they lose.

The Master

Bronze Squire
^That. Really anyone who goes infinite arena is by definition at 70% win rate or higher (7-3 is 70%, so that has to be your average). It might not be easy, but it is doable.


Good point. Though, for practical purposes, unless you play lots of arenas per day, you can go "infinite" with less than that seeing as you get 40-60 daily bonus gold.


Its ok buddy. I'm bad and it makes me mad to lose too.

I'm bad at arena as well. Not to shamed to admit it. Originally I was blaming all my bad runs on rng when drafting but I've been watching some videos lately of "pros" and it really seems I'm just bad at drafting optimal decks as well as trading cards efficiently. In retrospect it seems I tend to over value a lot of shitty class cards and pick them over premium commons.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Game is dog shit. Arena is terrible. There is fuck all for consistency with only 2x of each card and 30 card decks. Which is why Warlock murlock decks and warriror OTK decks seem so good. Murlock deck pisses its hand on the board hoping you don't have efficient removal since every card is tribal gas. "OTK" Requires three cards in hand and a game state that you don't even need to actively pursue. Card draw is horribly balanced, it's much too common for one. Secondly with a thirty card deck if you build with enough card draw to be consistent you often end up drawing your deck and having dead cards because you fucking take damage if you cast anything. It's idiotic. After 9 cards losing anything drawn rather than choosing a card to discard can go fuck itself too.
What on earth are you talking about? You do realize you have just as much a chance to draw a card you have 2 of in a 30 card deck that you do 4 of in a 60 card deck. Take damage if you cast anything? No clue what you are talking about. Do you mean you take damage if you have drawn all your cards? It is a necessary mechanic to prevent stalemates and I prefer that over you insta-lose if you draw all your cards. It is after 10 cards you discard and while I agree you should be able to choose which card it is you discard that rarely happens, the only times I've seen it happen is when someone gets a terrible curve in the beginning and the other player uses naturalize or the murloc oracle. It also rarely happens that either player draws all 30 of their cards.

The Ancient_sl

I have this interesting thing in arena where I seem to consistently get to 5 wins and just hit a wall. The decks I see once I hit 5 wins always seem to be insane. Frustratingly this puts me just a bit short of infinite arena.

I've gone 9 and 10 wins just once, both times with Priest. I wonder if I just do better with control decks.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Screwy rarity stats on Arena IS screwed up though you can't deny.

I personally had an Arena with 5x epic offered two nights ago - the first three having Assassin, Sea Giant, and something truly random, the other two having Faceless, Assassin and some dupe between them I'm forgetting

6 epics should be on the edge of doable (with 6 'packs' of cards) but literally having 5 of one epic, 3 of another and two of two others seems quite screwy.

Hell, rates aren't seeming rare recently - ran into an annoying druid with 5+ copies of the 5 damage or 2 damage sweep with the same Arena above.

As someone who did a TON of sealed at times on MTGO something feels VERY off with the whole distribution. Seeing 3 of a COMMON in 40 is an oddity in MTGO - here its a dime a dozen with 5+ being merely uncommon.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The thing about magic is that it can truly be called random. Nothing can beat physical hands on randomness to computer generated rng function.