

Lord Nagafen Raider
The Black Knight is like apple pie and baseball. 'MURICA!

Edit: What deck are you playing a_skeleton_03? And how good is your collection?


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
My first heart deck was basically a blue control deck. Using my magic experience my current deck is very consistent. It is basically a mage dd draw deck. It very cheap and has basically no rares because my collection sucks. But sure it is fun. Except priest.. fuck priest.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well it's probably the best deck you can build when you're first starting out, because mage class commons are OP as fuck and their rares/epics mostly suck.

I still play Freeze mage on the ladder from time to time, which is the evolved version of that deck, and while it has bad matchups, it's still very effective as a metagame foil right now.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Oh faceless, you my favorite bestest buddy.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Man, I forgot how easy Zoo is to play. I engineered a 2 for 1 Swipe, a 3 for 1 Swipe, and drew cards off of Wrath twice and still lost.


<Silver Donator>
Get all agro deck, switch to heavy taunt druid, proceed to get 100 percent double combo druid and mage decks. Thanks Obama.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Been playing double combo druid and the thing I like to see least of all is probably heavy taunt druid, I don't run BK so it's basically unwinnable for me if they get a remotely decent curve.

Pretty sure every version of druid is favored against mage, unless you mean aggro mage, then heavy taunt druid might be too slow if you don't draw healing touch.


<Silver Donator>
Nah this double combo druid fucked me up good, admittedly my draw was shit, but yeah.

Stall mage give no shit about heavy taunt druid really.


<Silver Donator>
I run 2 healing touch, 2 farseers and 1 ancient of lore(would run 2 if I had) so frost mage pretty much cannot win as long as all that shit isn't stuck in my last 10cards, they just don't have enough damage in their decks and druid can't be chipped down by their hero power either. And freezing big shit is nice to stall but once you're out of freeze, half of it is still alive and no amount of iceblocks and frost armor is going to protect you when you don't have anything to remove them anyway. Tbh even with the ramp cards I've found the heals to be invaluable to recover and put you in safe range from OTK from miracle, shaman, other druids and all those other stuff. Since the deck ramps fast and draws well, heals let you make up for most early shitty hands.

Don't play my druid that much anymore though, boring, mostly play some priest, some miracle rogue, some control shaman(yeah that's outdated but I still like it) and a bit of zoolock when I have a daily for the class.


Trakanon Raider
I've only played against Freeze Mage while using Warrior Control or Ramp Druid. Both are heavily favored and I actually have never lost to it yet (and I don't say that lightly or to brag because I've played enough games where I've beaten and been beat by pretty much every deck type out there).

The thing with Freeze Mage is that it's popular because of the RDU tournament because nobody expected a deck like it and it hard-countered the most popular tournament decks of the time like Miracle Rogue. But when you get right down to it, the deck is terrible to use on the ladder because you're going to run into way too many decks that it simply cannot beat. And now that the shock value has worn off, Miracle has changed slightly so that it can beat freeze mage more often (I think Freeze is still favored but the changes have closed the gap for Miracle a bit).

Personally, I'm still of the opinion that you need a deck to counter Warlock Zoo since that is still the most popular ladder decks out there. I know freeze mage can counter zoo but it also relies on getting the right cards at the right time and it's VERY easy to fall too far behind against Zoo and never catch back up.


I am playing around with a warlock murloc deck. Murlock? Some netdeck I grabbed, it does well enough but just not breaking out of 17 yet but I have yet to actually play a season with any kind of effort yet so this is pretty much my first season.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Actually freeze mage is just fine on the ladder right now. Handlock has seen a huge upswing and Miracle is still as popular as ever, both of which are great matchups for Freeze. Control warrior is almost non-existent atm too. It really just comes down to how much druid is active on the ladder at any given point of the day.


<Silver Donator>
I am playing around with a warlock murloc deck. Murlock? Some netdeck I grabbed, it does well enough but just not breaking out of 17 yet but I have yet to actually play a season with any kind of effort yet so this is pretty much my first season.
Murlock is pretty old and isn't played much anymore after the blood imp nerfs, but it's still a decent aggro deck. Zoo I think is cheaper though, and pretty much better overall.


<Silver Donator>
I have been playing around with this one also.

Trump - Hearthstone Decks

I had the cards for both decks so it didn't cost me anything.

MurLock - Road to legend using Fish - Hearthstone Decks

This is the murloc one I am doing.
You had 2 mulock warleaders and 2 of the seers and tidecallers? I mean if you had them np, it's just the basic zoo deck has like 4rares and no epics so it's even cheaper when you don't have anything, epics are especially expensive, which is why I'm still missing a bunch of them. Trump's variation has just as many cards so meh.

Those are pretty nice decks to climb the ladder, I mostly dislike how they play though, they're way too simplistic and while they do require some thought from time to time, a lot of the games is just "drop everything you can and attack face with everything that can".