

Trakanon Raider
Like I said before, and we all know this is true, Hearthstone is not friendly for new players. But I can't think of a single CCG that is friendly to new players.

The enchanting system sucks to be honest. It's the closest thing we have to a "trading" system but every trade is in Blizzard's favor due to the extreme disenchant discount on card value. I mean 5 dust received for a common and 40 to craft... It's, definitely, in Blizzard's favor. I do think they need to address packs earned in Arena though. You can't build a deck, entirely, with basics and GvG cards and there are some pretty crucial Vanilla cards. Hell, I can't think of a single GvG Legendary I would craft until I had Ragnaros, Sylvanus and a few others.


Trakanon Raider
I think my best run was with shaman, 2 Unbound Ravagers and 3 Cackles and bunch of ogres with the ogre shaman on top. Then a 10 win run with rogue because I got 3 assassinates ...

Basically board clearing > everything else, but the drafts can be erratic as fuck and sometimes you will get the short end of the stick.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I always assumed that at some point Blizzard will reduce the gold and/or dust cost of classic cards. Probably not until at least the next Naxx type mini expansion and maybe not even that soon if they go with the same sort of unlocking mechanisms as Naxx so that everyone can get the cards with no randomness as long as you buy the adventure.

Speaking of which, anyone know if the single player heroics are at all easier due to GvG and Naxx cards? I never bothered getting all the card backs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm 99% certain the 3 assassinates are not what got you to 10 wins and arena is mostly all about tempo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Trakanon Raider
Had a druid double savage roar me for 40 points of damage in one turn. It felt VERY good beating him thanks to double shield maidens and double armor smiths sitting at 60 health.


Mr. Poopybutthole
yeah I had a priest mind control alex and beat me with her for a couple turns. think i was still over 20 when i won.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea I'm wondering if I can trick it to run on my phone somehow. Although I doubt I could play it on there reasonably at all.


Trakanon Raider
yeah I had a priest mind control alex and beat me with her for a couple turns. think i was still over 20 when i won.
Priest, for me, always has been a really difficult match up. And it likely always will be. Even back when Priest was considered a really weak class, I had trouble with them. I think part of it is mental where I just hate seeing every single card I play get stolen and then watch them mind vision and thoughtsteal the good cards out of my deck. To be fair, I love playing the class (and when I do, the mirror is a nightmare) but even when Face Hunter and Zoo are dominant, Priest remains my least favorite match up.

Now with that being said, the amount of "health" a Warrior can generate is simply absurd these days. I know we debated Shield Maidens a bit before GvG was released and the consensus was mixed. After launch, however, they are super strong. They are extremely top heavy but that extra 5 health can really mean the difference between a win or loss. And how many times have we had to Shield Block simply to stay alive and then not have enough armor, a turn or two later, to Shield Slam that beefy minion that just got dropped. These gals help to ensure that you always have armor available for a good Shield Slam.

Lastly, the funny thing about Control Warrior in GvG, it hardly changed at all. Sjow only added 2 Shield Maidens and Dr. Boom. I followed suit. Some run Iron Jugg and I still think he's decent but he's not an auto-include.


Trakanon Raider
Woot finally opened my first GvG legendary from arena packs. Vol'jin $$$.

Lol my current Rogue Arena has x2 Backstab, x4 Eviscerate, x3 SI:7 Agent, x1 Assassinate, x1 Sabotage, and x2 Ship's Cannon with 6 various Pirates. Pretty funny.