

<Silver Donator>
Wish they had practice arena or whatever, so I could just play the game doing arenas. If you have a high enough winrate it's self sustaining but since I'm still learning most of the classes and shit and still not 100% sure exactly how to draft well, I end up losing every now and then and then it's back to constructed since there's not enough dailies for gold. If the cap was more than 3 it'd be great too, I played like a day when I got the invite, then I didn't play for like a month, come back and only have 3 quests


Still trying to put a rogue deck together that utilizes the Kidnapper. I've tried a whole bunch of shit. Right now I'm using saps, vanishes, and a whole bunch of removal with the only spellpower being Azure Drakes and Mr. Thalnos.

In order for Vanish to be utilized properly, I had to shove Preparation in the deck and you may as well shove sprint in there as well for card draw. Charge creatures were a must so Argent Commander is there of course.

I have the flavor of the month rogue deck already in use but I wanted to make an effort in making a rogue deck that works with more rogue centric cards than the typical backstab/eviscerate/ringleader shit.

So far it's had mixed results.
it could work in theory if your opponent has lots of cards in his hand and lots of minions on the table, then use Vanish and force him to discard any creatures that exceed his hand size


I've also been toying around with that idea. Most people tend to use a lot of card draw and sit with hands of 5 or more cards. Using saps, vanishes, and the like seem like a good way for him to go over the limit and burn quite a few cards if you keep the pressure on.

The only problems seem to be is being able to maintain board presence early in order to get to the more mana intensive combos with vanish and the kidnapper later on in the game. Southsea Deckhand, Leper Gnomes, and the like are pretty good answers but it's sometimes hard to determine if removal or low cost minions are the way to go. I've even tried the Coldlight Oracle a couple of times to see if that exacerbated the card burn I was trying to go for, but vanish works both ways so I was having the same problem of card burn as my opponent was.

I'm already at 3 star masters so most of my hearthstone time is dicking around with classes I like trying to make atypical decks that have a decent win percentage. Gonna work on it later on tonight. Currently typing this from 37,000 feet enjoying a couple of Heinekens on my way home to Phoenix.


Potato del Grande
A well built Mage deck can be a bit OP. That being said, I am really enjoying the game a lot more than I thought I would. I actually like the faster pace vs. Magic the Gathering.


Trakanon Raider
Has anyone ever rolled Paladin in Arena and done well without a single consecrate or truesilver champion? The worst part was having to pick between Greenskin, Cho and Millhouse when I'd already had like 7 spells... So I get Greenskin and I get an Equality. Then 0 weapons and 0 consecrates. So painful.


Even without a weapon, Greenskin isn't a terrible minion. Millhouse has such an epic potential for failure. And Cho having zero attack makes him fairly useless and easy to play around in the early game.

Also, I feel that no consecrate or truesilvers is a pretty common occurrence. Just take the best of what you can get for the first half of the draft and make a general plan for the second half and you should be good.


If the current game is mostly agro, then IMHO mages are still insane against that.
They have so many board clears, especially if you are using a combo deck.

I'm a little worried about what will happen later down the road in the game when it gets exspansions.

How does the current MTG work, do you have one class that all the cards are based off of?

I fear that the game will lose its class identity, and everyone will essentially be the same,


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
There's no classes in MTG, just colors. Colors sort of have themes (blue is control, white is weenie/aggro, read direct damage/nukes, etc), but they are pretty loose at best. Also no restriction on which cards you can use in any given deck, with the only real concern being managing the mana base (it's not free like hearthstone).
Has anyone ever rolled Paladin in Arena and done well without a single consecrate or truesilver champion? The worst part was having to pick between Greenskin, Cho and Millhouse when I'd already had like 7 spells... So I get Greenskin and I get an Equality. Then 0 weapons and 0 consecrates. So painful.
If going 5-3 can count as "done well" without consecrate and truesilvers, then yes. Got several Young Brewmasters, Blessing of Kings and those paladin 2 drops that give another minion Divine Shield which allowed me to do favourable trades by doing the Divine Shield on minion -> Brewmaster -> drop it again and buff another minion shenanigans

on another note, trump had some hilarious game yesterday where he Mind Visioned Prophet Velen from his opponent, MCd his one and later copied a third with a Faceless Manipulator
a sudden 16 damage Holy Smite can be lethal


Trakanon Raider
I went 9 wins in arena with a paladin deck once that I remember had no weapons or nukes. It did have 3 blessing of wisdom and multiple blessing of kings. Forcing the opponent to remove either your buffed kings minion or the other buffed card draw minion kept snowballing me to wins.

That said, most of my paladin arena drafts end around the 4-5 win mark...


Riddle me this...
I have a beta key if anyone wants it. I doubt I do anything with it. PM me, must want to cyberz


Trakanon Raider
Just wanted to thank Jx3 for the beta lovin. Would have done so sooner but the site was acting up for me. Thanks again amigo!


Riddle me this...
Anytime, hopefully my other account gets dinged for beta and I'll hand that out also.


<Silver Donator>
They said open beta should be this month, could be tomorrow, probably in a week instead.

I'm surprised at how slow they're patching though. I don't mean like new content and shit I get that it's blizzard so I shouldn't expect much on that side, but there's so many bugs it really feels unpolished at times, like all the card shuffling shit on the board sometimes, or when you take cards back to your hand half the time they bug out and go under another card or they stay on the board(especially when opponent does it his cards often stay on the board).
The card shuffling bug is especially annoying when you want to drop an Argus Defender between two minions to buff them but you only hit one of them.


<Silver Donator>
The card shuffling bug is especially annoying when you want to drop an Argus Defender between two minions to buff them but you only hit one of them.
Yeah that's why I mentionned it, it's especially annoying with adjacent stuff but even just targetted. Thing is if you play like a dozen of game you almost always run into one of these glitches so they're not like super rare either and some cards almost always bug shit(like sap/vanish and the pandas). It's really surprising they're not at least fixing that quickly, I mean it's just poor quality for a blizzard product.

Anyway I seem to not be able to win much in arena. I draft what I feel is very strong decks, strong early curve, a lot of high value cards, decent balance of removal and creatures(and by that I mean a lot more creatures) and I still seem to lose early a lot. It's like I win 3 or 4 times in a row, and then I'll lose the next 3 or only win one in the next 3. Usually end at 4-6 wins.

Also lose to some reallly bullshit stuff a lot of the time, I just lost twice in a row at turn 7 to a warrior and a mage, granted I didn't have a great hand but they just had everything perfect. Also lost earlier to a shaman that had 2 lightnings bolts into 2 forks into lightning storm. I didn't overextend(as in at most I had 2 mobs up) but he was basically getting 1for1 or 2for1 every turn with the nukes and while he had shit on the board he just killed everything I had. It was such a good run too I had a great shaman deck myself but I just ran out of cards to the nukes.

Also wish I wouldn't get fucking dusts.

Anyway Wildstar tomorrow so I'll have the quests saved up, I'll try to play every 3days from now on so I accumulate gold over time for when I come back to the game more seriously. Also fuck northshire cleric+power word shield on turn one.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Seems like its every single time an opponent's card returns to his hand it leaves that face down card graphic on the board. I'm not sure I've ever seen it NOT happen, though maybe I'm only noticing when it does. I've had two or three of them sitting there before.