

Off-topic from the current hunter discussion: Anyone have any insight into how match-making works for casual? Do they incorporate your constructed rank into casual match-making? Any links to info on the topic would be appreciated.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I remember hearing there was a "hidden" mmr of sorts working even in casual but that was a really old discussion. Someone might have a link to an old blue post on it though.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I started a Euro account from scratch a few weeks ago and I can say there is some sort of matchmaking going on with casual. When all I had were basic cards and I played casual games for dailies it always matched me with other people that seemed to have only basic decks, nothing but river crocs and bloodfen raptors and was super easy to knock dailies out. Once I traded in some gold for a few packs and started playing a few expert cards I never saw another basic deck again and matched against your typical casual player that 80% of the time completely outmatch any of my newb decks that contain just a few expert cards.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There should be something more robust then. Create a sort of "gear score" system internally, take highest rank attained, current rank, value of card collection, highest arena badge all into account. Surely there should be a way to make something like that work better than what Beagle describes.


<Bronze Donator>
Often times a Hunter will get more value out of a trap remaining untriggered than the opponent triggering it. For example, when playing face hunter I'd drop an explosive and a bow. My opponent knows what I've done but they will go out of their way to avoid triggering it. I LOVE when my opponent does this because it gives me more time to draw into lethal while I keep hitting the button on my "Clock of Doom." I've seen streamers do the same thing and I'm sitting there thinking "You've got to pop that freezing trap sometime so you might as well just do it and get it over with." But I still maintain that Freezing Trap is too good. The penalty is simply too high. I get that the penalty exists because the Hunter doesn't control what gets caught in the trap but I still think it's too high of a penalty.
This is something I agree with a lot. I think too many players try to play around the trap for too long. It can work out in certain situations, but it's pretty rare. A lot of times you just need to proc the trap and deal with it. By not just procing it you're allowing the Hunter to just keep hitting your face. It's a little different if you know it's explosive and you're still attacking their minions, but if you aren't attacking at all you're probably going to lose.


Molten Core Raider
FIVE hunters in a row, switch to control warrior, no hunters for six matches... Switch back to shaman, three hunters in a row.

I hate this game.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
so I was watching one of the matches in the ESL finals yesterday and came to conclusion I can't stand golden cards. I totally dig the animations but the damn golden boarders just suck, remind of some pimp with gold teeth or some shit. Wish they had custom boarders like card backs or something.


Trakanon Raider
Regardless if Hunter is indeed too good or not, they are indeed broken. A lot of us have always said it, but the class is severely limited by its hero power andit essentially breaks the class because of it. It limits Hunter playstyle completely and also reduces the options Blizzard has for expanding and building upon the class. I can't stand Hunter for this reason. It is such a mindless class in so many ways. And I do agree that Freezing Trap is too strong, frankly the Hunter traps are too good overall and I think a big reason for that is how versatile they are. With a lot of other traps you can at least have an idea of what's going on and still make plays, but a lot of times with a Hunter trap you can't afford to make hardly any plays until you get the right cards to figure it out. Explosive Trap is overpowered too. Think about what it does and for that amount of mana. The fact it does face damage as well is just a larger nail in the coffin.


Trakanon Raider
Today is, literally, the worst day ever to have Priest / Warlock Dominance quest. Both classes are extremely weak versus the current meta right now. Literally the only things I'm playing against are Mech Mage and Hunter. Priest is just too reliant on combos and is too reactive while Warlock is actually in a bad spot right now.


In regards to hunters and their "style" I would change the hero power to something similar to shaman .

Instead of totems just use their random traps and lower their strength.

Instead of freeze and remove a minion from board make it freeze minion and adjacent minions for 1 turn.

Instead of 2 dmg fire trap make it 1 dmg .

Snipe to 3 dmg and misdirection can stay the same.

Perhaps this way they can change not just the play style but also class itself .


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In regards to hunters and their "style" I would change the hero power to something similar to shaman .

Instead of totems just use their random traps and lower their strength.

Instead of freeze and remove a minion from board make it freeze minion and adjacent minions for 1 turn.

Instead of 2 dmg fire trap make it 1 dmg .

Snipe to 3 dmg and misdirection can stay the same.

Perhaps this way they can change not just the play style but also class itself .
That's a pretty interesting idea.

Morrow is right too, both of those traps are stronk, freeze with the recast penalty and explosive with the face damage. I was seriously expecting the face damage to get nerfed a while back while UT face hunters were all the rage. Its kind of a good thing how slow Blizzard is in a way because the nerfs would be awful if they were more kneejerk. Still, seems like when the do something its already months past when the problem was really at its height and the meta has evolved around it.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
silentstorm's demonlock deck just ran over everyone in the esl finals. Don't think he lost once with it over that past couple days.

2x Mortal coil
2x Power Overwhelming
2x Abusive Sergeant
2x Voidwalker
2x Darkbomb
2x Mistress of Pain
2x Nerubian Egg
1x Big Game Hunter
1x Hellfire
2x Implosion
1x Shadowflame
2x Defender of Argus
2x Voidcaller
1x Healbot
1x Doomguard
1x Loatheb
1x Sylvanas
1x Boom
1x Jaraxxus
1x Mal'ganis


I just got cenarius and the only druid I've ever played is the comedy mill/fatigue build, so I'd like to build something that makes use of it. Any thoughts on the different types of druid decks that make use of it (ramp/midrange)? Any of those in particular tend to be fairly consistent throughout the seasons? I only really play druid to clear dailies so if I throw much dust at it I want something that does fairly passable regardless of meta. I'm thinking ramp sounds pretty mulligan dependent and easy to get screwed over so I'm leaning more towards something midrange, but figured I'd get some druid player feedback.