

JunkiesNetwork Donor
WTF is going on with wait times and a new counter displaying how long I've been in queue and approx wait time?


Trakanon Raider
these wait times are not fun
Yeah, strange this. Logged on now, and they have added a countdown timer, however it just kept increasing. Was estimated 4 minutes that after 2 minutes was 8 minutes. Not waited 2 minutes for a match since beta. Even 30+ seconds before made me wonder if I had lagged out of the game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's been a message on the b.net client all day saying there would be maintenance at 6 PM PST.


Trakanon Raider
2200 Arena wins worth of packs, plus another 60 from the Amazon deal. My collection is about 95% complete and I am only missing a handful of shit legendaries. I have every single moderately decent legendary. I've opened 3 Golden Legendaries in my entire Hearthstone career. Golden King Mukla, Golden Malorne, and Golden Foe Reaper 6000. Does that sound about right for everyone else? Just wondering about my luck. I've also only opened a single pack that had 2 Legendaries, back in Beta. I sure wish one of those Golden Legendaries was top tier, or even 2nd tier though

Lol @ the current meta. I stepped in for about 5 minutes before going back to arena, which I don't even play that much of anymore. Maybe 1 every other day. Also, I absolutely hated last week's Tavern Brawl. I played 3 games to complete my quest/get a pack. At least with the first one it had replayability because of Wild Magic shenanigans. I hope this next one is better.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sounds about right morrow, gold cards are rare, golden legendaries are a mythical creature. I posted the drop rates a long time ago and I don't remember exactly, but golden legendary was something like .0018%.

I believe I've gotten 2 in my hs career, both very early on so I de'ed both. Kinda sucks now, but really helped my collection in the beginning.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah sounds about right. Playing since September closed beta and I've only opened two golden legendary cards. Cairne and Thermaplugg. Crafted golden Emperor and got the golden gnome from beta.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah sounds about right. Playing since September closed beta and I've only opened two golden legendary cards. Cairne and Thermaplugg. Crafted golden Emperor and got the golden gnome from beta.
I've gotten two as well, King Crush and Leviathan which were DE'd for Rag and Boom.


Trakanon Raider
My last 3 games had the following things happen:

Opponent turn 2 Unstable Portal into turn 3 Gelbin Mekatorque with the 0/4 guy that gives a random minion +1/+1 at end of turn. I managed to kill Mekatorque on my turn 3 with a bad trade, but the 0/4 guy made him unstoppable because it kept buffing his minions.

Next game, my opponent gets 2 Millhouses back to back from Piloted Shredders. That's 8/7 for 4 mana, x2.

Third game, my opponent gets a Blood Imp from my Innervated Hungry dragon on turn 2 (I had a 3 attack Robo Cub on the board too, so I could have taken out almost anything the Dragon summoned, but nope), and I don't draw a single Swipe/Starfall the entire game and that 1 Blood Imp fucks me.

Edit: Game 4: Opponent Mind Control Tech steals an Ogre Magi, allowing his Consecrate to wipe my board, and come thru for the win. He was at 4 life. Literally any other target would have been fine, even my 5/6 and 6/6. But he got the Magi and a consecrate. All these wins/losses are all RNG, I haven't had a game in the last 10 that was won "normally". It was all a single element of RNG that meant either he won, or I won, depending entirely on that one single RNG roll. Reminds me why I hate this game, despite not being able to stop.

Go go RNGstone.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Even if oil rogue isn't consistent its damn fun to play sometimes. Had a zoolock rage quit when I cleared his board and dealth 24 points of damage in one turn. I was only at 7 health and he had a 1/1 imp leftover from imp gang boss and he didn't even tap to see if he had lethal he was so salty(though maybe the card he drew didn't add any damage and zoolock won't get 6 damage out of 1 card).


I only started playing a couple weeks ago, so I have a question about building my card collection. I've been saving my coins for the arena, as i understand its the best value if you can do well (I suck pretty bad at it atm). However, I only seem to be getting GvG packs as an arena award, with the occasional random extra card. Should i be buying packs with my gold instead of running the arena if my collection is still in the beginning stages?

The Ancient_sl

It's hard to say if anyone has done a full analysis on whether or not the inefficiency of dusting the duplicates you'll inevitably accumulate faster by getting GvG packs is worse than the large chances of useless cards you accumulate from Classic Packs. Although I suppose at worst you could Dust those bad classic cards if you wanted too.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I only started playing a couple weeks ago, so I have a question about building my card collection. I've been saving my coins for the arena, as i understand its the best value if you can do well (I suck pretty bad at it atm). However, I only seem to be getting GvG packs as an arena award, with the occasional random extra card. Should i be buying packs with my gold instead of running the arena if my collection is still in the beginning stages?
Arena is probably best bet as long as you are able to average 3+ wins per run. 7+ gets you your gold back to do another run but 3+ is usually getting your gold worth.

To build collection you should focus on a cheap deck (or hero) you want to play and work on crafting the cards for that deck. Dust all trash cards and even cards for classes you have no desire to ever play. For me I dusted Priest/Rogue cards for a while. Crafting Epics/Legendaries is going to be easier than hoping to get them in a pack. Packs are a good "base" for sure, and sometimes you get lucky, but you're going to have to craft a lot of the missing cards, in which case GvG isn't going to hurt you much. You'll simply lose out on the luck of acquiring a good card from the basic set.

Luckily Blizzard has implemented a couple ways to achieve Classic packs for new players, so definitely take advantage of that. Re-shuffle all 40 gold quests and hope to get a Spectate a Friend quest, and the Tavern Brawls pack.

I would recommend Mage, Warlock and Hunter as "beginner" heroes. Each has cheap decks that can take you to Legend. Mage and Warlock would be my preferred as there are many decks you can create. Mage: Mech/Flamewaker/Freeze/Echo, Warlock: Zoo/Demons/Handlock. Hunter has the cheapest competitive deck but can't do much else.

My highest recommendations for new players:
  • Seriously consider purchasing Naxx & BRM with money. If you don't then you will be crippling yourself for a while. The gold you spend unlocking them could have gone toward packs/arenas. If you plan to take it slow then fine but it might frustrate you to be missing so many "core" cards.
  • Play a cheap mage deck, probably Flamewaker or Mech. Arenas will be giving you GvG cards so mech shouldnt be too expensive. You shouldn't have to craft too many cards at all.
  • While playing Mage, work on building a Zoo deck with Warlock. Most cards are neutrals which can be used in other decks.
  • Transition your Zoo deck into a Demon deck if you manage to acquire or craft Mal'Ganis. (GvG card, could get lucky).
  • Hunter will use a lot of the same neutrals that zoo will use. Problem I have with hunter is it is boring and 1-dimensional, and even a bit frustrating at times. Hunter is meant to churn out as many games as quickly as possible and maintain a >50% win rate. The common misconception is hunter has a good win rate. You can win fast but you can lose just as fast. Hunter teaches bad habits, bad mindset and the deck doesn't transition into anything. Warlock has a nice transition: Zoo > Demon > Handlock.


Arena is probably best bet as long as you are able to average 3+ wins per run. 7+ gets you your gold back to do another run but 3+ is usually getting your gold worth.

To build collection you should focus on a cheap deck (or hero) you want to play and work on crafting the cards for that deck. Dust all trash cards and even cards for classes you have no desire to ever play. For me I dusted Priest/Rogue cards for a while. Crafting Epics/Legendaries is going to be easier than hoping to get them in a pack. Packs are a good "base" for sure, and sometimes you get lucky, but you're going to have to craft a lot of the missing cards, in which case GvG isn't going to hurt you much. You'll simply lose out on the luck of acquiring a good card from the basic set.

Luckily Blizzard has implemented a couple ways to achieve Classic packs for new players, so definitely take advantage of that. Re-shuffle all 40 gold quests and hope to get a Spectate a Friend quest, and the Tavern Brawls pack.

I would recommend Mage, Warlock and Hunter as "beginner" heroes. Each has cheap decks that can take you to Legend. Mage and Warlock would be my preferred as there are many decks you can create. Mage: Mech/Flamewaker/Freeze/Echo, Warlock: Zoo/Demons/Handlock. Hunter has the cheapest competitive deck but can't do much else.

My highest recommendations for new players:
  • Seriously consider purchasing Naxx & BRM with money. If you don't then you will be crippling yourself for a while. The gold you spend unlocking them could have gone toward packs/arenas. If you plan to take it slow then fine but it might frustrate you to be missing so many "core" cards.
  • Play a cheap mage deck, probably Flamewaker or Mech. Arenas will be giving you GvG cards so mech shouldnt be too expensive. You shouldn't have to craft too many cards at all.
  • While playing Mage, work on building a Zoo deck with Warlock. Most cards are neutrals which can be used in other decks.
  • Transition your Zoo deck into a Demon deck if you manage to acquire or craft Mal'Ganis. (GvG card, could get lucky).
  • Hunter will use a lot of the same neutrals that zoo will use. Problem I have with hunter is it is boring and 1-dimensional, and even a bit frustrating at times. Hunter is meant to churn out as many games as quickly as possible and maintain a >50% win rate. The common misconception is hunter has a good win rate. You can win fast but you can lose just as fast. Hunter teaches bad habits, bad mindset and the deck doesn't transition into anything. Warlock has a nice transition: Zoo > Demon > Handlock.
This is great info, thank you. A couple questions: (1) Since it costs 4x more to make a card then to d/e one, shouldn't I just be keeping all the cards I have and d/e any extras? There are certainly classes I prefer over others, but given how the meta can shift, is it a good idea to put all my eggs in one basket?

(2) Is it bad to start with a rogue, as opposed to mage/lock/hunter? Just from the packs I've opened, I have a lot of high-value rogue cards and I think I can put together a pretty good deck. Was your point just that its easier to start with those classes, because you can make decent, cheap decks?


Golden Squire
Make whatever deck you can but there's only one good rogue deck and its one of the hardest in the game to play well.


Yeah, the super-random element makes it a bit silly. You could try to predict which class over a thousand runs would win most (I'm betting Mage/Hunter but really, could be any of them) but there's little point. Just pick one and get your win and pack quick enough.


Molten Core Raider
Managed to pull a King Krush early from a spider.

Thanks for the pack. Cya next week.