

Blackwing Lair Raider
All what you run into most likely, mid-range hunter is a good match up against all forms of warrior and nearly half of his matches were warrior.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yep, if you aren't seeing a ton of warrior I would switch to something else.
Unless you are playing against me, in which case you are guaranteed to draw and cast both CoTW back to back on turns 8 and 9 and it won't matter what I'm playing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Updated getting pushed...

A new patch has been pushed the the live servers. Within it, an activate flag was updated under an event!

set_rotation_2016_free_packs is no longer set to None but rather "set_rotation_2016_free_packs"

We aren't certain what this means but we'll update if we find out!
Free pack event certainly sounds like adventure time. "Set rotation" though? The rotation happens in early 2017 right?

They are announcing Thursday, didn't they drop the adventure the very next week after announcing last time? We could see this shit as early as Tuesday. Of course it might be September before any meaningful meta shakeups given the weekly wing style release schedule.

Still, will be good to see the cards and try to determine if it is even likely to do much for the meta. Priest needs some fucking help FFS Blizz, do something.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Here's the deck I've been running for the past week or so with a couple changes after seeing the "BogChamp" deck from Seatstory:


Had 2x Flamewreathed, removed 1 for Bog Creeper
Had Yogg, removed for Faceless Manipulator

Rest has been pretty much set. Think I saw Thisj run a deck similar to this which inspired me.

N'Zoth is a nice finisher against the harder control decks because if you play it right you could have 2-3x Sylvanas or Cairnes and now with Faceless Manip there's even more janky shit you can do.

Yogg was never really too impactful. Already a ton of removal and healing so didn't really do much and you don't spam spells with this deck as compared to Yogg Druid, so the Yoggs weren't too big. Still fun though and might assist with card draw in a pinch.
Having fun with this deck. I have been wanting to play a few of these cards in a competitive nature. I am missing one Doomsayer but put it in the 3/2 guy that unlocks your crystals in its place for now.


Trakanon Raider
man.. I didn't play for a week and I feel like I've regressed a month of play time, especially in arena. Getting lots of 2-4 win runs again, when I was starting to hit 5-7 range more.

I guess my MTG habits are just too deeply ingrained in me or what, but I play attrition/control decks well and screw up anything else in arena most of the time. Is it just a matter of knowing what 'bad thing' your opponent is most likely to do the next turn are and trying to play around that? I play around sweepers as much as possible, but it feels like my options are pretty limited on most turns. i.e. turn 4 and I only have one 4 drop, and not two 2 drops to play. Playing a single 2 drop looks horrible based on the board, so I don't see how that is even an option. If I go face too much, I run out of steam and they win at like 5 health. If I trade too much (unless I'm playing attrition/control decks) also causes me to run out of steam where their last big thing just wrecks me.

I watch adwcta and merps do co-ops together, and it seems like they just have more options on most turns. I'll even pause it and decide what I'd do, and it lines up with what they end up doing 90+% of the time. The few times it doesn't, they don't give a real explanation other then 'that seems bad..' without explaining why it would have been bad.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Anybody looking to hit legend right now I hit it with kolentos midrange hunter , it was probably my easiest legend since Force + Savage druid was around.

Mulligans are pretty simple, keep 1 and 2 drops as well as eagle horn and animal comp (can keep quickshot against warriors if you think they might be dragon as it handles that dumb 3-3 charge nicely). The abusive sergeant was good sometimes but i'm on the fence about it. I feel like another tracking instead of it might be better.

Thanks for the list littles, I played it today and received my first death threat


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Mark of the Wild seems very questionable.
Sea Giant is the Firebat addition from Seatstory, and he wasn't too successful with it from what I recall.
Wild has no spells you would want in Yogg Druid except maybe Poison Seeds but likely no since Wild has too much Deathrattle which is why Poison Seeds was always useless.

Starting with Innervates is a good way to get fast wins as a Token/Yogg Druid though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think it's more about having access to better minions, although I play token yogg, not conventional yogg. Mire keepers become shredders, and you probably try to find room for creepers. But yeah, yogg druid loses a lot of relative power going to wild. In fact, I'd probably cut Fandral and something else for sludge belchers too. Or maybe not Fandral, but I'd definitely find room for belchers.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I think it's more about having access to better minions, although I play token yogg, not conventional yogg. Mire keepers become shredders, and you probably try to find room for creepers. But yeah, yogg druid loses a lot of relative power going to wild. In fact, I'd probably cut Fandral and something else for sludge belchers too. Or maybe not Fandral, but I'd definitely find room for belchers.
I think the Wild version wouldn't have Yogg at all. It would be Token druid with Deathrattles and an N'Zoth finisher. Shredders/Eggs/Belchers/Raptors/etc.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I wouldn't use eggs but yeah cutting Yogg is a good idea. Less need for a hail mary when you have an easier time sticking creatures on the board.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's why the five brawl quest sucks. Its not worth the extra 20 gold when it can take for fucking ever. I always reroll it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is the worst fucking brawl to have the win 5 quest. FML.

I may reroll it... this is brutal.
This one can go pretty fast if you game the system a bit. Pick a class like druid or shaman and then enter a duel, you are looking for 2 things -
1. you want to go second if possible
2. you want to mulligan for high mana creatures

If you fail either or both of those, especially the 2nd, don't bother sticking around and wasting time hoping to pull out of it, just concede and go on to the next one.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Since you only get 1 quest per day, the amount of time spent on the quest doesn't matter, only the total gold you get. But if you really hate a certain brawl that much, I guess it's only 20g lost at most.